《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 13.



Kurinai POV

When I teleported back to the control room, I open the navigation system.

Then i click the {switch dimension} and {rift control}.

This is to transfer the first-floor village outside the dungeon and relocate them as far as the eye of my crystal can grasp, so if ever the dungeon got destroyed they will be safe.

After a while the navigation system alerted me that the transfer was successfully done.

Then i sit on my chair helplessly as a large part of my mana was drained continuously using the skill I just performed. Using ancient and forbidden magic made me exhausted.

When I recovered my mana by drinking high potent recovery potion I just feel something powerful that made me quiver for a moment.

As i open the monitor, i saw the unknown entity lurking at the second dimension, the monster that the guardians cultivated there was killed in an instant, all the buildings and trees where the ancient city is located was now pulverized by its power. as he fired a ball of dark red sphere everywhere,.

Every monster who tried to defend their floors tried to go near him especially the wyvern that is flying at the artificial sky i created, the Cyclops and the cursed mammoths are rushing towards the unknown man but they didn’t even go near him, for every time they attack, a ball of dark red mana hit them. And they burst to pieces, the wyverns that used a [claw attack] which said to be a 5th tier skill was cut into two as he slash a wind magic to them.

Then when all of them were eradicated the unknown man roared loudly as if it’s suffered from unexplainable pain.

After he finishes the entire creature in the 2nd floor he went to the boss room. Since I already withdraw the guardians He just went straight to the door connected to the 3rd floor where pitou domain is.

As he enters, large man eating roses secreted a foul odor of acid and potent poison as they detect intruders but the man just walks away as if nothing happened.

Shucks! He was resistant to an 8 tier poison and smoke acid that can kill a mid-tier dragon.

As I magnify the the view, I saw a dark glow coating the man, and then I knew why he was not affected by all the poisons and acid. It was an ancient type of barrier that is resistant to 10 tier kind of poisons and acid attacks.

The vines and the man eating flower grew large and attack him. They manage to restraint him for a second but a sword appeared in both his hands and cut them into pieces lice slicing an onion.

It’s a dual blade sword, a divine class item that can cut anything even the hardest metal form in the continent.

"What the heck, it’s the only one of its kind ".

“He is really a formidable opponent."

I said this as i saw him effortlessly slashing everything in his way.

As the 10 tier plant type monster attack him all at once, they cloaked him with their thorn who was like a metal in its hardness, the flower plant type monster spit bombs seed towards him but he just sway his swords and all the vines and thorned stems was shredded to pieces.

The bombs barely scratch him,

Uhhhhhggghggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s like everything for this man is a joke, monsters was eradicated instantly as if he just mowing a grassy garden.

As i see him approaching the green house where the door is located to the 4th floor , i teleported back to the 5th floor area to face him since i recovered all the mana I’ve lost from the multiple spells that i used earlier As the monsters that was killed in the battle field was absorbed by the dungeon.


As i wait at the middle of the field of the thousand tombs where the cemetery is located, i can feel any moment now that he will appear in that door where i am waiting for him.

Even from this area you could feel the noise of the monsters being sliced and crushed to pieces, a quake also can be felt every time he roared.

I cast a multiple spells and buff to me , from strengthening type to infinite mana absorption, power boost, and so on that i know of, so that i could at least give him a decent fight.

As the door slowly opened, I saw a man who wore a full bodied armor covering his entire physique, two divine swords in both hands was carried sluggishly, and a dark aura cloak him appeared in the gigantic door.

Even from here i can feel the large gap between our powers even though I cast multiple buffs to strengthen myself. I can also sense from here that the dark aura cloaking him is the source of his monstrous strength and power.

As i zoom in my vision i saw him clearly, he walks like a dead entity.......

Ehhhhh? And I could hear him say something.

Plechhhhhhhhjjjjklse hhhhechhhhhhhlp mmchhhhjgffffe.!!!!!!!!

"What Was that? I can’t clearly understand what he’s trying to say because every time he speaks a dark smoke is coming from his mouth.”

So fuckin filthy as I thought.

I readied my stance and summon my undead army. From lich, death knight, dullahan, skeletons, dead mage, skeleton shaman, witch and even the dead hydra and imugi earlier i summon to face him.

But the armored man just keeps on walking towards me, even though he saw what i did. he wasn’t swayed by it.

I started the attack and commanded the imugi to cast an earth spike towards the man.

As the earth spike appears below him, He just swings his sword at the ground and crushed it and then continues walking forward.

Next i told the lich, witch, skeleton mage and dullahan to attack him all together by a powerful spell but everything was nulled the moment a dark magic circle surround him.

The armored man dis appeared when the smoke was gone from the nullification magic and appeared at the center where most of the high tier undead was standing. He then used a wind blast to kill them at once. All the undead who was with in the vicinity was turned into dust and vanished into thin air.

As i saw this, it gives chills so i give a command to the hydra to do a sneak attack. The hydra coiled his body and tried to bite the warrior, i thought we get him already as he not moving from his position but to my dis appointment he jump so fast that even me couldn’t follow him and gone.

When he appeared, he was at the back of two hydras and used air compressor and cast it to the monster. As it hit the body of the hydra, they burst into pieces and the gores and flesh rained down into the ground and since the blood is made out of acid, everyone with in its area got melted and died.

I came forward as fast as i could and punch him in the face. I got him and he flew 10 meters away from me.

But he just stands from that hit like he wasn’t hit by that powerful taijutsu and flew forward to me in an instant. He appeared in front of me and a ball of dark wind disk appeared in his hand and releases it towards me.


In that moment I use the skill [Buddha shrine hands] to defend from that attack, a 5th layered 1000 golden hands of Buddha appeared from the magic circle in front of me. The disk just penetrated until to the third layer.

I successfully stop him from slicing me but when I was about to direct an attack he disappeared again.

I feel an ominous aura at my back and when I turned he’s already thrusting his sword towards my chest but I deflect it with my divine staff.

But even when I defended that attack the aura from his swords still hit me and As a result my armor got destroyed. I equip the heavenly armor immediately to replace the broken one.

I cast multiple spells and a magic circles appeared in front of me where an ice blades ascend from it and direct its attack to invalidate him for a moment. I also summon the dragon ice queen to attack him but a fire wall deflected my attack and in return he summons the fire phoenix to counter attack the ice dragon.

As the battle goes on, my mana is decreasing exponentially and I’m getting tired from evading from its attack even though i cast myself the infinite mana absorption, it is still not enough to replace the lost mana i used every time I cast a spell.

As I heaved from mana deficiency, my navigation system also alerted me that my health bar is depleting continuously due to the wound i receive from the last attack.

I use [identify] to see through his stats and I was dumb to say that I could par with him in a battle.

His stats were abnormally high; even casting a lot of spells earlier I can see that his mana bar is still the same.

I was silently observing him especially his two divine swords. I said to myself that it is futile to fight with this man equally. So I need to use my last trump card.

The hour of death but i need to get close with him to cast this magic, and I’m saving my last reserve of mana to activate this magic.

As he vanished again into thin air, i pulled out an ancient sword artifact to attack him because of his repetitive moves i already know where he appears every time he disappears. We fought with swords but my artifact can’t hold it any longer as a crack was slowly appeared from its blade, his strength overpowers my attack resulting me from moving backward.

As he used his skill multi -sword blades it sent me flying while blocking it and sent me down to an old building at the center of the cemetery.

I was coughing blood and heaved from exhaustion; i can’t use my trump card yet because every time i tried to go near him he sent me flying away.

I have to do it faster because my body cannot keep it longer so I summon a massive bone dragon to stall his time for the moment while I activate the skill.

The [hour of death] is a one-time use skill that will use all your mana reserves in exchange to activate it, that’s why it is my last resort to kill the man so I have only one chance to do it.

The hour of death is a massive rounded clock where the parts of the said clock was made out of bones of the divine entity, it can kill an opponent no matter who it is but the backlash of this spell is that the cool down time is longer so you can only use it for a one time basis.

The only problem with the spell is that a time of 10 seconds needed to activate it but in a battle where your opponent is faster and stronger than you ten seconds is quite longer that’s why I summon the bone dragon to give me time to activate it.

As I summon the 4 bone dragons, multiple of bones from the cemetery are flying to the sky and forming into 4 massive large bone dragon.

As they appeared I commanded them to attack the armored man.

As they flew towards the man, I activate the spell immediately and from that ,a large red magic circles appeared at my back and the clock was materialize from it and then the hands of it started to move but it will take 10 seconds to reach the time needed for it to produce the sound of death.

But as the man feels something ominous powerful magic he turned his gaze to me and flight faster towards my direction leaving behind the bone dragons.

When he appeared in front of me he used his dual sword skill [thousand blade strike] to attack me and prevent me to activate it. The moment that the attack hit me is also the time that the hour of death produces a sound.

I smiled as I successfully activate it but in return I was covered by fatal wounds all over my body and all my artifacts was shattered into pieces. I know that I will die soon as the wounds is not closing because I was affected by the curse of his swords but when I turned my head I saw him engulfed by a death aura and was slowly turned into dust.

In my blurry vision as my consciousness starts to fade away his body turned into fine dust started from his feet upwards but what I don’t expect from him is that he cast sphere wind destruction towards my direction.

Since I can’t move any longer and the scale of this magic is too large for me defend at this moment I just wait for it to reach me.

The moment that he totally dis appear is also the time when everything turned into a big explosion when the spell reached me.

The dungeon that I created was totally destroyed and now gone as I also died from that attack.


As the explosion happened in an instant, the kingdom of feloria and the neighboring places felt a massive earthquake that made some of their buildings collapsed.

While on the other hand in the dimensional rift, where the 16 crystals are and where hades is located. One of the 16 crystals where frosty has been lying in a suspended animation was shattered into million pieces.

His spirit energy condensed and exited the rift and appeared in the forest where it visualized my body in a grassy part of the land.

As I was still in my spirit form, a monitor appeared in front of me.

“You have been revived by the use of sacrificial lamb"

As the spirit ball started to form a body, a blue icon appeared and I heard the system voice inside my head.

“You have successfully defeated the legendary dungeon, and the dungeon core will now be yours do you want to accept it?”

The system asked me.

I confirmed it and my body is now completely in form but since I was exhausted and my new body needs to absorb the mana around for the meantime. I just closed my eyes and let the nature take its course.

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