《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 17.



It takes me a full day to finally wake up, my mana was depleted to its maximum, that's why my body is recuperating from it, but I feel much better now since all I do is sleeping. the woman at the tailor shop let us stay in her house, let me eat a weird porridge which is totally horrible in the palate but they forced me to eat it since it was good in recovering according to them.

it was my second time using the eternal rings which exceeded my limitations as a magic caster for the time being, my fragile body can't hold such a high-grade spell that's why I collapsed after I using it.

I stood up because my back is aching from lying all day, I got down from bed and reach the door,when I got out from the room i notice that frozty is in the living room talking to the fat woman, as I survey my eyes inside, it was a stone house where all of their furniture comes from the capital because they are all not ordinary materials that can be purchased in this area though it's not you called luxurious but having this kind of furniture’s proves that they are above from the others, it seems that his husband is one of the landlords of this area that's why they afford this kind of living.

in the living room area a sala set could be seen and a flower vase on top of the mini table in the center while an old wall clock on the left side and some antiques I don't know, when they notice that I am awake the two person both stand up and hurriedly run at my side and check if I’m ok especially frozty who had the most worried look.

" im ok you don't need to overreact, im fine and I recovered perfectly thanks to you Mrs?" I asked the fat lady whom I don't know the name.

"Ohh Ohh!!!!! you're the only one who still don't know me, by the way I’m the wife of one of the landlords here, I’m Mrs. Freya cataleya the wife of lord drake cataleya" she extend her hands to shake mine.

“nice to meet you Mrs cataleya, and I owe you my life"

"ohh no !no! We owe you our life if it's not for you im pretty sure that the village here will suffer greatly because those monster will destroy their source of income," she added while still holding my cute hands.

" were just happen to be in the area and it's our duty to protect the weak!" im almost puke from what I said, the only reason why I did that is because I need to level up faster and it seems that my level rose to 4 levels.

“Mrs. cataleya letting us stay in your home, we will see this as a favor and we promise to pay you back in the future, and we also need to go on our own, our parents must be worried for us!" I added a lie so that we could get out from this area because we stayed too long already here.

when we finished the courtesy, she even praised me because I was matured the way I move and think, I almost got tripped when I heard that, maybe I forgot for that moment that I was in a body of a child.

as we stepped outside the house, all the villager are there to bid us farewell, we also ask the reward they promised to give us, a full pouch bag of money, is handed to us, but I did not count it because it didn't matter anyways.


When we exited the village I open my stats to see what my level has become.

Status Window

Name chris davis ( KURINAI) Title dungeon master

Race Human Alignment unaligned

Level 8

Class Magic caster

Health 4000 Mana 9600

Health Regen 100/1s Mana Regen 200/2s

Strength 3600 Agility 200

Wisdom 850

Stamina 1200

Magic Resistance

Fire 400 Water 400

Wind 400 Earth 400

Lightning 400 Neutral 800

Holy 1200 Dark 2000


lesser summoning,blaze tornado,berserker mode,sahdow grasp

hmmmmmmm.......... it seems good anyways but I need to defeat higher grade monsters to level up faster, but I can't do it yet because my skills are not enough to defeat them, even my body can't hold such high magic from the rings which resulted in me to sleep for 1 day.

as I scroll it down I notice that below my skill summoning undead, aside from skeleton warriors it seems that there's another one I can summon now, it's the angel of decay, not bad I said to myself.

When I notice that there're no people around I summoned the angel of decay.

“You have summoned an angel of decay, 8000 mana has been deducted”

a dark smoke from the ground appear and later on the angel of decay appear in front of us.Standing 9-feet tall and weighing 500–700 lbs with wings and claws, their putrid bodies constantly decomposed, and pools of filth dribbled around their feet. In battle, they were ferocious, using their ogre-like size and strength to pummel opponents who have not already succumbed to their aura of corruption. When they spoke they did so with a slurred, muddy voice

In its muddy voice it spoke.

" hello master, "

I’m a little surprised because it seems to know me.

" how did you recognize me?" I asked

" it's because there's a hint of aura that is connected to us when you summon us before and that what make us identify our summoner though it's subtle, in any way but the familiarity of your aura is there that's why I can identify you even with that small body of yours."

" hmmm mmm,my aura? but right now I just tested out if I can summon you, and it seems I can, you can go back now, for the moment I won't need your service."

" as you wish my master," then a smoke surrounds him and then he disappear.

" frozty we need to be in the sinoi village as fast as we could. We need a transportation to be there faster" I told frozty while he silently following me.

" and can you talk more? it seems like I’m the only one who talks a lot more here?" I told him because he won't talks unless being asked

" ok Chris sama" then went silent again.

It seems that it's in his personality to be like that. We started to walk down the road that is going to the feloria capital. But we need a horse or something to ride on, I was frustrated by this when someone caught my attention, we are not far from the village since we leave when an adventurer is rushing towards us from behind.

" waiiiiittttttttt!!!!!!!!...." the woman from behind running so fast to reach where we at the moment.

when I heard this I had an idea running through my mind. Then I face frozty and said.

" frozty run,"

then I started to run ahead while frozty who heard it started to run also but not that fast since my steps are not that big enough to run faster. I just did it to annoy the one who is trying to get our attention.


“wait, the boy who wear a blue shirt, you rascal wait!" an irritation coming from a woman voice could be heard from a distance calling me behind.

But I just ignore him and just run ahead but since I’m not fast enough she manages to reach us. I don't want to hassle frozty for just my fun. When she reached us, she was gasping for air while trying to talk at the same time.

" why didn't you stop when someone calling you" she is holding her chest while saying this words?

"me? I didn't hear anyone calling us, did you hear someone calling us frozty? I asked frozty hoping he would ride on my joke.

" yes I heard someone master." he honestly told me while staring at me as if what he has done is right for the moment.

ahhrrrg he doesn't even know how to lie. I face the girl with a sleek hair and a slender body while her bouncy breast is very proud on its own. Her white skin is glistening in the sun because of the sweat she received while running.

“maybe frozty heard you but I don’t heard anyone calling me." I blatantly lied while looking innocently at her beautiful eyes.

“Then why did you start running?" she asked while she recovered a little from panting.

"I just wanted to run and was in a hurry, and what is it to you? “I questioned him back.

" hmmmmmmmppp!'" when I arrived at the village because of the complaint sent by the chief of that village to terminate the wolf infecting their crops, I heard that an 8-year-old child saves them." she looked at me as if the chief village told her a big lie.

" what the chief village told you was correct and besides what is it to you if we save that village?” frozty interrupted to what im about to say.

"what is it to me?her eyes become bigger facing frozty.

"it is my business for your information kid and I don't know what trick you use to make that village believe that you're a hero. " she said it none stop but when I heard this I was irritated for a moment.

"we did not say that were a hero" and besides,

" if we didn't save that village, you will only find an empty and deserted place and you can't collect the reward your eager to have.” I fight back then I add before I walked away.

"and for your information the silver wolf and their alpha attack the village the other day so don't complain at us, because you don't have the right because you arrive at the village very late. ,”

after her eyes squint from hearing and boiling her blood that I could see her face red from embarrassment to say those words, I started to walk away to our direction, while frozty look at her like he wants to murder her for a moment.

I called frozty because the girl is wearing mithril armor and had a large sword at her back. She was not an ordinary woman because of her equipment and I could sense that she was dangerous for us at the moment so we leave her while we still can.


adventurers pov

I never thought that this child can eliminate the silver wolf that ranked as a 5 tier monster which for them in their age is impossible for them to defeat. When I heard the chief village saying this unbelievable fact, after my team arrived, I could not believe it at first but seeing the damage done at the entrance of the village, I could say that there's a fight happened there. When I asked him if who's the one eliminate the monster, he told me that 2 children help them to kill the monster.

what?!!!!! just the 2 of them and most of it, there just a child? is this some kind of a joke ?when I asked the old chief where are they, they told us they just left. When I heard that, I told my team to stay at the village for the moment and I will try to catch them

As I run I saw two children at a distance, I tried to run fast so that I could catch them and ask them if what the chief was true. When I’m halfway I called their attention so that they would stop and wait for me but the son of a bitch, they started to run when they heard my voice.

I run faster and when I reach them, I was gasping for air and tried to talk them while catching some air, but this two child, the other one with a silver hair, a squinted cute eyes and about 12 years of age answered me. But what he told me was an absolute lie. But he just casually said it, as if he was telling the truth, ohh my god where did this child learn this kind of trick which only matured people only do.

when I ask another question the other child which is older about 14 years old answer me as if I was there to harm them, that what they do is right and it is my fault questioning them, and he look at me with a murderous look. But I ask again this time, asking their validity or proof that they help the village. The squinted cute child answer me that it's our fault for arriving late and the attack happened a day before we arrive?

I was shocked that the attack happened a day before because the report about their request was arrived 2 days ago and from the loca-loca capital which is near from this village would take us about half and one day of travel and that if we travel fast.

As I was lost with my thoughts, I saw the two leaving; it seems that the old one was his servant or something because he follows the younger one around. I just let them walk away and then I started to go back at the village.


Chris pov

When I walk away from the woman who stop us, I told frozty to follow me, as we saw her in a lost thought which I don't know anyway, as we walk again, the woman went back to the village when she felt that nothing will come out from us.

We are walking for an hour now and it seems that my body started to feel tired again, I told frozty to stop for a while because we need to rest. As I was looking for a place to rest, I saw an arc tree in a group of trees beside the road which stand out among the rest. It has a fuller leaves which give a shade to the ground, we went there and as we approach, I notice something black at the ground and when I went closer I saw a small fox with 8 tails whimpering something and crying for help.

As I saw this I rushed towards it and saw that he has a wound at his right leg, a mark of a bow pierce through its legs which made it unable to walk.

As I see this,frozty who was at my side tried to kill the fox by taking out his sword but I stop him from doing it. Instead as I reach the black eight-tailed fox, it tried to bite me but I pressed its wound to make him stop from doing it, I know im naughty but what can I do , it tried to bite me who just want to help this monster then I used identify to know about the stats.

“8 tailed fox [level 90]

A black 8 tailed fox was 400 years of age. It hides its true appearance to deceive its prey,

It is said that this is the last one of its kind because they were hunt back in the days because of their heart which is said to be the source of an enormous power and grant immortality, but none could actually verify its effectiveness since they were also hunted by the 8 tailed fox to death.

This monstrous creature is hidings its true power in this small form, its skill worm hole can obliterate an entire city by one strike and can produce a massive destruction by its enormous strength.”

Holy shitt!!!!!!!! As I saw its description I never thought it would be like this, woo hah jackpot as I said to myself. As I look closer to this animal, I notice its silky black hair and its golden eyes crying from agony, I checked its wound and found out that it was hit by a bow with the teyra poison which can make even the strongest person die from its toxicity but for animals, it made it times 2 more painful than the humans.

I was in awe since it can kill you 8 hours after the shot. it seems that this black fox indeed has a strong vitality and strength for surviving like this because based on its wound it has been 6 days he received its wound and the poison made its whole leg incapable of using and now it's starting to climb going through his half body. It's a male fox based on the way I saw its private part when I’m checking his wound.

As I heard him cried, it seems like he’s asking for help and since I was here already i wanna make a try.

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