《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 20.



zeberu instantly knew that it was me due to frosty who is at my side and the divine staff I was holding, after the spell done its purpose, the staff turns back into a key form but I was gasping for air because all my mana reserves were consumed but thanks to myself who were always depleting my mana my body got used to it so I did not faint today.

as I was down to the ground and gasping for air, frozty hold me and assist me to stand up since my knees got weak after that, as zeberu who stared momentarily look at me then use mana healing to get back my lost mana.

" im sorry for a delay your majesty, I was just stunned for a moment and forget that your suffering, it is unforgivable act and I am willing to accept any punishment you will bestow upon me."

while kneeling in front of me and still floating at the ground made the people of the village terrified about the monster in front of them and feared for that moment but as they saw that it kneeled in front of me they sigh and calm themselves after.

"no, it was ok zeberu, I can still manage but right now is not the time to do that, I forgive you and I have something to discuss you about something."

" yes, your majesty thank you for your benevolence and if it's not too much I would like to hear an explanation as to why you had that appearance" zeberu ask me.

" I'm repeating this time over and over again so I will let frozty do that so let's proceed first to build some houses for us to settle, I will let you do that for the moment since your level is much higher than mine you can build easily" I told him while looking at some of the area where we could build our house for the moment.

Then the chief came forward and said.

" your majesty, you build too many houses for this village and since there are still few available you can occupy it" the chief suggested.

"impertinence! how could our majesty live in that shabby house of you lowly human," zeberu yelled at the man who spoke. While the man stepped back as he heard the voice of zeberu which is creepy to hear.

" stop that zeberu, you don't need to fuss over that,"

" but, your majesty.-"

"stop it, thanks for the advice chief but I need to build a control room for the entire floor that's why I need a separate house to be built. but thanks for your offer" I calmed the shock and afraid chief then I started to tell them to go back at their own respective chores.

as I say that, they started to go back at their work while the 4 of us, tahuro zeberu, frozty and I, are standing near the gate, zeberu asked about the existence of tahuro.

as tahuro on the other side afraid and shivered for a moment as he felt that the monster in front of him is way much stronger than the two companion he had. He also wonder why the master had a loyal subject like zeberu was in his care.


I can see the anxiousness from tahuro but i just ignore it.

" zeberu, connect me in the crystal that this floor has, I need to connect it to a dungeon core that I have received during the last fight."

" you- have acquired the legendary core your majesty?" Zeberu bewildered as he look at me.

" as expected from our majesty" zeberu added.

" were gonna talk about it later but for now let’s make a control room first." I walk towards the end of the houses together with the 3.

As zeberu following me he also pulls his staff to ready the spell that we will be using.

We stop at a space area 15 meters away from the village beside where the lake is located and from behind are the thick forest.

Zeberu activates his spell creation to made a control room.at first he started to create a wall that will be separate the village from the house and after that a magic circle appears and a crystal of green which is the heart of every floor began to emerge.

I walk towards it and touch it with my hand, as I touch it a faint glow could be seen in me and the crystal and then the connection begin,

I can control everything in this area and 5 kilometers outside this floor. After that, I walk again towards the 3 and zeberu started to activate a large purple colored magic circle and the roof started to emerge.

I thought it was a simple house but when everything is done what I saw is beyond my imagination that it left my mouth open.

A castle is now standing in front of us. Frozty and tahuro did the same reaction as I do, we never expected it to be like that.

A castle? You gotta be kidding me. I look at zeberu and i could see a fulfillment in his eyes then if everything is like this, i don't have to worry anymore.

A huge castle is in front of us and the gate of the castle was guarded by a death knight, death archers and mages are at the barracks and post area.

As we enter, the death knight bowed at us and we pass through a pathway which leads us to a large iron door. As it open a red carpet could be seen where an undead maid was lining and bowed their heads in uniform and a grand staircase with a beautiful chandelier at the ceiling was at the end of it, as we walk inside, the carpet is soft every time you step it and a beautiful paintings and expensive decorations and furniture could be seen on the wall and on the hallway.

It is indeed meant for kings and queens domain. As i was contemplating i was snapped back to reality as zeberu spoke to me.

" I hope you like it your majesty" zeberu look to with a worried look.

" well, I never expected that you will build like this but nevertheless it was very good, as expected of you" I look up to him since he's tall.

" thank you, your majesty, that you like it," he smiled and started to have a dreamy look, all of my guardian zeberus has the weird attitude because every time I praise him, he flowed with joy as if I've done something incredible to him.


But anyways he leads me to the control room as we passed at a long hallway and a lot of rooms that I notice along the way. He creates a floating throne for me so that I don't need to walk anymore.

Below the chair is a purple magic circle could be seen where the cause of the chair floating. It was fueled by his mana so i don't need to worry since he had a lot of it.

Each of us can cast magic , and each of us has different color of a magic circle, like zeberu is purple, mine is black,pitou is orange,zeckery is green, and the rest is according to their hair color.

We passed a complicated way and reach the bottom of the castle and a silver ornated doors could be seen. As if on cue it opens automatically without a sound.

Inside the control room was just an empty space nothing could be seen. a four walled room that has nothing but an empty space but at the center a green crystal with a transparent barrier that guarding it was glowing and floating.

It is the reason why the room was so bright as I float towards it I entered the barrier to protect the crystal and the three left behind because they are not allowed to pass through. If they will force to enter the magic spell that I put will activate and they will be killed without a trace because I cast a forbidden spell of a 10 tier magic to this room.

As i was inside i open its navigation system and watch the overview of the whole floor. In the monitor i could see everything, the animals,people,monsters and even the trees outside the wall that surrounds the whole floor could be seen.

First I fortified the wall and told zeberu to cast iron fortification at the wall and as he activated it the monitor indicated that the defense of the wall is at the maximum.

I add some guards roaming around the whole floor area.

I can access everything in this floor without worrying about my mana because zeberu is my source, as he created this castle he connected his pool of mana to mine so I could use it.

After some preparations we went back to the main hall which we are a while ago and zeberu lead us to our respected chamber and then the maids attend to me as I prepare to bath.

The maids in this castle consisted of undead battle maids and undead battle butlers but if I will have my full power back I will summon my maids from the sealed crystals which is in hades hand. As I was comforted by the hot bath, I did not notice that I fell asleep.

I was awakened by the butler Kurogane who wear a respectable suit and have a good built for a butler, he was good looking at his age of forty and a level of 70, the battle maids are level sixty.

In this world most of the adventurer i saw was at the level 50 at least, and it is said to be the strongest in the kingdom but i don't know around the continent,

The ordinary people are at a lower level mostly around 5-10 then i realize that our forces is stronger than the human outside. But i was worried about the other players since i dont know if i was the only one who had been stuck in this world but anyways i like it here more than the outside.

As I was coming out from the Jacuzzi after kurogane had woken me, he prepares the towel for me and help me dry myself after that he left and I went to bed.

It is evening at that time when Kurogane woke me up to eat dinner it is past 8 o'clock so i sleep for 5 hours, since i don't like eating alone, i prohibited everyone to bring me food at my chamber and instead prepare it to the dining area.

As I came down a set of clothes was at the hand of Kurogane and help me dress then he snapped his fingers and a twitching sound could be heard then one of the battle made appear together with the floating chair.

I said I don't need the floating chair instead i like to walk, i told the brunette battle maid ,she was beautiful with her maid outfit and neat appearance, she was not fit for a maid but i think all of them was created for my preference since zeberu look it that way.

The battle maid looks troubled but I said its ok and she don't need to worry; Kurogane and the battle maid name Brittania accompanied me to the dining room. It was 5mins from my bedroom to the dining area so you could picture out how long it would take me there.

As Kurogane open the door, zeberu,frozty, and tahuro are waiting for me at the grand dining table, as he saw me enter the room they all stand and bowed their heads but zeberu make a fuss to the butler about me walking, but I dismiss it and said it is my own decision to walk here.

As we seat, we are so far from each other, I was seating at the end of this long rectangular table with a grand centerpiece, at both ends were frozty,tahuro, and zeberu.

Ahhhhrrrrg, I don't want to eat like this. I told all of them to come at my side; they refused it at first fussing about how they can eat beside me. But I insisted them to be near my table.

As they come near me, a blush could be seen at frozty while zeberu is in his dreamy look while tahuro is in neutral side.

We started our dinner with appetizer, soup later on the main course and dessert. It was a full course meal and it is delicious that it made me full.

We finished the dinner that I am the only one who is talking the entire time,zeberu talk sometimes but nonetheless I am the one who talk a lot.

Then we leave the dining area and went back to our chambers and then our night had ended.

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