《A book fanatic's Journey through a Fantasy World》chapter 5: awakening


Sorry for the delay.

Tomorrow is my fifth birthday and I have never been so hyped up about anything in both of my lives. Normally I don't really care about my birthday but this time it is special because after that day there will be a chance that I will be able to use magic.

I kind of forgot about the existence of magic for a long time but after seeing that noble brat use it I have not been able to think about anything else.

Oh, I really hope I have a good aptitude. What kind of magic should I use maybe fire magic or would that be to mainstream. What about lightning magic, or maybe ice!!!!!!!!!!


I start to scream becouse it feels like my head is being ripped apart from the inside. Wait I know this feeling............ shit its the same feeling from when those old lunatics injected me with that liquid. It hurts so much. Just make it stop, please make it stop. I run up to the wall and start bashing my head against it in order to fall unconscious. I keep bashing my head against the wall but to no avail. After what seemed like an eternity the pain starts to fade away.

I am really happy that Peter, mom and my little sister are shopping otherwise mom might start to feel guilty again and become depressed and that is one of the last things I want to see again. If I had to choose to make mom depressed or be plagued by this pain for eternity I would choose the pain without doubt.

I run to the bathroom to check for any wounds that I would have to hide from my parents. I look into the big copper plate that acts like a mirror and my mind goes blank.

I start touching my head with my arms and confirm that I am not just seeing things I really got horns.

“Yeeeesssssssss” I let out a loud cry of joy and start crying. I have horns now. Oh how long I have wanted horns. It feels like one of my biggest wishes just has come out. My horns are pitch black and pretty thick. They look a lot like the horns of the MC of a novel I used to read. You could say that they look like smaller bull horns pointed forward. But for some reason there seems to be a red light pulsating trough them.


As I recover from the joy of growing demon horns I notice that my eyes changed as well. Well actually the color changed into gold. I never heard of anyone having that color before.

Suddenly I feel something moving in my pants I stick my hand out to it and grab it. To my great surprise the thing I caught is actually a tail.

Sweet I really got the total packet out of this transformation the only thing I am missing are wings. Maybe they will grow latter?

But enough admiring my new body. The real questions are why did I transform now and can I use magic.

Lets think for a moment. The only real thing I that comes to my mind is that drug that I got injected into me when I was born and for the reason why it happened a day early I guess that my mom got my date of birth wrong because you can't really see the sun inside a facility. Most likely she thought that the day when we escaped was the day I was born, an understandable mistake.

Now for the more important question of the two, lets see if I can use magic. I try feel the mana around me and I get overwhelmed by all the blue energy around me. So this is what it feels like I have only read about events like this but it really feels like a whole new world opened up to me. This feels amazing.

What to try first. Lets see if I can move the mana around me. I try to release a bit of the mana inside of me with the purpose of guiding the flow of mana outside. This is the foundation of any kind of magic or so I have heard.

As I try to release the mana outside of my body trough my breathing, again the most basic of ways that only beginners need to use, the mana forcefully makes it way trough my body until it reaches my head. Instead of releasing a bit of blue mana they release a bit violent looking red mana.


The moment that the red mana comes into contact with the mana from the outside I can feel a surge of power going trough me an I can force the mana from outside that has turned red to anything I want.

I don't think it is supposed to be like this. From what I know a mage guides mana to use magic. In the process quit a bit of their inner reserves are used especially when one is untrained. So how does it come that I with only a bit of my mana I can command not guide all this mana. What if I raise the concentration of my red mana in the outside. I release about a fifth of my inner reserves and I can feel the blue mana starting to shake and turning red. After a bit all the mana in my vicinity has turned into red mana. As I try to guide the mana I notice that it listens perfectly to my commands.

I guess that human experiment is responsible for this. Of course it could be that that shitty god noticed my condition and gave me this power as a way of apologizing.

Well I got a real problem here how do I hide my horns and tails. Maybe if I focus hard enough I can get them to turn invisible or something. As I concentrate on my horns I feel that they are actually a big cluster of that red mana. So that means if I command it it should listen right? Come on horns, eyes and tail please hide yourself. After a bit I feel like I just lost some weight. I check on notice that my horns and tail are gone and that my eyes turned blue.

But after hiding my horns I no longer have that much control over the mana outside. I think my control lessened by about 90%. Well even if it is just 10% I still have a lot of control over this mana. It makes me think that my “true” control is just overkill. I try to make them reappear again and they show up again pretty convenient.

I hide them again and notice the big wound on my head that I totally forgot because of my excitement. Well actually I am surprised that the wound is only about a fist big and did only pierce my skin. No fractures ore anything like that. Of course there is nothing strange about it not breaking my skull until you look at the wall that I was banging my head against and see a big gaping hole in it.

As I force the mana into my wound to start healing it I hear my family entering the house.

I start to panic when is see that my wound has not faded yet and start forcing more mana into it. I have to tell you that the way I am healing myself is one of the easiest en most primitive way of healing of course it waists a lot of mana. After a few second the “wound” is completely gone.

Just in time, I run downstairs and greet my mom.

As she looks at me she drops the bags she was holding and calls Peter and starts whispering to him: “Peter I made a mistake his birthday is today not tomorrow he has already awakened. Oh I am so sorry”

“No problem sweetheart, but look at his eyes they are blue he really got lucky didn't he.”, he answers, “So how do you want to call him?”

“William, my little Will.”

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