《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 19.



Chris POV

The strong wind that I feel as I rode on its back and our way become blurry as we pass through the forest, the black-tailed fox tahuro made our journey to sinoi village faster than what I expected he is so fast that even the view could no longer be seen, everything went array as we passed at the shortcut that tahuro knew.

I told him to bring us to the thick forest near the feloria kingdom where our dungeon was located before. He was a little shocked hearing that I was a dungeon master though he predicted that I was strong, but he never expected me to be one and that made him more amazed.

In this world they only knew that dungeon master never leaves the dungeon for it sole purpose is to guard the core with its life but now one of it is riding on its back.

as we reach the thick forest called druin we step inside the entrance of the forest where 2 large vines intertwined in each other at the entrance which is not there before , i could sense a hint of my magic in this area since the dungeon was exploded from the inside ,some of the crystal inside that possess magic was scattered throughout the forest and it made the forest abnormal in a sense that the monsters lurking inside the forest before was now extremely evolve and some part of the forest were hard to access but since the stone was part of my dungeon before, every time I touch it or the monster who was affected by it knows that their power came from me and then they become more friendly and not attacking us.

But because of this abnormality the forest was constantly raided by adventurers, from the feloria kingdom but none of them completely raided it successfully; I could say it’s about 1/3 of it. As we enter the forest the vines which block the entrance is moving on its own and made a way for us to enter, it seems that as I approach it is automatically made a way for me. We walk inside and after we passed the entrance it also went back to how it is from the start.

Then I face tahuro who transformed to its small form,

“can you transform into a human form?" I asked him since when it was still a game, fox related classes can transform himself as a human if they reach a certain level.

" yes, master Chris why do you ask?” He replied.

" can you do it for me since we can meet some adventurers on the way and your race is extinct already you will be a target and I don't want that to happen as long as you are in my care."

"Thanks for your concern master and I will transform back to a human form if it's your request then I will follow." after he said it a white light covered his body then after a moment a handsome man about 6 feet tall with a firm body around 24 years of age is now facing me, his black hair and his white skin while his golden squinted eyes made it more noticeable. he wore a pair of blue and black armor and a lance with a golden black color is in his right arm.

I was astounded by his physique that speaks how strong that person is, his squinted eyes perfected his handsome face, then he spoke that made me back to my senses as I stare at him with my mouth open.


" m-aster, you stare too much, did you not like my appearance? " while he awkwardly looking at me.

"no, I mean your appearance is great and besides you look great in your human form then why is it you like to be in that small form? I asked him

" being a human is a lot more hassle than being a small animal, in my small form I can run fastly, and can hide in the dark completely if someone chased me and besides I like being an animal form more than this, master". he replied while scratching his head.

"ahhh! ok! let's go, if someone will ask us especially you tahuro since you're older than us in your form most adventurer will ask you what we are doing in the forest just tell them you are in a quest to deliver us in our village at the end of this forest, do you understand me?" I ask tahuro while I equipped the rings in my fingers then the staff that I've been using is hidden inside the inventory.

The forest became magical as there's a small glow floating all over the place and also some of the trees seems like alive every sway of the leaves and branches that was hit by the wind.

as we pass some trees and vines tahuro carried me at his back to make our travel faster while instructing him where is the place where we are heading, thanks to the map everything became much easier since my detection spell is not working at the moment, frozty and tahuro activated their detection spell to prepare if some enemy or adventurer will be in the area.

As we go through the forest we happen to pass by at the swampy area, lakes and waterfalls become more beautiful beyond comparable.

we also meet some adventurers who fight 3 demons wolfs and water slimes, but we manage to reroute our ways so we would not entangle them, at last after running throughout the forest I can sense a powerful source of magic from my divine staff which I handed to the child in the village nearby.

we stop at a small cave hidden in the boulder of stones at the end of this forest where most of the high tier creatures is lurking and the cave where only one people could pass through is covered with a moss and some vines to make it more natural and unnoticeable to the eye, before I transferred them to the surface I made it hidden to the outside world and made an illusion so no one could penetrate them at the moment and to safely guard them but the nature itself covered it.

I also transferred some of the 5 to 8 tier beast and monsters to guard the village and to protect the people inside since I don't know what will happen to them while I was gone. The village was surrounded with 12-meter fortified walls around the whole floor to protect the other races which I created inside the dungeon. And the size of the floor is like a size of a whole kingdom.

as tahuro help me get down from the ground, I thank him and started to enter the cave, since my body is small it's not a problem for me and frozty, while tahuro transformed into its fox form to pass through since the cave entrance was only 2 meters, it was hard for his human form to enter without crawling so he transformed back.

The cave was dark so I use a ball of light to make our way visible, the structure of the cave is that the entrance was small at first but as you went through, it became wider and larger.


We walked for 30 mins until we reach the end and eight-meter rock golems that guarded a 12-meter door is standing at the side. at first you can see them as a boulder of rocks in the side but if you approach the door you will be attacked by it if you don't have the permission to pass through but even if you manage to defeat them an iron-heavy door will block you to enter, it is heavy like a four elephant combined so, without a magical ring that will help you to open it or a superpower strength then it will impossible for you to open it. It is also resistant to all types of magic so destroying it will also impossible.

Since I created all of them they were all linked to me that's why as we approach, the sleeping golems started to move and kneeled as we approach them after I dismissed it and command to open the door with its massive strength they open the door slowly. Though I could use my ring or even just touch it, the door will open automatically for me. But the golems still open it, out of respect and loyalty toward me.

but judging the two beside me is amazed by it, it made me frown a little bit especially frozty, it was all new to him since he was always inside the 7th floor, he never made it out because he was not allowed to, and it made me sad for not letting him outside the 7th floor where the chambers located and the throne room.

he was a sacrificial lamb so his sole purpose is to revive me and besides when it was a game the NPC never leaves their domain so it is natural for them to be there but now is different since I was trapped inside everything went abnormal even frosty who supposed to gone after he used his life to revive me is now here at my side.

as we stepped inside, the door behind us is slowly closing and in front of us, a 15 meter wide stone pavement about 8 meters of length from us to the gate entrance of the village, when we were inside tahuro transformed in his human formed and the two walk beside me towards the gate . As we reach it the double door gate could be seen then we open it using the ring I created.

The moment the gate was open A small village can be seen from here, the villa house is neatly arranged with a fountain on the center and a street light and trees where aligned beside the stone pavement.it looks more advance compared to the way of living of the people here because I designed it by imitating the rich villa in the real world if one to see it you could not believe that it has existed inside the forest.

The two was in awe as they saw how was progressive the village was. There was also a park, and a market in a distance from the houses. The farm is located away from the village and the people are busy while children could be seen loitering at the park.

As they saw that the gate was open they run back to their houses as they feel fear for a new person appeared to the gate that was never opened after I transferred them here. It’s almost a month now since they appeared outside the dungeon, but only now they saw someone aside from them. 12 children could be seen in the park playing but as they notice us all them run and called their parents, as the women heard their child calling their name they went outside, and as they saw us they called the men while shouting that an enemy appeared but from the commotion from all of these I couldn't see the child where I give my divine staff.

as we walked towards the center, all the villagers are there blocking the way with a tools in farming as their weapon in their hands, then from all of them who is blocking our way the two brothers appeared making their way to the front to see who's coming. I saw the child who has the staff in a form of a key hanging on its neck. Then the chief step out the line and speak to us.

" who are you? and how did you manage to pass through the gate. ? are you an enemy,? if so, we will chase you outside this village, and let the gnolls and orcs eat you alive." the chief village who had a scared face warn us.

Then my eyes fixated at the child whom I give my item, he was holding it with his two arms as if he was scared that it will be stole away from him.

" fear not my people, it is me kurinai the one who made this village and save you from the fire slimes

I was looking at them while trying to explain my present situations.

" we don't believe you, and besides master kurinai had his 8 guardians and you don't have one."

the chief village yelled at me while still holding the rake tools for farming.

" as you know this place was moved to the upper ground and since I place it here, I made some precautions so that you will not be easily invaded and that proof is where the large gate outside and the vast wall I made around the whole area and if you still don't believe me, I give something to that child that will prove who I am ."

I pointed one of the children who was holding something around his neck and behind him is a young man who secured his brother in a tight hug.

"you can confirm everything to him, and the item that I gave him is one of my important equipment and besides if some stranger would come here they would be attacked by the golem already.”

They know what I’m saying is right and somehow they believe me, but I can still see some hostilities in their eyes since I was in a small form and the two beside me was never been seen by them.

After they confirmed that what im saying is right, they turn to me and said.

" if you are truly our master then can you explain to us what happen to you?” the chief village asked.

I explained to them what happened to me and how come that I become like these, but I did not tell them everything since it doesn't concern them anyways. After they heard my explanation every one of them lowered their weapons and started to give their respect to me.

I walked straight to the child who was about my age since were of the same height, I ask about the key that I give him, he was reluctant at first, but eventually he give me the item that I really needed for this moment.

As the moment I receive the key, a message pop out.

“dedric divine staff ( level 100 )

You have received the divine staff that was turned into a golden key.

For the meantime you cannot wield its full power because of level restriction but as a contractor you will be given some benefits.

You can have 1/3 of its power if you drop some blood to summon the divine staff, it will be transformed back to its original size for 30 seconds and you can summon a higher rank of undead and mid-tier spells.

Twelve thousand will be deducted from your mana after activating it. Cool down time is 48 hours.”

After I saw this, a smile could be seen in my face while the village also amazed at the key that shined brightly after I hold it. I drop a single blood from it and then it turned into a staff but the size was small compared before maybe it reacts to my height also.

since I only have 30 seconds, I can break one of the crystal that I used to seal one of my guardians but I need to be more decisive in this because I can only use this cheat skill that I learned before when it was a game though it is not indicated in my status, I will try my luck to use it since it does not have a level restriction..

This skill was called [ the shadow divine grasp], I can use my shadow to send to the abyss and touch the crystal where my guardians are sealed and in a state of suspended animation. but this kind of skill can only use once after the skill is done it will be erased.

that's why I need to be vigilant as to who I’m going to choose, if I will base on overall performance zeberu is the best but in appearance he is the worst, but in return if I want to have the strongest partner beside from tahuro zeberus is the best option among them all, since I can only do once, I don't know what to do and instead I pull my hair just to squeeze any idea.

as the people saw me, they had a doubt looks if im still sane or not, so they are looking at me like a crazy person but I don't mind what they are thinking, then after of deliberating as to who I choose, I stand and calm myself and then I put my blood to the staff, a black glow instantly shines at the ball then after it processed, a source of strength was starting to go away from me, then I shout,.

" shadow divine grasp",

A multiple layers of magic circle appear on the ground and the sky connecting to each other after they became stable, they started to turn and then stop, until the sequence are aligned then a black smoke arose from the ground and the abyss portal opened, the crystal capsule appear together with hades who had a bored look and then after a second I shouted again.

“Cancel suspended animation"

The curse seal is now starting to coil at the crystal capsule and started to break it into a thousand pieces and the guardian who is in front of me is no other than zeberu, who is still in a sleeping state and floating inside the magic circle, after the magic circle dissipate, a red glow started to envelop zeberu and then the moment that the spell almost gone , he started to open his eyes, in that spur of moment hades who had a bored look wants to tell me something but the spell already used it remaining time so the words he supposed to ask was cut and only a lingering voice could be heard from it while zeberu who was re summoned again is floating towards me with a shocked look to my new form.

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