《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 8. feloria kingdom ( Pitou memories)


feel free to comment, if you happen to site any errors. i will be glad to be corrected since im not good in english. and sorry for the delay since i was busy at work. Now here is the chapter for the day.

Pitou POV

Before the sun gives its shine to the city of feloria, I woke up in bed and look outside the window. You can see the city guards and the people busy on their chores while others are still in their dreams.

When I notice that some of the shops are preparing to open their business, I decided to walk.

As I open the door I saw the two demon lords Gia and Frey standing in front of the door.

"Where are you going master?" The two asked me.

" I just want to go outside for a walk" I replied.

" it is our duty to go wherever you want so we will accompany you to your walk"

" you don't need to do that, I just want to breathe the fresh morning air"

" it is our duty to guide and protect you master pitou, please allow us to do our duty."

" I will be back quickly, I just need to be alone for the meantime, I can defend myself if that is what you worry,".

I said it with vindication so they will stop to their duty stuff.

The two understand and gave in and let me roam around. I know that their duty is to protect me, but I am strong enough to defeat others in fact in terms of ranking in strength i am second next to Zeberu who I am afraid of?

I'm the only human from the guardians that his majesty created so I am the only one with a human conscience and the only one who is not part of his majesty creation.

It happened when I was 8 years old, I used to leave in the outskirt part of neilfem kingdom one of the 4 kingdoms of this continent.

I don't have a home nor did parents to rely on, the parents that I grew of told me that when I was a baby they saw me in front of their house crying so they took me in and raised me.

Since at that time, they are not blessed with one so they decided to adopt me but later on, as the years go by they started to have children of their own and now we are 12 in total. We are not from a wealthy family but I cannot say that we are poor but when my father started to get addicted to the alcohol and gambling the peace that we used to have turned into violence.

My foster mother always yell and always complain about my father issues since father own a shop all the income now goes to the gambling and drinking. When the shop was closed due to mismanagement and lack of funds that’s when my life started to becomes a living hell.

My mother decided to accept works from the noble to wash their laundry so that we can have a decent meal, in her fragile body who has not recovered from giving birth to our youngest brother she worked nonstop, later on, she got sick from overwork just to feed us. My father who came home drunk night after night became furious if he can’t find money from my mother who helplessly lying on the bed from doing all the works in the morning and then from that moment he started to hit us.


He always blames me that I was the one who brought them a bad fortune and I was the reason why his shop was closed.

When he went home drunk as always, the money that mother earned with all his might got collected by him who worked hard to earn it, and if my mother doesn't want to give it to him he will hit her until she can’t resist anymore.

And it became worse when my mother died. He started to sell my brothers to the slave seller for a couple of silver coins for his alcohol until 2 of us left. I was never sold because at least I can work and earn a little and next to me is the 11 year old younger brother who assist me during my work but my poor siblings were sold one by one.

He started to beat me to vent his frustrations and leave me after I was unable to stand up, full of bruises and wounds. My brother who can’t do anything just watching me while crying when I was beat by my father. But when he started to beat my younger brother that’s when I snapped out from reality that he is not the father that I used to know.

My younger brother and I left the house at that very night when he was in his deep sleep. I don't know what happen to him after we left the house so were on ourselves now. We wander outside the south gate of neilfem until we found the place where I live now and reach the age of 16. It is a shabby house that was abandoned because the owner who was a widow died accidentally so it was vacated for years until we occupy it now.

I'm happy that I found a place like that because at least we have a roof to stay when the night comes. When we found the place it was full of dirt and some part of the roof was damaged by the storms. We started to clean and throw the broken pieces of furniture and find the things that are still useful.

But my biggest problem is that I don't have the money to feed the two of us and that’s when I started to beg at the market area.

At first, I can earn enough to feed us by begging and ask money from the wealthy people but later on the beggars who used to ask there started to bully me and used their number to snatch my place in the market since they saw that I earn from my spot.

Since I can’t ask anywhere anymore that’s when I started to steal things from the wealthy people. I know it’s bad and if you will be caught you will be beaten until death but for my brother who is patiently waiting for me I can do anything.

But everything change from that fateful day, after two days without eating, my brother is crying asking for food but since I can't give him anything he just keep on crying until I left and told him to wait. He then stops crying and smile at me hoping I can return with the food that asked.

I went to the market and luckily I saw a young couple eating at the table placed in front of the restaurant since it was lunch time, it was full of customers and the owner decided to set up a table outside to accommodate them.

As I was heading there, I saw the purse of the young lady at the ground since she doesn’t know about it I sneakily went at their table and reach the purse that I think that was full of coins since it was quite heavy when I hide it under my shirt.


As I ready to leave at the place, someone blocked my way and when I turn my head up I saw a muscular man staring at me intently with a murderous look.

He grabs my hand tightly and gets the purse and handed it back to the lady who were now yelling and cursing me and when she’s done with the yelling and cursing thing she called the muscular man and told him to punish me.

He drags me out and went at the back of the restaurant where no people could be seen. Then he punches and kicks me with all his might without considering that my body is frail and thin. The owner of the restaurant notice the commotion at the back alley and decided to find out what’s happening and when he saw us and was told the whole story he even encourage the man to beat me more.

Back then I thought all people are cruel and thought I was going to die then I suddenly remember my younger brother at the shabby house waiting for me, hopeful that I could bring him something to eat. Then I feel sorry that I could not bring him anymore for I know that I will die from this man if he will not stop from beating me with the stick he was holding.

As I feel my consciousness fading away, I saw a man who happens to pass by in that area, even from the blurry vision I have due to excessive beating, my other eye couldn’t see anymore because it was swollen from the punch I receive from the man.

My other eye that could barely see from the blood flowing from the cut, hindering me to see the man who stop and was now heading to our direction, in my blurry vision, I saw a dignified man looking at us. I thought he was going to leave for a man like him will just walked away if they see something like this.

But instead he approached us just lift his finger pointing at the man, I don’t know what happen next but I just saw the man beating me lying on the ground without moving then as I tried to lift my head to watch the person for the last time. I saw him holding a heart that's still beating and that’s when my consciousness fades away.

When I woke up, I feel brand new then I try look at my body to find if I received fatal wounds from that incident. But I was shock and at the same time amazed because as I recall where the bruises and some cuts before are now totally gone, I touched face to find out if the cut was still there but I was amazed that everything was back to normal, it’s as if I was not beaten to death in the first place. Then I looked around and notice that I was still at the place where I was beaten and the lifeless body of the man with a whole on his chest lying lifelessly on the ground.

Then I suddenly heard a noise from the ground and when I look up I saw the man lifting his hand while a runic circle appeared on it, then from out of nowhere a gigantic flower eating appeared from the ground, it has a big mouth and countless sharp teeth while an acid was dripping from its mouth.

I saw the man pointing his fingers to the lifeless body beside me and I was shocked that it instantly devoured it effortlessly. I was scared to death by the scene I just saw so i looked instantly to the man who let this plant eating monster appear and try to plead for my life.

As if on cue, he turned to me and I was even shocked that the man who helped me was strikingly young and handsome. His long black hair swayed perfectly by the wind as if it dances every time he moves. If I guess correctly he was about my aged but the gracefulness was showed every time he moves so I thought that he was from a noble family.

I was afraid at first because of what I saw just a while ago and I thought of running around. But when he talks to me, I hear comforting words instead.

“hello young man, you don't need to fear me, I will not harm you" as he said this I could feel the warmth from his words.

“Why did that man beat you"? He asks me.

“A-ah I d-i-id something wrong"

As I say this I lower my head and then my tears falling from my cheek nonstop.

“You don't have to worry from now on, I will help you,"

He said this while embracing me. He doesn't even mind that I was dirty and wet his beautiful dress with my tears and snot.

“A-a-re y-ou a wi-zard?" I ask innocently.

“no, I'm not, I’m a mage," he said.

Then a noise from my stomach growls loudly that made him laugh so hard.

“Follow me; I will feed you,"

He said that to me while smiling. Then the man-eating plant disappeared while the man unsummons it. As we walk through the road, he never asks me the reason why I was beaten to death. He just walks silently and head straight to the shop. I just followed him while People keep staring at me while eyeing the man who helped me.

I secretly surveyed the man who is certainly a rich noble due to the gracefulness of his movement and the way he deliver himself. I tried to search if he has companions but I notice that he just by himself.

We stop at a clothing store after a small walk from the place where I was beaten. I don’t know why we stop at a clothing shop when he told me that he will feed me but I still silently followed him inside the store. As he chooses some clothes from the racks, I tried to look at the price but I was shocked how expensive it is for just a piece of clothes. I thought he was here to shop for his own. Then he chooses beautiful expensive clothes and went to the counter, paid for it for 15 gold coins and then leaves after that.

I was in left in awe as I saw how expensive those clothes can be for just a pair made out from a good fabric. He is indeed a WEALTHY man.

We walk again and stop in front of a luxurious hotel. It's the most expensive hotel in neilfem, only wealthy nobles and dignitaries could afford such a luxurious place here. As we enter I was amazed from the structure of the hotel. The chandelier that was hanging in the ceiling was shining brilliantly as it gives light to the whole area; the grand stairs beside the front desk was left me in awe. As I turned around all I see is expensive things I have never seen before. Even the floor can be used as a mirror since I can see my reflection clearly.

We stop at the front desk that has the sweetest smile on earth when he sees the mister who helped me and when he glanced at me I saw a sour face that was written all over his face

“I want the most expensive room here for 1 day and prepare a bath for me, please," Mister said.

“its 25 gold per night sire and for the bath its 1 silver coin while if you include the food that was 5 gold per person."

The front desk clerk said."

“ok! And bring us food for two in the room, please." the mister said.

" ok sire, all in all, 35 gold and 1 silver coins for the food." The front desk man said.

Then the mister grabs some coin from out of nowhere and hand it down to the front desk. The front desk officer was left in awe as he saw the white gold coin in the desk as if he just saw it for the first time.

The front desk officer could not believe that he would receive a big amount of money that day for 1 white gold is equivalent to 1000 gold coins and besides most of the guest would not pay in full amount if they stay at this hotel, most of it is half paid and the rest are credits.


“im sorry sire but we don’t have a change for your money right now, is it OK if we will give you the change tomorrow morning?”

“no, keep the rest,” the mister said.

I don’t know why the front desk officer was dumbfounded while he left his mouth open. But based on his reaction I could guess. All I know is 1 silver coin is equivalent to 100 copper coins while 100 silver coins is equivalent to 1 gold coins and this white gold coin was a first for me to see so I don’t know the value for it.

The hotel has 5 floors. The first floor is for the receiving area, the second floor was the restaurant, in the third floor was the standard room, the 4th floor is the suite rooms and the last floor is for recreational area. They have also a magical door ( elevator in modern world ) so we enter inside and reached the 3rd floor in no time.

As I set my eyes in the room my mouth drops wide open, now I know why it is so expensive. Everything was decorated lavishly like it was the chamber of the king. Though I don’t know how it looks but I still believe that this room was the best room that I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

It has its own bathroom too and a Jacuzzi, a dining room and a living area. Then I heard him speak after the bath was prepared by the housekeeper.

“you go inside and bathe yourself, clean it thoroughly" as he instructed me.

I went inside the bathroom without saying a word and clean myself. As I rub the soap in my body, dirt accumulated for days without having a bath has now tainted the water, I was amazed how my wounds and bruises were healed completely even the scars that I had before is now gone as I searched my body again even the scars that I have before is now completely gone.

I thought that he’s really a wizard because only people who had an aptitude in magic can do the something like that.

As I’m done cleansing myself, I wrap myself with a clean towel and then went outside. The mister who is now sitting at the chair told me to dress and pointed the pair of clothes he bought earlier.

" a-ah-ahm it is really for me mister?" I asked him.

" I bought it for you, so get dress now before the food will serve ."

“ok, I don’t know how to thank you but if it suits you, you can make me your slave sir.”

He never responds to my remarks so I get the dress and went to the bathroom to get dressed but before I went inside I stop and ask his name.

“May I ask your name mister if you don't mind?" I asked him bravely since for a while I keep on calling him, mister"

“my name? Oh, I forgot to tell you. My name is Kurinai Edogawa, how about you?"

" m-y n-name is peter Collin m-as-ter Kurinai."

“where are your parents?" He asked.

" my mother is dead and I left my home with my younger brother because my father always beat us." Then suddenly I remember my brother.

" master Kurinai I left my brother at an abandoned house outside the gate where my house is located. He is waiting there for me now hoping I could bring him food. Can you please, please help my brother too?"

I ask him bravely even if he called me opportunist I don't care. All I think of now is my brother who is hungrily waiting for me.

He paused and thinks for a moment and then replied back.

" ok! Get dressed now and we will go directly to your younger brother."

I hurriedly get dressed and went outside and then he followed me to where my brother is.

He followed me until we reach the gate and from a distance, I could see already the worn out house I’m familiar with. I run as fast as I could and then reach the house. Our house doesn't have a door so I directly get inside.

As I pant from exhaustion, I saw my skinny brother who is sleeping while his hand was rubbing his stomach. As I saw this a tear fall from my cheeks from pity and run towards him and hugged him tightly. From the sudden movement he opens up his eyes and asks me immediately if I brought some food. I turned around to see if master kurinai is already here but surprisingly he just stood there and look at us with longing eyes.

My brother asks me again about the food but his eyes became large as he suddenly realize that I wore differently and clean to look at. He even doubts me if I was his real brother.

I answered him that there's a man who bought it for me then I pointed the man outside the house standing there.

As we went outside the house, I whisper a word to my brother to pay respect. He bowed and greeted the man perfectly as what I have told him.

And that's where my life changes drastically. After that, master kurinai bought a pair of dress and let my brother clean himself and we eat afterwards. Master kurinai even order more after he saw that the food was gone immediately.

And when the night comes he bid us farewell and handed me 4 bags full of coins, I don’t know how much it is but I stopped him.

“Master Kurinai, I know it is so much for me to ask this but can you take us with you? I will work for you as a servant and will serve you, as a payment let us stay with you"! I asked him pleading.

“hmmmm…….are you sure you want to come with me?"

“Yes master. I am sure. I will be grateful, if you take us with you.”

After some thinking, he sighed and agreed to take us. We went to a place were no people could be seen and Then a grand white carriage comes out of nowhere as he wave his hand and he let us inside and then we depart.

As we enter the vehicle I was amazed how comfortable to be inside.

We pass through the gate where several guards could be seen and after we passed some houses along the way. We reach the forest were no settlement could be seen and to my surprised we teleported and arrive at a majestic golden door then as if on cue it opens and now several people are waiting beyond the gate.

Before we enter he asked me if want to be stronger? I said yes to his question and from that moment a translucent white was enveloped me while a warm feeling was now running throughout my body.

I don’t know what happen afterwards for I feel an indescribable pain after the warm feeling and passed out. Same thing happened to my brother.

Then that was the start of my life in the dungeon, later on I discover that we are really living inside the dungeon. There I met the 7 guardians whom at first I'm afraid of especially the battalion commander zeberu because of his unworldly appearance.

As I recollect the memories I had from my days in the dungeon, I notice that I already reach the outskirt of feloria.

There I saw a group of 6 men chatting about something. As they notice me they smile and approach me.

"Hello, gentleman what drags you here early of the morning in."? The leader of the group approaches me.

" I'm just walking while contemplating " I replied.

" what a beautiful day is it?" He exclaimed then reaches his pointed knife, hidden inside his ragged clothes.

" give us the money and every valuable item that you possess, While we are still good to you!" The man told me.

" hahh!" I sighed, this people would always be a thorn in the society then in an instant pulled my sword and killed them effortlessly. As their body lying in the ground, I summon the plant-eating flower like what master Kurinai did before. He handed me the power to control all plant type of monsters, he also taught me to be a tamer of wild beast and monster, and afterwards I let the plant devour the bodies of the thieves.

After the evidence had been wiped out I realize that the sun started to come out and then I decided to go back since the two will be worried if I don’t come back now.

We stayed there for a couple of days while gathering some information and sent the report to the Intel and the Intel will process it and give it to the majesty.


Kurinai pov

On the other hand, at the dungeon, Chris David known as Kurinai is now in front of an encrypted door.

It is the 13 room where the dungeon core is located and where the source of my power came from. The door can only be accessed by a password I have set up and a drop of my blood.

If it’s open forcefully by the outsider without the password, the elite assassins that hiding in this room will kill you without a doubt.

As I voiced out the password and drop a blood in the crystal ball near the door.

The door open and a bright light covered me, if a normal person could see it they will be blinded by it.

After the bright light disappears a white crystal orb is now floating in the center of the room and then I heard a voice.

“Welcome master Kurinai,"

A deity I created is now approaching me and stopped in front of me then bowed after.

" I just want to pass by and check the dungeon core"

" master kurinai, the dungeon core is now larger twice as it before since your power is in increasing gradually. It seems that the mana output you have is somewhat doubled." The deity said to me.

“and from the outsider that was killed, there is one who has a potential to be a higher undead since he received a divine blessing from the god of light”. The deity added.

": a potential; one huh?' i thought.

I just nod then touch the dungeon core, which were now bigger than before the last I've seen it.

Prius the deity that guarded the core is the first dragon guardian I created. The first monster that I purchase for a crazy amount in which I invested to be my last boss, he is capable of obliterating an entire kingdom in one strike by its power. But he can only do that if I will give the command because he is connected to me, he can only show his power if I allowed him to do so. Because he is the guardian of this final floor he needs a high potent power to guard the most important part of the dungeon.

After touching the core, I bid Prius farewell and as I left, he bowed once again and went back to his post.

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