《The WORLD of Dungeons》chapter 9. new journey


Kurinai pov

Crackens is what I named for my dungeon. The office located at the 7th floor of the dungeon was designed luxuriously .Every piece of furniture in the room was elegant in design, tasteful and exotic. The crimson red soft carpet on the floor doesn't make a sound when you walk on it. Statue of various designs was lined over the walls deep within the room.

An impressive cream wooden desk was placed inside the room; the owner was sitting on the all-black leather chair wearing a long black robe that seemed to absorb light, if there is one word to describe that person that would be boredom.

A beautiful handsome face was looking intently at the paper sent by Pitou, one of the guardians who are gathering information at feloria kingdom.

He’s name was CHRIS DAVE but now known as KURINAI Edogawa, taking the name of his favorite hero in the real WORLD.

Kurinai folded his arms as he saw nothing important from the reports. The 7 rings worn on his fingers sparkles under the reflection of the 「light of the heaven」.

"What should I do to get some fun?"

As I thought a lot of things, I used [message] and tell the other guardians aside Pitou who is out right now to come in the throne room.

As I went outside the office where I just read the reports of the Intel about the task I gave to Pitou and co. I head straight to the throne room where it is connected to my office.

"As all of you know, I visit annually a city in a random kingdom where I want to go. Since I will be going outside again, I will be leaving all the affairs to zeberu and the others guardians will be fortifying their area again." all of them remained silent from the decision I just made.

"I will be accompanied by Lucas and emerald who were with me in the sinoi village" I can see that all of them wants to protest for the same person was chosen again to accompany me especially zeberu who is now looking at the two guardians jealously at the back.

“your majesty why is it that you always choose Lucas and emerald?, there are other guardians who wish to go with you and protect you also," zeberu told me with a hint of jealousy could be traced in his voice.

" zeberu, if I will leave, you will be my most trusted personnel I can rely on when I was away and there’s no other guardians who can outrun your mind," I said to zeberu to convince him.

“Your words made me flatter your majesty but still we want to accompany you too.”

" I wanted to bring you all, but there will be no guardians who will be left to guard my kingdom and if there will be intruders who will attack us, then it will be the end of you and me," I told them to convince them even more, I hope this time they will believe me.

Zeberu together with the other guardians resigned from their persuasion to bring them with me and just sigh as now they saw me smiling.

“zeberu do you know the drill already! If there is something that my presence is highly needed, you need to use the forced instant teleportation scroll I gave to you to transport me from where ever I am from here? I know you understand the degree of loss if another dungeon will raid our dungeon while I am away? Right Now we are safe, because I activate the invincibility spell to hide our presence but it will only last for a month. But I won’t be away for so long so you don’t need to worry."


" I understand it more than anything else here your majesty, I will keep it to my heart to heed your warnings. I will set my life on the line with this."

" it's good, that you understood, NOw Lucas, emerald" I called the two and walk towards me.

"Let’s go now”

“yes your majesty"

As I disappear from the throne room the remaining guardian complains to zeberu about favoritism since I always bring Lucas and emerald. But zeberu stop them and said that’

"Master trusted us more than those two that's why he put us here."

They keep their mouth shut after hearing it.


The kingdom city of Neilfem was situated at the border of Weeds Empire and laco-laco Empire. Since it was protected by 3 layers of city walls, it was known as the fortress city due to its structure. The layout between each layer had their unique characteristics.

The outermost walls were used by the kingdom military while the innermost was used for administrative purposes. This was heavily protected by soldiers where it has its own warehouse for food. The innermost walls where two residential areas were located and where the nobles and the royal family reside.

From the many plazas located inside these walls the biggest one was called the central plaza. Most of the people set up their business here, laying out all sorts of crops they produce within the empire.

In the crowded area of the central plaza, you can hear merchants shouting in an attempt to attract customers, children playing, youths are being enticed by some ladies who are in the area."

This plaza was incredibly lively in the day; the noisy crowded atmosphere will carry on until the sundown. But three figures put an end to the rowdy atmosphere.

Every eye in the plaza was drawn to the trio who stood motionlessly.

One of them was a female between twenty years old. Her eyes were soft and shone with a lively appearance. Her thick, shiny green hair was laid down in her back and her snow white skin glittered in the sun like pearls. her name was emerald.

Her prominent part was her elegant air and her exotic beauty that would make anybody look twice. The body hugging dress she wore while a cleavage could be seen and let her voluptuous breast lavishly prevented by the bra.

Every man looks at her with lust in their eyes and drools from its size.

The other one is a handsome male between twenty to twenty-five years old. His arrogant eyes and handsome face were intimidating to look at. His bluish short hair was neatly combed backward, while his pale porcelain skin color that almost has no blood. Is the most noticeable about his features and his name is Lucas.

While the other one was about of age as the other male, while unlike the other man, the man has captivating eyes while his sweet lips are accentuated to his proud pointed nose that completed his friendly aura. His long black shiny hair was swaying every time he moves and his flawless white skin that has no blemish stands out while you can sense some mystery about him

Some people in the plaza mumbled of where on earth these persons come from. For their beauty is never been seen in the entire empire of neilfem. They were surprised by the rare sight they just saw but felt some mysterious aura surrounding the trio.

The three of them looked around and the man who had a black hair took the first step.

The people who saw them watch the 3 figures as they saw the back of the strangers faded into the distance.


The three people went to the adventure guild to register themselves as adventurer under the neilfem kingdom. The guild where they handed their registration is a guild who is experts in the subjugation of monster in the dungeons and hunted monsters in the most dangerous area in Neilfem Empire. When they finished their registrations the man who entertained them gave them 3 small copper medals and then they hang it inside their necks. The observant people inside the guild look at the three stranger especially at the lady who has a strikingly beauty.

As they finished their business inside the guild, they went outside and walked toward the road.

Then a simple carriage is now waiting at the three strangers. As they enter the carriage, emerald said to the long black hair guy. Your ma-------------

“How many times should I repeat it to you emerald that if we are outside the dungeon, call me Chris. Both of you should remember it as we will be going outside most of the time” I retorted.

The long black hair guy ------Chris------interrupted emerald and she responded.

" ah! my humble apologies, Chris sama."

" don't call me Chris sama. We are comrade and just normal adventurers in the eyes of these people. It would be weird if you will call me like that"

" B-but! How can I be so rude towards you our majesty, our king?"

Chris lifts his hands as a hand gesture of stopping emerald from speaking too loud.

“I’ve already said this to you and don't let me repeat this again. when we are outside I am Chris David but if we are inside the dungeon you can call me back as what you used to call me and that's an order. Also, it applies to all of the guardians not only the two of you. do you understand?"

after a moment of silence emerald reluctantly answered.

" yes you--------------------- yes! Chris-san".

" ahhh!". I sighed out of frustration.

Emerald bowed her head and asks an apology.

" I accept your apology, but next time be careful in everything you say or you do, one mistake could lead us into a difficult situation in the future."

"yes, Chris -s san" but is it more suitable if you accompany zeberu and let him transform in his human form than us? He has a lot of experience and the smartest from all of us?." Emerald asked me again while having a hard time calling me without honorifics.

"We don't know yet what danger we are facing. Maybe one of our enemies is strong enough to detect the illusion made by zeberu. It would be dangerous for us then if it happens." and besides he needs to manage the dungeon while I was away.”


" I'm sorry if my impudence irritates you Chris-sama, but is it better if you leave the affairs to Pitou and let zeckery me and Lucas handle the security of the dungeon?."

" I did not bring him along because he's the most trusted personnel I could rely on, I can leave crackens dungeon without worries if he is there.

" ahmmmmmmmmm, " then emerald went silent.

Lucas is just listening to our conversation, I know he is curious too, but his question was asked already by emerald.

" to tell you honestly, I was bored doing nothing inside the dungeon, so I decided to go out and do something fun but I have also other reasons since pitou still gathering some information about the task I gave him. There might be mistakes that will occur so in order to minimize that I also need to go out and experience this world.".

“Thanks for your honest answer Chris-sama, now I finally get it why we save that village and why we are here right now".

As I think about it I don't really have a reason saving those villages. it so happens that the crystal ball reaches them and I need some fun, that's why I decided to go out that time. While thinking this to myself we almost reach the tavern.

“master I scouted already the tavern and there are no dangers around," he said that to me. Maybe he sent his one of his summoned creatures to scout the area while I was busy answering the question of emerald.

As I looked around, I saw several shops open for business while on the other side you can see some men working by carrying goods to the stall. It is also crowded in here.

as we enter the tavern I notice that it was secluded where most of its window and doors are closed, as I went to the counter I ask if how much is per night as I looked around I saw how dirty the palace is, left over from the food could be seen in the ground, while on the wall is tattered wallpaper and unorganized chairs and table.

The man I asked answered rudely as he saw our copper medal hanging in our neck then face us:

" hmmmm! Since you as a copper holder adventurer’s 15 copper coins per night with a meal of bread and soup.”

" ok, I want 2 rooms."

The owner snorted:

"all of the taverns right now is full and I have only one available, I can only offer you 1 room .do you know why the guild recommend this tavern for you. Because they know that you're a beginner and beginner’s means don't have that much money in them besides in this tavern you can easily search a party if you want to take on a task given by the guild.”

“ahh, now I know! That’s why I've seen a lot of copper bearer here in this area.’’

But I requested again if there’s any available room left since emerald needs to separate from us since she was a woman.

“How much brain do you have for you to not understand that we only have 1 room available? If you don't want it then leave, there are other who want to get this room!"

" ok! ok! I will get it." as I calmed him down.

then I paid the amount needed, by the way since I have a vast amount of money, all of it are gold coins from the dungeons and their money is different from mine so I sell some magic crystals from the merchant we happen to pass by and that’s how we obtain the money to pay for the lodging.

He then told us:

“Your room is in the right side near the exit area when you climb up the stairs."

"As I handed him 1 silver coin, he then give me my change and shoved us to our room, I know emerald is just holding back because I told her to do that.

As I open the door I saw a single bed and a cabinet and seen nothing else. Then I really think it is indeed a cheap tavern. I could afford expensive hotels, but it would blow our cover and the fun will not be there anymore.

As Lucas closed the door since he was the last one entered the room. Then emerald told me to sleep in the bed.

" it is filthy place Chris-sama, I think we need to change our sleeping room."

“Don’t say that emerald. Our objective here is to become an adventurer and get famous so how will be able to do that if we are in the top already? There’s no fun in doing that!" I scolded her while saying that.

" Chris-sama I think emerald is right it doesn't fit you to sleep in this dirty place," Lucas added.

" I don't need you opinions we will sleep here period!". I said it with vindication.

As I said it a white circle light appear down at my feet and a layer of magic circle could be seen. It’s an 8 tier magic spell that only high leveled magic caster can do. I felt something wrong but then I remembered telling zeberu to teleport me if he has an urgent matter, the room was enveloped in white light and disappeared after a second, When I blink my eyes I saw a familiar room that I’m used to, there zeberu patiently waiting for me.

“Master a dungeon core is approaching and it is different from the last attack. That’s why even it is against your will I summon you back to the dungeon!"

“Who the hell disturrrrrrrbed my little vacation! I yelled that echoed through the room then I saw zeberu shocked from the rage I've shown to him since I never lose my cool before that's why he was so shocked seeing me this way.

“contact the two guardians in neilfem to remain there until I get back and after that we will crush this bastard who ruin my vacation I said it while my blood lust is oozing from my body that all the creatures inside the dungeon felt it .' and then I went to the control room and saw the overview of the whole dungeon.

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