《A book fanatic's Journey through a Fantasy World》Chapter 20: Ruler of the forest


I was thinking how I should let you guys know when I rewrote a chapter and decided that the best way would be by posting a new chapter and say in it that I rewrote the first chapter.


It was a really good decision to avoid living with those sisters, I have the feeling that if I stayed in that house, I would have raised some flags towards the harem ending.

But now I need to improve my Soul Shredding Claw by learning how to use it in both hands. I also should improve my Armor of the Devourer by actually making it devour enemy attacks.

Let's get started. Oh, I can't forget to go back in three days to spar with them again.



I sit down and begin to focus on improving the strength of my miasma.

After three days I'll go back to the house and give them another beating and then return to my training. I really should start training in the Chained Dragon. Normally, the body of a child would be too weak to endure the harsh training, but because of that God of Imprisonment, my body has been strengthened making it even stronger than that of most animals, this really saved me a lot of time, since I don't have to train my body.

Also, my body is still growing and becoming stronger. Now how do I train in this technique?

Let me see, I need two sets of chains and then I just need to keep repeating the exercises. What kind of chains should I use? I have the God sealing chains, but I would prefer to keep them as a trump card. I could always try to make chains from miasma. Yeah, let's do that.

I need to wrap the chains around my arm and then use them as an extension of my body in order to bind enemies. It says the most important things is to never use the chains as a real attack but to support a attack. This will be fun.

There are four stages of the Chained Dragon. The first is the beginner stage. In this stage, you learn how to use the chains to displace your enemies. The concept is very simple actually, you just box them in with the chains. They want to dodge to the right, you throw your chains to the right and then when they dodge your chains you go in for the attack. They will still be dodging the chains, so they will have a hard time dodging your attack.

The second stage, the adept stage, is all about wrapping your chains around the enemy and manipulating their body.

The third stage is the advanced stage. In this stage, you manipulate the surrounding objects. Like throwing rocks at them, or anchoring your chains into the ground to launch yourself to that spot.

The fourth stage is the so-called master stage. In this stage, you fuse the previous stage to form your own form. This stage is extremely hard and it says that only a selected few are able to reach this far.

To train more smoothly I made a schedule. The first day will be training in the chained dragon, the second day will be training my Claw and Armor and the third day will be training in other Death Arts. After three days I will spar with those two sisters and then start over again.


The last seven months I have made great improvements. I never knew how much time I waste by sleeping until I stopped sleeping. I have been able to complete the claw part of the Soul Shredding Claw. Now I am able to clad both of my arms in miasma. Also, the corrosiveness of that miasma is way stronger than before.


My armor of the Devourer now actually devours enemy attacks. It can absorb anything arrows, spells and weapons, but it has a threshold of how much it can absorb. After reaching that threshold it will fall apart and I won't be able to use it for a day. The only way to increase how much it can absorb is by releasing the armor and wait for it too, you could say digest the attacks.

I also have been able to master the beginner phase of the Chained Dragon and have started learning the adapt stage.

I have made the most improvements with learning new Death Arts. I have learned three new techniques. The first one is called the Heavens eye. The technique takes a bit of my death aura and rapidly expands it making it very spread out and thus unnoticeable. This allows me to notice any movement within that expanded area. My expanded area is around five kilometers big, so big enough to notice if anyone is approaching the house. The only downside is that the core area that applies pressure to the enemy has become smaller thanks to this technique.

The other Art is the Soul Seeping Javelin. This is nothing too flashy despite its name. I just create a Javelin of miasma and throw it at the enemies or that is what they think, but this miasma is a bit different. This miasma actually also slowly drains the enemy's strength and adds it to mine.

I have not been able to incorporate it in any other technique, to be honest, I don't even know what makes it different from normal miasma.

The third one is a bit special. I actually created it myself, well kind off. I based it off another technique. The concept is very simple, I keep injecting some miasma into the ground but only let it eat away certain parts of the grounds. After a while, the ground will collapse forming a giant pitfall of miasma. I call this move Corrosion. The handiest part of this move is that I can use the miasma of attacks that missed to corrode the ground.

Well, it is time to finally challenge the ruler of this whole forest. I learned of its existence by accident. The reason why almost no one has ever seen him before is simple, the humans in the village are like ants to it. It has no reason to crush them. He is the kind of beast that would hunt Big White for fun. After defeating him there is no monster left that is strong enough to beat me and I will focus the remaining four months on comprehending the adapt stage of the Chained Dragon and I will also start to learn the Ruthless star.

The ruler is actually a Winged Tiger, a tiger that actually can fly. This will be my first confrontation with a flying creature, but I believe in myself and I worked out a plan.

I can hear a roar as the tiger notices me approaching its den. I walk out of my hiding spot and as he notices that I want to fight, he lets out a deafening roar before flames start to cover him and he pounces towards me.

"Claw, Armor, Chains, Corrosion."

I cast four of my spells and then throw my chain on my left arm towards him. He is forced to stop his jump by flying downwards.

"Javelin array."

I launch five javelins at him while he is still dodging my chain. By doing some acrobatics he is able to dodge all of the javelins and then throws a few fire bolts at me. This will be a good test to see how strong my armor is. The fireballs hit me and the flames get devoured, but the heat stays. This could be dangerous, I would rather not be cooked alive in my armor.


Now it is time for my counter. I throw the chain around my left hand straight towards him, aiming for his right front paw and I throw the chain around my right arm in a long arc aiming for his left back paw. He dodges the first chain but did not see the second one coming. As the chain starts devouring his paw he lets out a cry of pain and flies high up. I use the chain around his paw chain to launch myself up.

Before he knows it I am hovering above him and form a sledgehammer with my two claws and hit him on the back. The force behind the punch throws him towards the ground. I use the chain around his paw to pull myself closer to the falling animal and grab his neck. He lets out a roar and tries to fire a big fireball at me, but before has the chance we hit the ground. Under the weight of the giant beast the ground, that I have hollowed out with my miasma, gives out and he falls into the miasma.

He tries to fly away but the miasma has already partially devoured his wings. I slowly walk up to him and grab his neck.

"Be a good kitty and ......."

His head explodes and throws me into the wall, breaking my armor and almost killing me.

"Hahaha, I really underestimated you. Who would have thought you decided to blow yourself up to kill me? You earned my respect.

The whole right side of my body has been charred. After a few seconds, everything starts to restore itself.

"This healing power is really broken, it even restored my hair."

I look down at my clothes and see that I am practically naked. I walk out of the hole to my backpack and take out the last set of clothes that I have on me. The elders told me they won't be giving me any more clothes after this set since I destroy them almost weekly.

So where do I get them? Maybe in the village of the villagers that I saw after killing the white wolf. Shit, I forgot to keep my Heavens Eye activated. Let me quickly do that.

Damn it I fucked up again. Well, it is too late to get away.


We have almost arrived at our destination. It was hard to get hold of this mission. I still remember when the guild announced that a three to five headed hydra had been spotted. Everyone under the gold rank wanted to get that mission because you can sell every part of a hydra for a big amount of money.

We are lucky that we ended up getting to be the seventh party with the right to investigate. The other six did not find it but they did find its prey.

So there is no doubt that it lives in that forest.

"So Tom, how are we going to split the tasks when we arrive?" - Katja

Katja is the rogue of the party, her job is to quickly eliminate unsuspecting enemies. She is a Demi-human of the cat-race.

"Mhhh, I guess that you and Liana could go out and look for tracks if that is fine by you two. "

Lianna is a demi-human of the wolf-kin and also the hunter and swordsmen of the party. She is the best at tracking down enemies and uses two short swords as a weapon.

"Sure." - Lianna

"If you say please we need your help great Katja." - Katja

"Not gonna happen, Arvon will you help Lianna with searching for tracks."

Arvon is the healer of the party. He is a real softie and the only human in this party together with me. He also is my boyfriend.

"No please wait I was just joking, I will help her, please I want to run around in the forest." - Katja

"You know we need to work, if Lianna tells me you just played around then you will get no alcohol tonight."

"I will be a good girl."- Katja

"Then Arvon, will you accompany me when I meet the elder and help with shopping for supplies?"

"Of course."- Arvon

I am the tank of the party and the leader.

"And Ella could you...no never mind."

"Please tell me, everyone has to do something, I don't want to be left out." - Ella

Ella is a demon, she sort of is the mage of the party but her situation is a bit strange, she sort of got accidentally summoned during a mission and has been stuck with us ever since. It is not like she has been bonded to us but she sort of has nowhere else to go and we feel guilty. I don't like to give her orders, I don't know why, it just feels wrong.

"Could you just look around for strange magic activity?"

"Eh... Sure mister Tom." - Ella

She also has the habit of calling me and Arvon mister and Katja and Lianna lady.

"Please just call me Tom."

"I am sorry." - Ella

"You don't have to be. I already told you that we are friends ever since you joined the party."- Tom

A conversation we have had many times already, I wonder what kind of life she has led before this.

We will see each other at nightfall before the inn.

"Okey."- everyone


After a few hours, I hear a loud roar as I am talking with the elder.

"I know that roar, I heard it only once but I will never forget it." - Elder

"Elder, what is that?"

"Ah sorry for spacing out adventurer, that was the roar of the forest lord. You need to hurry up, it is most likely fighting the hydra." - Elder

"Thank you, we will go now."

"Arvon use the communication talisman to send the orders, tell them not to engage combat no matter what."

"Will do."


"Everyone has arrived, it seems like the fighting has stopped, let's see what is going on."

Everyone draws their weapons and slowly moves in.

We can see a giant crater filled with the same kind of black goo that was found in the wolf. We look around and see an almost naked child with horns and strange eyes walking out of the crater taking some clothes out of his backpack and change into them before looking at us.

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