《The WORLD of Dungeons》chapter 10.


Kurinai pov

I seated at the leather- black chair while I open the navigation system, looking at the screen of my personal stats.

[/tds][/tds] [/tds][/tds][/tds]

Status Window


Race human

Level 100


Health 160,000 Mana 140, 000

Health Regen 10,000/s Mana Regen 20,00/s

Strength 80,000 Agility 60,000

Wisdom 100,000

Stamina 80,000 Vitality 120,000

Luck 70,000 Divinity 20,000

Special skills

[Attack] (10,000 types)

[Defense](1000 types)


[Summoning](ancient,demonic,undead types)

[Unique Skills](500)

As I saw my stats, I smiled while looking at how crazy it become right after I transferred inside the game.

I lost from my thoughts when suddenly the alert system rang inside my head crazily.

System: alert! Alert!!!!!!! There's a dungeon core approaching


I activate the barrier instantly to help myself to buy a time for the moment.

[ dungeon defense fortification ] activated.

As I pressed the fortification defense the three portals between 1st dimensions had been sealed. It is usually where the gate is located and also the entrance for the upcoming dungeon to attack.

[ dungeon warped] activated.

I pressed this one too. Because I need to switch the dungeons which have the highest defenses so that I can prepare a countermeasure for the sudden raid.

I warped the 2nd floor and transferred it to the fifth floor. While doing this I also switched the sequence of the dimensions so that it will protect the inhabitants of my dungeon.

The dungeon sequence as follows.

Geckos 2nd dimension- now 1st dimension

Beelzeve 3rd dimension- now 2nd dimension

Pitou 4th dimension- now 3rd dimension

Zeberu 5th dimension- now 4th dimension

Zeckery 1st dimension- now 5th dimension

6th floor for the chambers,

7th floor- throne room

8th floor- my room

9th floor- treasury

10 floor- equipment and armoury

11 floor- world class items

12 floor- divine world items

13 floor- dungeon core

All of them were arranged accordingly to their purpose. Since I build a village in the first dimension I put them in the 5th floor so that they will be safe for the invasion. I also made caves inside zeckery domains and sealed them for the native and biological species to keep them safe since they are essential in creating a new type of monsters.


System: 10 km before the invasion. Do you wish to transfer location?"

The system asked.

I ponder for it, but I think I need to face it since [ dungeon transfer] can only give us a head start to flee but the dungeon who is coming will keep chasing us eventually. This dungeon skill is good for stalling time if you are not prepared.

Since I told all the guardians to fortify their domain over and over again I'm confident that we can defend our home for the moment. As I was thinking this in my head I saw from the 10th row below from the skill stats, [appraisal] it’s one of the skill of the dungeon to appraise any objects, living and non-living items.

“[Identify] “

I used this to know what kind of dungeon and its specs so that I can counter attack from its skill.

" identification denied"

What the heck!!!!!! I used it again.


I pressed it again, but the system denied it again.


There’s only one reason why this keeps happening, when a dungeon is higher than my dungeon level or its one of the in-game dungeon boss.

"" ahhhhhhjj!!!!! What's happening"! I yelled out of frustrations.

" 7 km before the invasion."

The system alerted.

" shit!! Shit!! Shit!!!" I pressed it again for the last time.

[ identify].

Crossed finger while waiting for the ring alert.


Yes!!!!!!!!!!! I jumped as I heard the sound.

" Identify is now available and the dungeon can be viewed now"" do you wish to see the dungeon info?"

Yes, No?

The system asked me.

I clicked yes of course then a second blue window appeared beside from my navigation system.

Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck is this? I exclaimed.

Dungeon name: legendary hero

Dungeon rank: S+++

Dungeon type: unknown

Number of floors: 3

Number of rooms: none

Number of species: unknown

Number of native of species: unknown

Dungeon skill: 1 ( eye of etheria)

My knees got weak as I saw the information in front of me. This dungeon is way beyond my capabilities but I feel more scared from the dungeon name. During when this game is still on its peak, there was one player who reaches the legendary rank.

It was the player who died while playing this game. As I remember him, it gives me chills for it was deleted by the management right after the family declares that no one wanted to continue the game.

Then the face of Sadako appeared in my memory.


As I am fidgeting my nails The system alert rang again.


I almost faint when I hear the notification ring all of a sudden.

" 3 km before the invasion"

Gosh, it so fast I'm just pacing for a little while but now it’s so close to us! This is so insane. I murmured while watching the monitor again.

The triple-S rank was a dungeon boss level. If I want to defeat it, I need to have at least 2 S rank dungeon masters to defeat this kind of enemy when it was still a game. But right now I have no friends to call on for help since my friend list is empty and there's no way around I can ask for help from the other players since right now the chat system is nowhere to be found.

Since it all comes to this what I need to do is to give my all to defend this home.

[ instant teleportation] activate.

I transported all my guardians including Pitou and the two in neilfem kingdom to be in the throne room. As I got out in the control room a portal appears in front of me and transferred me to the throne room where all the guardians are waiting.

“We will be attacked at any moment now; I rearrange all the dimensions and prioritized the important one while the rest is there to defend”.

“Gecko, defend your area with what you have since your floor will be first one to be attacked. If anything goes out of control or if your enemy is much stronger than you, then I order you to Retreat right away, I don't want any of you to be killed. Don't let your arrogance filled your head this dungeon is different from the previous invaders so be alert always”.


“It all goes the same to all of you. I made the necessary preparations from the control room so let's wait and defend our home with all our might”.

I said this while looking at them intently.

“Sorry to say this your majesty, but may I ask what rank this dungeon is?”. pitou ask me.

“it’s a triple-S rank dungeon so it's harder and much more dangerous since the rank of this dungeon is way higher than us."

“This dungeon also was the strongest dungeons out there. That's why I need you to be careful when dealing with its monsters.”

As they heard this I could feel a little fear from them.

“Don’t worry I will let you equipped with a world class item to give you a higher chance of success but be cautious to not let others steal it from you. Understood?"

“yes, your majesty," they said in unison.

I used instant teleportation to go directly where the 11th floor is.

Out of the 74 world class item that I had which I accumulated from the dungeon wars and from defeating the dungeon boss before.

As I appear at the two gigantic doors, I recite the password to open it.

“The power is within me and within me is the power to grant life. Let thy being called thy power of life"

Right after I finish speaking the last word the two gigantic doors open slowly. As I went inside, a large hall with a grand living area is located at the center while from its right side a long hallway with 2 large gigantic knight statues could be seen guarding the second entrance. If you force your way in, this two gigantic statues will come to life and attack until you are killed.

Since I used the normal way to access the door they just remain to their position. As I went inside these two demon god statues .move and kneel as I approach the hallway.

“Your majesty! We are glad to welcome you here”. As they said it their voice echoed throughout the room."

I just walk straight and pass the guardians of this room. Then as I walk inside the hallway I saw the items which enclosed in a fiberglass tube shining while floating above the ground and at the center is a large crystal ball.

This crystal ball serves as an access to open this items which enclosed in a tube.

As I reach the center where a large black crystal ball is located, I drip a blood on it to recognize me that I was the owner of all the items in this room.

From the 74 world class item that is now in front of me, I slide my finger through the monitor to find the items I needed. I clicked the following world class items that I found.

The items are as follows:

1.[ eye of the abyss] it's a hand mirror where a coiled golden hand of a dragon encircling both sides with a blue crystal orb embedded at the top part of the mirror that serves as a catalyst to draw its power.

2. [God sealing scroll] from the name itself, I think you already know what it is. Once the monster is successfully sealed, an hourglass will appear and a monster trapped inside.

3. [Demon god arm] from a mighty demon god monster whom I defeated before, the drop item was his cursed hand. This item will draw a powerful dark ball that can obliterate an entire kingdom with one strike.

4. [ thors hammer] it’s one of the top 10 strongest world class item because of its ferocious power.

5. [ death mask] if you use this world class item, the wearer will be granted 2 kind of skill, infinite mana and death eye. the 2nd skill can only use for a short period of time about 15 seconds, but the effect is terrifying. If are within the range vision of the mask you will be killed instantly and will spawn as an undead.

6. [7 sets of the eternal ring] this set of rings is a drop item from the quest I finished during the world raid quest. together with the eternal shield and eternal robe, this type of ring will give you immortality for 1 hour and boost all your stats, unless the ring is not destroyed the wearer can manipulate the time but in return u need to crushed it and to use it.

After I clicked the items on the monitor, the floating black crystal ball shined and a moment later the items that I've chosen flew towards my position one by one lined in front of me. Then i put it to my inventory.

After doing this,I teleported back to the throne room and where the guardians are still waiting.

Now is the time to hand this all to the guardians who will be at the battlefront.

“I will give zeberu the death mask since he needs an infinite source of mana for his summoning skills. I will give Pitou thors hammer while I give the sealing scroll to zeckery and I give the eye of the abyss to gecko while I give the demon god arm to beelzeve.”

" guard this with all your life and remember my warnings that I gave you earlier".


I turned to a good looking bright boy with a horn on its forehead and a small wings at the back, while his unique dress was like of a samurai where half of its upper shirt was not worn completely revealing his young body.

He lifts up his head and answered me.

“Yes your majesty”

From all the guardians, frozty has the special skill among the guardians. He is a sacrificial creature that I painstakingly achieve that will help me revive once if the dungeon core will be destroyed.

" you know already what is your task so I won't voice it out."

" yes your majesty, I will offer my life for your own safety."

“Lucas and emerald

, you will help gecko in the first floor"

" yes we will your majesty" the two replied

And then after I said this I give them a ring which allows them to teleport to the first dimension to 7th dimension,

“if anything happens that is out of your hand don’t hesitate to use it.”

"Now go and defend our home."

After they went to their respected domain, I equipped the eternal rings to my fingers and open the navigation system. I activate the traps and poisons in each floor right after they left.

Then I summon my divine staff to help me amplify my spells if anything happen that is beyond my estimation.

This it, I said to myself, and went back to the control room.

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