《A book fanatic's Journey through a Fantasy World》Chapter 14: Trail


Sorry for taking such a long time but my exams started last Monday and I was really tired. They will end next Thursday.


It has been two days since the mission and tomorrow is the day that I will be judged and I am quite worried.

It is not that I am that worried about my life for the simple reason that I know for certain that they will not give me the death sentence since I am the second daughter of the chief of the golden dragon clan, but I guess I will at least lose my freedom maybe I will be married off to a member of one of the other clans.

No the person that is making me worry is that William, because I feel quite guilty that he got into this mess because of me.

Normally there would be no trouble even if he was an outsider but Veronica will without doubt claim he killed the other clan members. They will believe her even if I say she is lying because what sounds better, that a that an outsider killed those clan members or that the next chief of the golden dragon clan killed them. Also she has a chance of becoming a paragon so she is way more valuable then me so even if they believe me they will most likely ignore the truth.

Well I guess I should enjoy my last day of freedom lets see, I have visited every place that I wanted to visit except outside, I would sure love to see the outside sun again. Well I guess I will just visit that William guy and give him some advise. I hope he doesn't hate me for getting him into this mess.

Prison – Dragon Caverns


As I arrive at the prison I can see the guard jump up from his chair and hastily trying to make a bow. This is one thing that I won't miss, I really hate it how polite everyone acts around me, but I would be damned if they did not gossip and call me that good for nothing lady in secret.

“I would like to meet a prisoner.”

“Of course Milady.”

As I enter the building I can hear the guard muttering something under his breath before closing the door behind me. Now in which cell did they trow him. As I turn around the corner I can my sister Veronica and two of my clansman standing before a cell.

“Get out your trial has been rescheduled to now.” -Veronica


“Did you not hear me get out this is an order.” -Veronica

“Guards pull him out.” -Veronica

“Yes Milady!” -Guards

I can see the guards dragging a small body out of the cell. After that Veronica kicks the body into my direction and I let out a small shriek.

“Oh little sister did not expect to see you here, but I am happy that you are since it will save me the trouble of finding you to give you your punishment. Oh and guards check that guy for vitals” -Veronica

“What are you talking about Si.. Milady wasn't my trial supposed to be tomorrow?”

“Well I pushed them a little and they decided to hold your trial this morning.” -Veronica

“And wasn't I supposed to be there.”


“No there was no need for that since they believe my side of the story without question.” -Veronica

She really planned all of this out pretty well if I would not know better I would think that William guy was actually working for her.

“You have been stripped of your privileges as a member of my house and will become a slave of little Juniper. Well I say slave but actually you just need to keep acting like a sister and protect her.” -Veronica

Wait I just need to act as the guardian of my little sister, no doubt that dad pulled some strings to lessen my punishment. I am overjoyed to see that her little scheme did not go as planned. As I think this I get pulled out of my thoughts by the shouting of one of the guards.

“Milady no signs of vitals detected.” -Guard

“Out of my way I will check it myself.” -Veronica

“Mhh......., you are right how strange I wonder how he died.” -Veronica

Veronica trows the corps away and shouts “Burn that corpse.”

“By your command Milady.” -Guards


Oh, I really had a good nap. I feel like new, well I guess I am. Can't wait to test out this new body. But I got to say that Crow played a really ugly trick on me, leaving me in this shit-hole.

Well at least she gave me two cool combat techniques, one is called the chained dragon, it is based on using chains in both hands to guide and bind the enemy and then finish him off using a claw attack.

The other one is called the Ruthless Star and as far as I know it is about storing power in your limbs and then when you hit someone releasing it all in one go resulting in an attack that can transcend the users limit, but will result in the destruction of the used limb. I can really see where they get the ruthless part of the name. I don't get which madman would develop or use such a technique, well unless they got a regeneration that is equal to or surpasses mine. Well i don't look forward to using it.

She also left me some guides on death magic. There are a few so called Death Arts. A Death Art is just a fancy name for a technique that uses death magic. The most interesting ones are the Soul Shredding Claw and the Six Realms of Rebirth.

There are also some general guides that explain about the more basic parts of death magic, which will come in really handy, cause if I have to totally honest I have no idea what I am doing.

I gotta say this magic imprint thingy is really useful, I was even able to comprehend it while my body was dead. Not really sure how that worked, but I was really surprised when suddenly a big pile of knowledge forced itself into me and even more surprised when I read all of it.

Really that unreliable crow, never here when I need her, but I do wonder when I will be able to see her again.

“Burn that corpse.” -???

Oh I know that voice, it was of that bitch that trashed me around and then played with Ariel. But I do wonder what corpse they are talking about. To bad I can't really move just yet seems like I am still getting synched with my new body. I do wonder who's corpse they are talking about I just hope they did not trow one in my cell?


“By your command Milady.” -???

Those are most likely the guards of this place, not being able to see sucks, blind people really got my compassion.

I get pulled up by two pairs of strong rough hands. Wait am I the corpse, this ain't good. Even with my healing power I won't survive long while being roasted before running out of life energy to consume. I just need to talk, come on mouth work. After a long and exhausting mental struggle I can feel my control returning to my body, I open my eyes and succeed in mumbling:

“Wh-ich ….... Cor-p-se”

Totally worth it to say those words, the shocked expression of these guys is just amazing. I get dropped on the floor by the Guards and can see both of them drawing a sword. That bitch on the other hand just looks dumbfounded at me and it looks like Ariel has gained another small mental trauma.

“How in the dragons name did this happen, well this is better like this, chain him up and drag him to the hall of justice!.” -Bitc


“..............eh, Yes Milady.” - Guards

Seems like the guards are still taken aback my little returning from the realm of the dead trick.

Well lets see how good this jury is at acting like it is impartial.

As I pass Ariel I can hear her mumble something: “If you are sentenced to death shout out 'Challenge'

Hall of justice


“I now declare the trail of the outsider as opened. Guards drag him in!.” -Herald

As I get dragged into the building I can see a lot of locals standing outside ready to trow stones at me and I can't even try to dodge since I have been completely chained up to a cart. They really are being really careful , since they even blindfolded my right(crimson) eye. I wonder why they did that, did they now that my strongest technique is linked with with the vision of that eye.

I am incapable of control mana or releasing my death aura until the master of the seal has given me permission. Well I could try to force my death aura out and die in the process, most likely I will be able to regenerate the damage, but since I do not know how the slavery seal will try to kill me ,I can't be sure of being able to survive. Lets use that as my last resort.

After the crowd has had their fun of trowing rocks at me, I get guided inside inside by the six guards that are following the herald. As I enter a small dark room, I can see five big stone chairs in different colors with 3 old men and 2 old woman wearing differently colored robes sitting on them.

After dropping me off the guards and the herald the leave the room and close the totally out of proportion wooden door behind them. I have to say these five fossils remind me of the Power Rangers, I wonder if they to can combined into a bigger dragon.

“Well first of all I guess we will have to offer you an apology.” -Yellow robed male Elder

Oh, I expected a lot but not this.

“You seem surprised, did you really think we would sent out a squad to the outside world without a way to spy on them.” - Blue robed female Elder

“Well looking at the treatment I got it did not like this trail was gonna end good for me.”

“Yes we get your surprise, but this facade was necessary to keep Veronica from meddling with our judgment.”- Yellow


“Yes the one that captured you.” Black robed female Elder

“Oh that bitch.”

“Yes that...... like you said so graciously, bitch.”- Blue

“Ahahahaahhahah I am starting to like this kid.” -Red robed Male Elder

“Yes his attitude seems compatible with yours.” - Green robed Male Elder

“Not that that is good thing.” - Blue

“Ehhh, can we continue with the explanation.”

“Oh sorry about that, where where we oh yes Veronica. If she thinks we are going to kill you why would she try use her influence to force us to kill you.” - Blue

“Smart, but why did you do it.”

We did all of this to try and stop her from becoming the next golden dragon clan head.” -Blue

“That pup really thought that she could fool us, but we can't really publicly oppose her since the clans aren't allowed to mingle with the internal business of the other clans. But we have agreed to make an exception to stop her since her character really is to vile.” - Black

“We are quite lucky that golden dragon clan head doesn't have a seat in this court, since his clan delivers the punishment to the convicts." -Black

Oh they are using one of the ideas of Montesquieu, namely the separation of power. Montesquieu said that for the safety of a community no one should have the power to decide if one is guilty and have the right to perform the punishment.

“So lets get tot he point, what do you want me to do in order to remain alive?”

“Oh, getting straight to the point, I like it. It is very simple actually you just need to become the guard and training companion for the second in line inheritor of the golden dragon clan, Juniper.” -Red

“Is that all?”

“Yes, you just need help Juniper become stronger.” -Blue

“So no things like assassinations or shady business?”

“At least not until she grows stronger and we can take care of those kind of things." -Blue

“So why give me this chance?”

“Well you are of the same age as her and we where quite intrigued by your magic.” -Red

“And you are not afraid I will do anything to her?”

“No, after seeing you grand mercy to Ariel and her companions even after she attacked you convinced us of your good nature. A sincere act like that lets us know more about you then all those years around these two faced clan members of us.” -Red

“So do you agree?” -Black

“Do I have another option?”

The red elder starts grinning before saying: “Yes of course we can give you to Veronica, I think she would love to 'play' with a young boy like you.”

“I think I will pick option one.”

“Good choice.” - Red

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