《A book fanatic's Journey through a Fantasy World》Chapter 4: New family


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It seems I had a serious misconception. I tried to stop them from doing fun things because they where not married yet but it seems like that in this world you need to have a child before you can marry. The child acts like some sort of seal on the pact of man and woman.

Talking about a child mom has been pregnant for almost nine months now. It seems like I will soon get a real father and a younger sibling. I don't really care if it is a boy or a girl.

Having either seems like fun if its a sister I can play the overly concerned brother and scare the shit out all of her potential boyfriends and if it is a boy I can play the cool elder brother that has the attention of his female classmates. Of course I would build up some sort of ultimate bro pact whit him first.

I even get a soul to torment out of this deal namely my future father. He is acting extremely nice to me ever since the small mental breakdown I had because of him. I am not entirely sure why I even had it in the first place and I really hope I don't have more of those traumatic memories who are waiting to show up again to give a little shock.

But the strangest thing is that this memory of my so called mother leaving me feels so strange and how do I say this I it doesn't feel like one of my memories. The reason which makes me doubt this memory is because as far as I as I know I never even met my mother from my previous life.

So where does this memory come from.

Well better stop thinking about it from now it only makes me feel depressed.

Lets think about something more pleasant.......

Yeah I am almost 4 years old so that means I will only have to wait for a little bit before I know my magic potential. Well even if I can't be a mage I will become something like a knight.


But the last few months my life has become dangerous. The reason for this is that my mother is being plagued by some serious mood changes. One moment she is happily cooking and then she suddenly start crying and when you try to comfort her she something gets a fit of rage.

My future father and I forged a real bond of brothers in arms these last months. We worked together increase our chances of surviving.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”, I hear a cry of pain originating from our kitchen. I run over and see my mother chasing Peter with a broom. He looks at me with pleading eyes.

I man up and charge at my mother whilst crying “Mommy my head hurts.”

She stops running after peter and looks at me. Shit she isn't calming down.

She starts walking towards me and I start to walk backwards. Suddenly I feel the wall behind my back and my mother is still closing in on me.

So this will be my end. Well I had short but good life.

My mother is now right in front of me she raises the broom when she suddenly falls the ground.

Peter rushes over and shouts with a concerned voice:”dear what happened.”

My mother answers with a meek voice:”My water just broke.”

After she says that I can see Peters expression changing at a rapid pace. First concern then relief then joy and it ends in panic.

He picks my mother up in a princess carry and rushes to the bedroom and shouts to me:”go get the priestess.”

I rush out the house. On my why to the priestess I see a group of children blocking my way, the biggest boy who is about six years old then walks up the me and shouts:” I am a noble and you have to pay a silver coin if I want to pass.

Oh great already a thug at this age.

Well I don't have time for him I keep running straight ahead. And he tries to take me down.


I dodge him but two of his little goons gang up on me and trow me on the ground.

The noble brat walks up to me and starts kicking me.

Shit dad and mom are counting on me and if I can't get the priestess at least I should not make them worry about me.

I try to stand up and can barely remain standing. I almost fall down because my body is shaking uncontrollably. I feel something breaking inside of my body and a warm feeling spreads trough my veins. I can feel my muscles swelling up and the shaking stops.

The noble kid punches me but I catch his hand and start applying force to his hand. I can see a pained expression on his face. He start crying for me to stop.

To which I reply “Nonono I won't let you get away with this.”

To bad I don' have the time to thoroughly reeducate him. Well lets try a shortened version.

I punch him in the face and feel his nose breaking under the force of my hands. He gets thrown a few meters backwards and lands on his back.

At this point many adults have noticed what is going on.

He stands up and starts murmuring those strange words again and a fireball appears in his hands. He trows it at me and right before the impact my mind goes blank again and I see a scene of a young boy smeared with blood and surrounded by corpses. A mage trows a fireball at the boy.

Suddenly I am jerked from that “memory” and I see the small fireball flying my way. I close my eyes and wait for the impact.

When I open my eyes again I can see all the adults looking at me trying to figure out what just happened. I try to look for the fireball but I find it nowhere. The smell of burning cloth reaches my nose and I look down to see that my shirt has been burned off but that my skin doesn't even have the smallest injury.

I walk up to the noble boy and clench my fists together. I raise them above my head like a sledgehammer and start beating him after the third punch he falls down. I get on top of him and keep punching him. After a few minutes his face has turned into a bloody mess. It seems like a lot of his facial bones are broken and one of his eyes is just pulp.

All the adult look like they just witnessed a public execution.

I start running again until I reach the temple. I don't bother to knock and rush inside and start shouting:”Priest Mom is giving birth.” I see one female priestess running towards me whilst beckoning an acolyte. The priest gives me a strange look and then says: “Guide me to her.”

I guide the priestess to my house but I make sure to take a small detour as to not run into that noble brat again.

After arriving home my father asked what happened to my shirt and I just tell him I had a minor accident in my haste to get the priestess.

After an hour the priestess calls me and my father into the room.

As I enter the room I can see my mother holding a small child in her arms. She looks at us and then tells us its a girl. My father start crying from happiness. Wow I did not expect him to be such a softie.

The priestess stand up and starts mumbling some strange words again before saying:” By the authority given to me by the gods I declare Valerie and Peter now as married.”

Well that sure was anticlimactic. I expected there to be a grand ceremony and a big party but it seems like common folks just marry in private.

Well I am happy to have a little sister. I will be the best brother ever.

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