《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 14.


CHAPTER 13 Frozty

Kurinai POV

When I open my eyes from the deep slumber, in my blurry vision, I saw a blue sky. I blink my eyes to adjust and when I shift my vision sideways I saw the trees and plants I could even hear the birds chirping, then i realize that i am in the middle of a thick forest lying naked.

As I tried to stand up to check if my body are okay what I saw stunned me.


I tripped and fall down when I tried to walk. It seems that my body is still weak and couldn’t hold my weight yet.

As I saw my hands who is facing at the ground trying to hold my weight I saw a small hand, a hand like of a twelve year old child.


What the heck is this? As I tried to wobble my hands, it moves the way I want it to and that only means.......... I was doomed.

I tried to look at myself and it shocked me when I saw that my body shrunk into an 8-year-old body then what happen to my important of my body? I tried to touch it to make sure im not mistaken.

“waahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! This is not real…….it can’t be….. My happiness”


A familiar sound which I always heard rang inside my head. I sighed in relief as I heard it.

“You have been turned to an 8-year-old child due to the curse of the core you consume.

Your power has been reduced and now you can only use ¼ of it”

Is this some kind of joke?????!!!!!!!!!I exclaimed as I saw the message pop out.

Then another follow-up message appears.

“You cannot use some of your abilities,

Ancient and forbidden magic are restricted due to the limitation of mana produced to cast this magic.”

You got to be kidding me; I smile wryly as I saw this…. I’m doomed, I’m naked right now and I’m in the middle of nowhere. And the most terrible fact I’ve ever had for my entire life was my junior also back to how it was when I was 12.

“I can’t use my magic,,,,, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I shout out loud for my desperation from my current situation.

“This is not true, !!!!!!!! I must be dreaming. pakkkkkkkk!!? Ouchhhhhhh”

Then I touch my cheek from the slap I did to myself just to confirm that this is all but a dream. But it is not.

I open my status window and my knees got weak when I finally confirm it with my own eyes, I sat down at the ground looking pathetically at the window bar.

Then it rang again and a transparent window appeared in front of me. I’m a little bit frustrated when I saw what’s on the screen.

Name: Chris Dave (8 years old)






Dungeon Lord











Magic Defense:


Magic Attack:



Lesser summoning undead, blaze fire, berserk mode,

As I saw my status I can’t even speak from the frustration that’s starting to build up inside me.


“Why is this happening to me?”

Then I remember before I closed my eyes to sleep, that I consumed a dungeon core. I checked the information status to check what it is.

Dungeon core name: legendary core

core rank


Magic Power


Divine power


“All the dungeons monster, guardians, and floors are now yours, you can use this one to start your dungeon but in order to do this you must reach level 50 but from your current level it's impossible to perform this.”

“Woooahhhhhh!!!!!!!! Jackpot, If I will infuse it with my core, I will be undefeatable and I will be the most powerful.”.

Hahahahahah.” I laugh out loud from the thought of it.

Considering from the normal stats of the person who lives here, mine is a little bit higher.

But then how could I bring back my guardians if I can’t use my forbidden magic.

“OH right”.

I still can contact hades and try to negotiate with him using blood summoning.

I cut my fingers by the sharp stone I saw around the area to draw blood my blood and create a magic circle from it since I can’t use a summoning spell due to the restriction, my blood is enough to call him for a couple of minutes so I have only one shot to do this.

As I’m done drawing a magic circle on an empty land, I started to chant.

“From the depths of hell, thy servant is faithful to serve you oh god of the underworld. With thy power of my blood Show yourself before me and grant me thy appearance.”

The magic circles started to glow as I finished the chant and I could feel the power flowing out my body, the sky above the land where the magic circle was drawn turned to dark then a dark miasma started to appear on the ground, the wind blows harder and the trees are swaying left and right and all the animals with in the vicinity flee from the area as they feel something not right.

Then the demon god appeared in front of me while his black eyes staring at me

When the summoning was successful I sat down as I feel weak because of the mana shortage.

“Hahahhahahhahahhah!!!!!!! Is that you kurinai? What happened to your body?!!!!!!! I couldn’t recognize you at all. “

He was Teary-eyed from laughing as he saw me sitting on the ground panting.

“Haha ha! Funny hades.”

I said sarcastically.

“Why don’t we exchange appearances and then I will be laughing at you, how about that!”

I said while trying to stand up.

“Well, I could do that, but………. I won’t do it because I can’t gain anything from doing it. Besides you’re cute in your new form! Why don’t you just enjoy it?”

He asked me haughtily.

“Hah!”And why would I enjoy this form? I can’t even use my magic and even can’t equip my armor,! Is there anything you can do to uplift this curse? I asked.

“Hmmmmnnnn?” putting his hand under his chin while looking at me head to foot.


“Base from your transformation, I think you are given with that body because of the interference of some magic stronger than your own. It seems that you will be living with that form permanently, but you can have your magic back if you will start leveling up.”

“Since you cannot break the spell you cast to this card crystal I will keep it for the meantime until you regain your power. OH by the way one of your guardians, the one you talk about reviving you by sacrificing him, is still alive.

“When I was inside the dimension, you said he will die right after he was sacrificed but the bizarre thing was when he was shattered into pieces, a dark miasma started to coagulate and gather the pieces and then formed into him.” Hades exclaimed.

“Really, hmmm?” I put my hands at my chin by thinking of what really happened.

“I think he was affected by the legendary core miasma as what also happened to me, can you bring him out since he is the only one I can count in for the moment.”

He agreed Then a dimensional door appear beside him and frosty who is sleeping in a cuddling position is now floating coming out from it.

He was covered by a faint dark glow and stopped in front of me, I walk closer and tried to reach him, the moment my little hand touch his body the glow was seeped back into his body and when it was done he started to open his eyes and look at me.

I was in dazed when it happened because what I want is to inspect him only but this happened when I tried to touch him.

“Hu? Huh? “He blinked his eyes thrice and turned his head left and right trying to identify the two of us.

As his gaze stop at me He tilts his head and a sudden reaction I never expected from him appear.

“Ma- mas- master? Is that you? And then he spread his wings and fly up high and fall rapidly that I thought he was going to attack me but when he almost reach the ground he slowed down and arrive at the ground softly just like a feather fall from the sky.

Then kneel in front of me.

“I’m sorry your majesty for not recognizing you right away, “

I asked him while looking at him head to toe.

“Do you know what happen to you frosty?”

“it’s also a mystery to me your majesty, but when the moment I was supposed to die, there’s a dark aura that clocked me while I’m in a process using my life force to revive you.”

“ hmmmmmmmn! The only thing I’m sure right now, is all of this unexplainable circumstances happened right after I defeat the dungeon.”

Hades who still watching and listening to our conversation handed me a set of clothes and said.

“For the meantime use this clothes until you can provide your own. This is the last thing I can give you out of mercy from your predicament.” He tossed the clothes at me at then he disappeared while leaving final words before the magic circle fades away.

“It was nice seeing you in your weak form.” The words he said before he disappears.

While I was changing with the clothes he gave me, it instantly adjusts to my own size.

“Your majesty! Where are the rest?” he asked me while I was busy looking at the clothes that looks extravagant to me.

“In my current condition and magic power I can’t dispel the forbidden magic I cast to them, I need to level up first before I can call them back. For the meantime you will be my guardian before I can summon them again!” I said.

“ but since I made you without any fighting abilities your as fragile at me, but I think in your current state we will be chased out for sure so you can at least transform yourself into human !” I said to him

“I have only a large reserve of mana since you made me that way. But I was weak because you design me for your revival and have no combat abilities but I can use a mid-tier magic spell at least so please forgive me if I can’t defend you perfectly but if a danger will come in your way I will not hesitate to offer my life to save you your majesty.!”

“I can also lend you my mana if you will allow me, your majesty!”

After he said that he transforms himself to a human form and then I look around. Based on my instinct we are still inside the boarder of feloria because I can still sense the remnants of the dungeon veins nearby.

In the four kingdoms , neilffiem and feloria are dominated by human law and other races is not widely accepted, if you happen to see some races on the road besides from human, they might be slaves. Slavery is popular in this kind of kingdom where prejudice is imposed to the other races.

Frosty unlike me who never had any clothes when I woke up, was completely dressed from head to toe because it was part of his power.

As we find our way to get out from the forest, I decided to find the village first where I left my divine staff. Though I can’t use its full power for now it is still a magical item that lets me execute a mid-tier magic if I wield it and besides it has no level restriction.

We walk, and walk, but it seems that we can’t get out from this place, I admit it. We are lost in this thick forest. I can’t seem to imagine that because I was incapable of casting a ----!?

Then I remember I can perform a simple magic which can lead us to a near village.


What’s that? I asked frosty who keeps following me, when I turn my head to the right side I found a 6 meter armored bear ten meter away from us staring like he finally find its meal.

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