《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 11


Kurinai POV

As the portal open, I entered and appeared right next to the control room. As I seated, the overview of my dungeon appeared in front of me in a transparent blue monitor.

Then I click the 1st floor from the 13 floors that was floating in front of me in a miniature size, from that view I can see the movement of each monster from geckos army by the red that is moving from the landscape.


The system alerted rang crazily in my head.

“60 seconds before the invasion, countdown is now activated. 59……..58……..57……56……” .!.

Large portals measuring 20 meters appearing at the designation spot to invade a dungeon was now in front of the gate , the armies that was prepared by gecko was now waiting for the monsters to appear at the portal.

But Since I cast a fortification spell in the portals, it will give us time to calm ourselves as we face the invaders.

When the countdown reaches zero the portals shined and the demons from the invading dungeon was rushing to enter but was blocked by the spell, the army was flabbergasted as they saw the demons trying to break the spell.

As the spell was now gone the invaders rushed towards the army but since none of them knows where the traps and pits are they were killed and died instantly.

The first row falls from the pits, some got skewered from the traps but since they are thousands of them they instantly pass the taps area and now heading towards the magma lake where my army is waiting at the other side.

When the group of monster and demons tried to cross the lake they were instantly burned to ashes. It seems they just do whatever ordered them to do and they lack of knowledge to percept what is in front of them.

But when the sorceress from the enemy appeared they fired a wide range ice magic that freezes the magma lake and since they were not hindered anymore they now continue heading forward.

The vanguards of gecko which are the fire golems, stone golems, and kobolds are now running towards the enemy while they crushed them with their vast fist and trample them with their monstrous body.

While the kobold uses their sword to slash the enemy who escape from the elementals defenses the enemy still push through since geckos elite warriors are only 4 thousand while the enemy were hundreds of thousands even most of them are low tiered monsters but their numbers are still terrifying.

Gecko warriors keep on killing the enemies who is rushing towards them but no matter how they tried some of them still pass and rushing towards the floor dungeon area where gecko is patiently waiting.

When the number of warriors on our side is decreasing geckos on the other hand was agitating to join in the battle.

As he saw that most of his warriors are killed his rage plummeted and reached the degree where he could no longer patiently waiting for them to reach his floor area. He stands up and transforms into his original form the king of fire dragon.

Having 170.7 meters long with a wingspan of 135. 6 meters, this gigantic creature is indeed terrifying crushing his enemy with its spiked tail and trampled them by his large muscular feet, within its vicinity all monsters crushed to grounds. When he sees that his warrior will be killed he helps them sometimes and used his one mighty attack the [fire breath] but careful enough to not burn his warriors.


After a while of arduous battle, the innumerable groups of enemy is now down to 1 group of 15 elite demon lords and the portal also stopped from producing enemies.

He went to the remaining warriors he had which is now gasping for breath for the nonstop battle they just experience, gecko feels like they were defeated because of the loss he had. His elite warriors, who are tier 7 monster leveling up continuously from his rigorous training are now down to 30. He felt sorry for them but can’t do anything about it anymore so he brushed it off and went to the wounded warriors. He then sent them to the safe zone area where a cave is located; there a group of elves and mages are waiting to heal the wounded warriors.

As he tried to help one of his captains to get up the portal produces a sound and shined once again.

Then 3 gigantic imoogi and 4 hydras appeared and their minion is rushing towards the tired army of gecko who was shocked as they saw the endless enemy who once again ready to attack them.


Gecko POV

“Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck, fuck.” Geckos exclaimed while watching the enemy forces coming towards him.

“I still have one person to send in the safe zone and now they appeared”?!!!!.

I let grew of my wings at the back just enough to let me fly to the safe zone.

“Master gecko! You don’t have to bring me there I can still fight”? The captain said as he tried to lift him.

“No, I don’t want anyone of you again to die that easily”!.

I replied and fly faster to where the other is.

As I reach there. I laid him down to one of the empty space while other are sitting, one elf is rushing towards me and asked me.

“Is this the last one master?” she asked.

“Yes, he’s the last one but be prepared and don’t go outside from this cave because there are new enemies coming.”

“w-h-what? There are still coming? The girl elf asks as she witnessed how his comrade died in the battle that happen in the area where I came from.


“Don’t worry I still have my last trump card to use. But if it fails, used the portals connecting to the third floor at the end of this cave and find a refuge to one the rooms there.” I said to them while I saw fear from their faces.

“How about you master gecko?” the girl replied with a worried look towards me.

“You don’t have to worry I can defend myself” I retorted.

After saying a couple of things about what should they do, I flew back to my area.

Hundreds of thousands dead bodies are still there and occupying the vast land of this floor because the dungeon cannot absorb the body while the dungeon lord of the enemy is still alive.

The remaining elemental golems which I saw at the magma lake a while ago is now completely gone. Maybe the imugi killed it with its magic.

Imugi said to be close relative to us dragons, they are hornless creatures resembling dragons that have been cursed and thus were unable to become dragons. By other accounts, an Imugi is a proto-dragon which must survive one thousand years in order to become a fully-fledged dragon. In either case, they are said to be large, benevolent, python-like creatures that live in water or caves

They also had similarities with us; they can also breathe fire and can cast magic that’s why they are a formidable opponent. If the battle is one versus one, I can defeat them easily but with the two of them and also 4 hydras who are backing them. It’s impossible for me.


Hydra is a serpent with nine heads, each of which, if cut off, grew back as two. It had a poisonous breath and blood so virulent that even its scent was deadly.

The weakness of the Hydra was that it was vulnerable only if you simultaneously cut its head. That’s why the newcomers are really hard for me to take on, and then I don’t have a choice but to use the world class items which his majesty gave me.

As they approached me, I did not transform back as a dragon since I can’t hold the world class item if I did that. One of the imugi breath fire and the other one use earth magic pointed towards me who is standing at the center of the ring cooled magma.

The other hydras spit its venomous poison even the ogres below them melted from the drops of its poison.

I grew my wings back to evade the attack and flight higher to counter attack them with magic.

[Blaze of fire].

It hit them as I directed an eight tier fire magic.

But the imugi cast a barrier to block my attack.

I chant a fire magic while evading the hydras who keeps on spitting at me.

[ fire tornado],

But as always the earth type imugi always blocked it by its earth type barrier. If only I could transform to my real body I could surely kill one of them,

But now is not the right time to use it.

I took off the eye of the abyss at the left side of my ear that turned into an earring, which his majesty transformed for me to use it easily since I might transform into a dragon I might lose it along the way so he use his magic to do so.

After I took it off, I crushed it in my hands and the dust from it flew upward and formed into a bright ball of white and now falling down to my hands and turn back to its original form.

As I turned the mirror facing towards the enemy, I activate its one-time use skill.

[Divine Reflection].

A skill who can imitate the reflected monsters who is a part within its area of vision.

As I use it, a large magic circle is condensing from the ground and the mirror flew upwards to its direction and turned into a gigantic reflection, where a version of the same number of imugi and hydra appeared slowly.

After they appeared completely at the ground the enemy is now rampaging as they saw what just happened and rushed towards the imugi which the mirror produced. After the two party clashed, an earthquake appeared because of the impact.

As the battle goes on I also fight beside them and cast a wide magic spell to their minions.

I cast [inferno blaze] nonstop towards the dwarves and ogre and every time they were hit by the spell they burned and turned into a pile of ash.

I also flew forward to strike them with my hands. As my strength is higher than the dwarves and ogre they were crushed and sent flying back, after of doing this every now and then and with the help of the 12 fire elemental giants that use their size to crush the enemies we successfully reduced and killed them, only the gigantic imugi and hydra remains.

You can differentiate the two parties because the originals are dark and vivid in their colors while the replica is lighter in color.

When the original imugi used an earth spiked the replica will also imitate them, magic to magic, strength to strength, the battle between the originals and the replica is amazing to watch as they used their all to defeat each other.

The four hydras use its head to attack the replicas while the other do the same, but no matter how the replicas tried to defeat the originals there is still a big difference in power.

As the imugi accumulate its mana to charge a powerful breath of fire the other replicas did the same, but when it happen and collide with each other, the fire breath of the original pass through the explosion and burned the replica and turned it into ashes as the fire engulfed its body.

While the other comrades of the original hydra saw what the imugi done, they also imitate it. As I notice that we will be defeated if I don’t do anything I rushed towards one of the original hydra and reach my inventory pocket and get my dragon sword. Who is bigger than my body, despite of its appearance it is lighter for me to handle as if I hold a piece of a wooden sword. As I equip my sword I jumped toward the original hydra that is being held by the replicas and being bitten by its head, I sneakily attacked and sliced all their heads in just one strike.

The hydras 9 head is now on the ground and its enormous body fall after it was cut off from its body. As the other original saw their other siblings killed by me they attacked and rushed towards me, but stopped by the replica. As I saw them being held again I jump and flew towards the other and now ready to strike but I never notice that one of the original imugi is silently waiting at the dark waiting for me to strike at his comrade and will do its turn to kill me.

As it silently charges its attack, the fire breath grew stronger and when he saw a blind spot while I was attacking he release it.

As I strike the other head of the original hydras that is being held, a powerful magic hit me at the back and there I notice one of the imugi who just release its attack at me.

There I know I was careless and confident that leads me to my own doom as I was engulfed by the fire the poison was slowly seeped through my body and I felt I was going to die as the pain was increasing every second.

As I was almost passed out, there I saw at the distance the elf mage rushing towards me. I saw his staff glowing while pointing at me. It releases a sphere of water healing magic to put off the fire while healing my wounds at the same time.

Even I who has the highest recovery abilities can’t help from closing all my wounds and burns since the fire that was used at me, is a blue fire that is said to be the 2nd strongest from the fire element.

The imugi who has freed from the replica saw the elf running towards me; it spit a poison and attacks the elf who doesn’t know what will happen next.

As the poison hit the elf mage, I screamed trying to warn her but to no avail she was now turned into a pile of liquid.

But when it was about to strike me with its tail, a magic circle with a rune encryption appeared below the imugi then at that moment a dark black fire burned and turned the imugi to ashes in an instant then I recognize that it's one of the majesty ancient magic the [inferno fire] who said to be the strongest fire that can kill even the gods.

As I’m watching its body burned into ashes a magic circle appeared from the ground where I was lying and I was teleported back to the room where I was familiar of then everything turned into black as my consciousness faded away.

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