《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 21.


Chapter 21. plan

zeberu pov

When I first saw master Kurinai in his new form, I am shocked but recovered at the same time because his cuteness and lovable body make me want to cuddle him for a moment. But I prevented myself from embarrassing the majesty in front of this cockroach that his majesty brought to the first floor.

When I first brought up from suspended animation, master told me that we will be using the first floor as our base for the meantime and he ordered me to build the control room.

I’m worried for the moment since our current home is the first dimension, the defense of the first floor could not be compared to how is it before, besides we can’t covered everything because of some restriction that his majesty implied before he created our dungeon. the runes were encrypted to it was imbued by zeckery magic circle and that’s why I can only do some minor changes since it is not my domain and master can’t fully access the whole floor for the level restriction that was part of his transformation.

I was also amazed that frosty was there at his side after he revived master using his life force but I can feel that he seem to be different than before.

After I build the castle which was right for his majesty home, I bring them to the control room and after master Kurinai made some preparations I lead them to their rooms.

I command the battle maids and butlers to make an extra effort in attending the majesty needs and if they made even little mistakes they will be killed instantly. Right now we have 8 combat butlers and 80 combat maids to maintain the castle and guard it.

I was sitting at my office inside the castle, to organize everything and send it to the majesty before he wakes up. The current time is 8 o'clock in the morning and I barely done from doing all the preparations but his majesty is still sleeping and I’m glad that he likes his new chamber, though it is far from our old rooms but still, at this moment this is the only decent structure I can pull out in my [creation] spell.

" ahhhhhhhhh! At last! I’m done sorting with the last sheet of paper."

I stretch out my hands upward and stand up. I place the last documents in the stack of papers at the desk then I move forward to the door. It’s been 2 weeks already after we arrive at this village and at that moment, his majesty made some rules and regulations to the human who occupied the southern part and started to govern the village that's why we had the paperwork to process.

It's annoying that I need to do something for them, but it was his majesty order and I can't do anything about it.

In those weeks also we monitored the 5-kilometer radius outside this floor and we found out that the feloria kingdom made some moves to eradicate the monsters inside the forest and it’s only a matter of time before they discover this place.

I cast an illusion spell at the entrance of the cave and also to the entire floor to hide our base for the meantime. If zeckery is here he can make some strong illusion spells that can cover and protect us, but since I can’t cast a higher tier illusion due to the restriction, I need to do my duty to protect his majesty to my utmost ability.


As I move going through the dining hall, I pass by at his majesty chamber to check if he is still sleeping. I ask Kurogane and the battle maid posting beside the door if his majesty needs something. They answered that right now he was still sleeping and he did not mention anything.

Kurogane the head butler prepared the breakfast and made some preparations ahead after his majesty wakes up.

I’m glad that he is reliable in his work and he made his majesty comfortable in our new home. After I told some concerns about his majesty needs, I went ahead to the rooms where frozty and this new guy his majesty brought up and then the maid informed me that they are in the dining room already.

the new guy" tahuro" is an eight-tailed black fox which is said to be extinct already, but right now one of it is inside the castle. Maybe one of them escapes after the great hunting that made their species extinct. It was 400 years ago that their species is known for curative effects and can boost strength and magic capabilities.

Before human and other species are united and friendly to each other but after that big event, the drastic changes happen and every species flee and hide outside the human territory.

It was when the black 8 tailed fox and a human fall in love; the human adventurer traveled to the north and found the clan of the eight tailed black fox.

The human knows about the power they possess that's why he planned to get the heart of their queen which is said to be the source of power of the entire clan.

Their power can obliterate an entire kingdom but the only weakness they had been, is their queen. The source of their strong power comes from their queen so whatever happens to her they will also affected.

When the queen falls in love with a human who betrayed her later on in exchange for a million gold that’s when the whole clan began to perish. The heart of the queen who was the source of their power was gouge out by his lover when they are sleeping after making love.

The clan found out that the queen passed away when they feel that their power are getting weak and when a powerful magician from the kingdom came to their village they were all killed and because they can’t fight back because they are in a weak state where they could not able to move for the meantime that’s when the massacred happen.

after that momentous event, the relationship between human and the other species became hostile, that every time the monster meet a human they killed it and until now the situation still exist just because of that tragic event.

When I arrive at the dining hall, I already saw frozty and the fox talking to each other while leisurely sipping a tea.

I was annoyed that there's an addition to our group since the attention will be divided again before my competition is only Pitou, Lucas and emerald now this fox ugly being appeared. How am I going to be the first in the eyes of his majesty?


I wore a poker face as I walk towards the chair that is meant for me when the door open and an eight-year-old child appear. In his cute appearance no one could resist his charm.

As he sits on his chair in front of us, the maids bring the food one by one and pour us the coffee and water at the goblet, while Kurogane is standing beside his majesty in case he needs anything.

"ahhemmm! today were going to plant the legendary core in a dungeon I happen to discover 3 days ago when I was out surveying the depths of the forest outside the first floor," I switch my gaze from the coffee I sip to his majesty as he told us this news.

“and besides we stayed too long above the ground and I could not guarantee the safety of everyone if we continue living here" he added as he started to eat his breakfast.

We stop doing anything and look at him with surprise, planting a core needs to have a crystal veins essence and finding a dungeon with having a crystal veins is rarer than finding a dragon.

As he continues eating, I was again amazed of how brilliant our king as expected to our only ruler.

“Your majesty, I organize all the required preparation that needs your attention. And there's a problem I want to address that I found as I read the reports sent by the Intel," I approached him slowly as he finished his last bite on his bread.

"What is it? Tell me" he wipes his mouth with a napkin then look at me.

“It’s about the adventurer sent by the feloria kingdom, last day! One adventurer happened to discover the illusion outside the entrance and tried to enter the cave, but the dullahan who was guarding that time killed it right away. We are lucky that the human who discovered our cover is weak, right now we are safe, but we can't hold it any longer if this will continue"

“it is only a matter of time before we will be discovered."

"Hmmmm, I already foresee that, but I’m not expecting them to find the illusion you put easily. That means that the adventurer who found the cave is a bit stronger to know that it is an illusion." his majesty drinks his milk then wipe his mouth and look at us.

" ok! Today we will begin hunting, “his majesty stands up and smiled evilly.


Chris pov

As I announce that we will be hunting, they were surprised at first but later on, a grin on their lips could be seen. It's been 2 weeks since we arrive at the sinoi village, everything went smoothly and the village was amazed about the castle that appeared at the northern part of the village suddenly.

I’m already aware about what zeberu told me that the feloria kingdom sent some adventurer to scout the area, and I know that one of them already know where our location is, but the only difference is that they are not aware beyond the illusion wall that separate us from the forest.

It's only a matter of time, but right now we will be hunting the adventurer who happens to be in the area. I want to eliminate them so they could not report it to the capital and it will give us a time to let the core grow and connect to the new dungeon that I found nearby.

We have a bigger chance on defending our base if we are underneath and besides if we put the core on the dungeon, we already have 3 floors that the legendary core can provides. So I can immediately start to put and design it with traps and poisons.

As I stand up, zeberu and frozty followed me but tahuro was puzzled behind the meaning of my words. That’s why he remained sitting while having a question look on his face. When I notice it, I told him.

"tahuro what I want to say is, let's eliminate them first before they can find us, we need to kill them so they can't report what the forest can offer to them, and will have time to let the core adapt to the new dungeon that will be inserting to it.

He was stunned about what I said, but he still follow us at the hallway going out the castle. He never voices out what's he's thinking because he might be killed any moment by zeberu who was following me.

As we are going outside, all the maids and butlers line up and bid us farewell.

Zeberu and frozty pull out their equipment while tahuro equipped his armor and then I put the rings on my finger. As we head outside the floor, zeberu used a teleportation spell then sent all of us outside the entrance of the cave.

All of us look normal while the only thing that separates us from being normal is zeberu,

“zeberu use the [eye of demon] to scout the area and see if there are a suspicious individual among them" I faced him and then activate his magic.

A large round eye demon with a wing of a bat appeared and it is flapping his wings and then soared high to scout the area.

A monitor appeared in front of us, seeing what the demon could see above and below.

It also detects any movements of any living thing and identifies their species. As it fly ahead and scout the entire forest.

A bell sound could be heard when it detects some movements.

As we zoom it out.

We saw 8 groups of people fighting kobold and ogre in the swampy area of the forest; on the other side it also detects 14 warriors and 10 soldiers fighting a hind bear, gnolls, and goblins.

Then I smiled and told zeberu to teleport us to the first group which consists of warriors, cleric, knights thief, assassins and magic caster, they are about 40-50 levels and their equipment is quite good.

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