《The Epic of Gaia》Chapter 4: The Time I Saw A Fight


Right past the gate were stalls lined up to the center of the plaza, where a water fountain was.

They were filled with people selling all kinds of things, ranging from food to weapons and all kinds of exotic things.

This section of the city was the lower part where poor families and the like lived.

The middle was where the artisans, craftsmen, and other skilled workers lived.

Finally, there was the upper section, where all the nobles and royalty lived.

The reason I had come to this place was the rumor I heard before about a hero being here.

It always subjective whether or not someone actually is a hero.

There are no clear definitions of it.

Usually it’s someone insanely strong with light magic that fights for justice or something like that.

I’ve come here to evaluate this “hero” of Foren.

If they’re strong then it means that they’ll eventually fight other strong beings as well.

I will hopefully join their party and their adventures.

This is a nice change of pace than me just wandering around looking for foes.

I wandered through the lower section for a while before I saw a huge building.

It was a large circular structure that could only be a coliseum.

Usually fighting tournaments and slave fights happened here, depending on the country the country’s laws.

Foren was the capital of Emisia, which didn’t allow slaves.

But the nobles anywhere always love gambling.

That means one of them can notice me and I could get hired.

I’ll eventually cross paths with their hero this way which was my train of thought.

But when I went to the desk. . .

“Sorry, entry for the tournament is closed”

The old man behind the counter said that it had already started.

A little disappointed, I decided to go watch anyways.


I threw the man some coins and walked in.

The strength of the warriors here should help me see how much power I should use.

Unfortunately, most of the fights were boring.

So, I just started to talk to a random granny near me on the stand.

“Um excuse me, I just got in to the city. Is it true that there’s a hero here?”

“Oh, you’re talking about Arthur, aren’t you?”

“Is he the hero?”

“Well that’s what the king said, why look there the hero is now”

She pointed to one of the higher stands where the nobles were.

There was a man sitting on a chair who was watching the fights with a bored look.

He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a face that hinted at a good bloodline.

He wore white clothing with gold lining throughout it.

If the old lady didn’t mention the king separately, I would have assumed this man to be him.

“Does he always spectate?”

“No, today is special. His companion Greer is participating. He’s one of the hero’s party members along with Arte”


Nothing exciting really happened after that until the man Greer himself stepped out.

He was a huge man with dark hair and dark eyes.

He exuded confidence as he stepped out, carrying a giant silver and black axe.

This axe was different from normal ones.

Its handle was about as long as a typical spear’s.

So, this more of a polearm with an axe head attached to it.

“IN THIS CORNER IS GRRRREEEEEEERRRR, the man who fights alongside the hero and has the power to split the

Earth itself. Can his opponent defeat one with such a reputation?”

"AND ON THE SIDE IS YYYYYMMMAAALLLL, the man who can cleave the winds and an experienced mercenary with


years of combat"

Greer’s opponent looked like an experience warrior with scars on his arms and armor.

He also carried a big weapon, in this case it was a great sword.

But I got the feeling that Greer was going to win this easily.


The crowd shouted with cries of excitement as the two started to stare each other down.

Ymal started to approach Greer but Greer didn’t do anything.

He started to use some jabs to test out Greer.

Suddenly, Greer raised his axe up and slammed it towards Ymal.

He dodged right and went for Greer’s open side.

But it was an actually a feint and midway, Greer changed directions and caught Ymal in his exposed side instead.

Ymal managed to block with his sword but was sent tumbling to the ground nonetheless.

Then Greer walked up to him and knocked him in to the air.

He leaped up and started to glow.

[Star Crusher]

It looked like he was using a martial skill.

When a person uses their mana in a conjunction with a physical attack, it’s not counted as magic.

Ymal was sent flying backwards in to the opposite wall and collapse in a heap.

The crowd went silent when he smashed in to the wall.

I suspected he was heavily injured and soon enough, two people came to drag him out.

“Oh, and it looks like, Greer is the winner of the tournament”

The announcer shouted with great vigor.

“Is there no one who can match me? That wasn’t even a warm up!!”

Greer started to rile the crowd up.

“I’ll double the prize if anyone can beat me!!!”

At this statement, several people started to run down in to the field.

But with one swing, Greer knocked them all away.

That’s when I decide it was my turn.

I pulled my robe up to cover my mouth and put on my hood.

This would make for a better reveal later.

I jumped on to the field and met his eyes.

“How about an actual fight?”

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