《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 15.


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CHAPTER 14 Armored Bear

As we turned from the other direction of the forest to avoid the monster in that area, we happen to meet the other one. “What an unlucky day”. I said to myself

The armored bear looks at us with a murderous intent and roar loudly.

Frosty who’s at the back transform in his demon form and make his stance while I was prepared to cast a spell anytime they attack.

“Frosty, I will summon an undead, don’t attack recklessly," I said to him as I saw him that any moment he will attack the armored bear in front of us.

“Yes, your majesty".

“While we are in this form call me Chris since, we are traveling it might be weird if people would hear you calling me like that and don’t ever react to whatever they say about us unless I say so.! Do you understand?

"Yes, your ma- Chris-sama?" he hesitate for a while Feeling unsure if it’s right to call me that name.

As we are talking about what’s name he should call me, the armored bear got annoyed and roar loudly while running toward us.


“Meteor shower”

I cast a lightning spell when I saw the bear running towards us.

I hit the armored bear, but my attack is so weak that a slight scratch could not even wound it.

“Master let me handle this one’,”

Frosty said while getting my permission to attack the bear.

“ok, since I can’t do anything at the moment then it’s up to you”. I replied.

When the bear saw frosty running towards him, it used a [claw attack] to welcome frosty who charge his fist with mana to punch the bear.

As I was thinking that’s its futile for him to damage the bear I stunned and shock for a while when I saw the bear flying 1 meter from its position.

Frosty who had no combat abilities but has infinite mana send the bear flying away?how could that be? How weak would be the creature here?.

Back when I was playing this game you need at least to be level ten to defeat this armored bear.

I thought the bear was killed but when I saw the bear got up and attack frosty who doesn’t know that the bear was attacking behind him I yelled at frosty to look around.

“frosty look behind you!!!!!!!!!”

“what your- majest-------------“””””””””

Frosty was sent flying away as the bear hit him. He stood up and run again to launched another attack but the bear knows already what he will be doing and use a combo where it rolled, kicked the ground and a boulder of rocks was lifted then kicked it again toward frosty who still charging.

When I saw this I created a wind barrier to deflect the attack. I got manage somehow, but my barrier is weak enough to with stand a lot of boulders at once. Frosty was hit by some of the boulders at his left arm while his right arm was bleeding from the attack of the armored bear.

“Shucks!!! My power is so weak that even a boulder can break my wind barrier!”

I fussed over my weakness which is not helpful at the moment.”

“frozty come over here. Faster!” I yelled at him who is holding his right shoulder to stop the wounds from bleeding.

He run fast towards me and stop when he reaches at the back then I cast a spell to summon an undead.


I don’t know how many and what kind of undead I can summon at this rate, but I will leave that to fate.

Since for now my summoning proficiency is of the lowest, all I can do is to believe that I’m still the great magic caster as I was before.

I reach out my left hand and look at my inventory to get my first item when I have first started this game. It is a level 30 normal staff given by the game which helps to cast spell faster without doing enchantment for a mage profession, this staff is much better than have nothing, I also maxed out its property before so I think I can manage to defeat this bear in front of me.

Luckily when I peek at my inventory a while ago I saw that I have only the staff which I keep as a souvenir.

I lift it up then channeled my remaining mana into it.

“Summon undead”

As the spell activated I feel extremely weak while a magic circle appeared in front of me.

I tried to call a death knight and hope It would be successful though the chance would be around 8 percent but still I cling to my faith and hope for the best.

Then a skull started to appear from the magic circle and later on its whole body was standing at the ground. But wait-------- it’s a skeleton warrior, the lowest in the line of undead creatures.

I think I was cursed. Huhuhuhuhu as I kneeled in the ground another 5 skeleton appears. So in total there are 6 of them now standing with their rusty sword and shield facing the armored bear who is 4 meters of height and 4x bigger than their size.

We're doomed! I said to myself maybe there’s a miracle that would appear in the middle of this.

But it’s not the end for us unless we die, I command the skeleton warriors to attack the hind bear that is looking at me mockingly.

the skeleton raise their sword and move forward to the armored bear but as I predicted they were killed with one smack by its claw and their bones scattered everywhere within the area, then I remember what frosty told me that he can lend me his mana, if I can channel his mana unto me maybe I can pull one of my items.

But if I can’t do it successfully the effect would be terrifying it would lead me to death or paralyze me but in this situation I can’t choose but I just need to rely on my will.

“Frosty come closer to me” I called him.

“Yes, your majesty” answered back while closing the distance between us.

“I will draw mana from your body, hold my hand and don’t let go “

“I will never let it go even if it kills me, your majesty.” frozty answered with a resolved look at his cute face.

I cut myself again and from the blood coming from it I draw a magic spell on his hand, from then I started to focus at his core to draw as much mana I need to pull out that item. As I closed my eyes I could feel his large pool mana, as expected from a sacrificial lamb I smiled while thinking this. Then as I could feel a surging heat coming from him, I feel an intense pain going through my body but I need to endure it for our survival.

Then a small portal appeared where a size where my arm could only pass through. It's my pocket item. It’s somewhat like an inventory, but the only difference is that I keep all my world class item there because it can hold such high tier items without revealing them to an enemy if they try to look through my inventory and use a special spell to steal it. It’s somewhat like an invisible pocket where I only can open and access it.


As I reach my hand inside I pull the eternal set of rings and the berserker sword. It’s a very large sword, where only who has a large pool of mana can use it to its full potential. The bearer of this sword could lift it as if it’s nothing because the mana circulates its power to make it lighter.

This sword is a high class items which can par with other world class items. In this world, there are 6 systems in classifying the strength of items they are, normal items, mid items, high-class items, world class items, legendary and divine class items.

Since I can’t access the armory right now where most of my divine items are stored, this sword is the only thing I can pull out because my level is not enough to equip the legendary items inside the dimensional pocket.

This sword is one of the highest levels in a high class category; it’s also called a dragon slayer sword because it can kill even a high tier monster and demons effortlessly if you use it wisely.

But since i went back to level one, the restriction set by the sword won’t let me wield it. Then frozty whose level is 80 can use it to defend us for the meantime

When I grab this item I let go of his hand immediately since the pain I felt inside is unbearable enough to kill me. As I held the items I handed the sword to frozty since I was gasping for air and feel so weak that I can’t even stand up.

“Kill that bear with that sword”

“Thank you your majesty, I will use it to kill the monster”

I told frozty and handed him the berserker sword.

He grab the sword and lift it effortlessly but he staggered for a while since his mana is adjusting to the amount needed to use for the berserker sword..

“its heavy for you now and long for your size, but when you used to it you can’t even feel it anymore” told him while I saw his unstable footwork.

“Ok, your majesty, for you I will kill it” told me then rushed towards the hind bear.

He sometimes got tripped but stands up immediately then run again, as the hind bear saw the large sword he tried to attack frozty again since it was also injured back then they were in the same situation.

Frozty in his uncertain steps jump higher and slash the hind bear, the hind bear in return used it enormous arms to use its claw attack to deflect the sword, but the hind bear cried from the pain and rolled over from the ground. His hand was cut by the sword and fall beside him then to finish it. frozty swiftly lift the sword and stab it from the back straight to its heart.

As the blade push through the limbs to the heart, blood spilling from the wound splashing over frosty that was now dyed in red. While he pulled the sword the hind bear who is lying in the ground, helplessly died from that.

‘’ your majesty, are you ok”

frozty said while looking at me, as he was worried at my situation where I can’t even support myself to stand up.

“ I told you many times to call me Chris until I reach the level where I can transform back to my original size, and you look older than me so it’s okay to call me by my name. So for now I will call you as my big brother. “ I reprimanded him while I clutch my hands toward his shoulder to make me stand up.

“How can you say that your majesty!? I am not worthy to be called like that. I am just your humble servant” told me and look at me as if I said the most unbelievable words in the world.

I rolled my eyes and think, maybe I was so mean to them that they think of me like a tyrant master. From now on I will change my way of handling my subordinates.

“Just follow me!. That is an order frozty”

“o-o-ok your maj- ,, ok Chris-sama” stuttering while saying those words.

I smiled and then I pointed to a huge tree where I saw a small cave not far away from it. I told him to bring me there to rest since we both need to recuperate from the fatigue we got from fighting an armored bear which actually not strong If I recall but since frosty who had no experience in a battle and my level is low it was indeed a feat for us.

When I look at his face, I feel guilty because he was so pale from the drawback of the sword.

As we reach the tree I equip the magic rings I pulled out and as expected from a legendary magical rings it adjusted its size and fit perfectly to my fingers then I use the ring which has the earth element type of magic to create a wall made out of soil and stone to make a cave out of it.

it’s the only thing I can do for now since I don’t have mana to use any more, I told him to get some sleep as we recovers from the fatigue. And when I laid my body at the ground I sleep right away.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping When I woke up because when I turned my gaze outside , it was dark already and I could see the 3 moons encompassing each other while frozty still sleeping soundly, I decide not to wake him up because he was still tired. But my stomach keeps growling from hunger, I haven’t eaten for a day if I remember it correctly.

I slowly get up as to not wake him up then sneakily went outside. As I hear his breathing still the same. I sighed and let out a yawn and then I stretch my stiff body I got from the hardness of the floor.

I search around the area to find something to eat, I left a message written in a scroll beside frozty so that he will not panic when he woke up and found out that I was not there.

As I scout the area I could find some horned rabbit, armored tanuki and night viper along the way. I captured 4 horned rabbits where I had a hard time catching it first because, it was fast plus its was night, my vision is not that great at night but when I found my pace and learned how he avoided my attacks, finally I was able to catch one then later on I already have 4 of them then I decided to go back to the cave.

When I reached the cave, frozty was already awake and as i expected he was so worried when he woke up and found out I was not there if it’s not of the scroll he will go outside and find me already. I just shrugged from his complaint. As I notice he becomes more comfortable talking to me now. I told him to clean the horned rabbit in the river nearby the cave I found while I was hunting.

He agreed then got out and come back a little while then we cook it together. The horned rabbits were actually delicious. After the dinner, we sleep again and I said to him that tomorrow will be the start of our journey through the village.

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