《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 6. new home


As I transported everyone inside the dungeon using wide area teleportation, Zeckery welcomed us in his own domain where you can see the so called green lush and abundant forest.

"All of you will be living here from now on, I will relocate you inside the forest while building your settlement and everything you need will be provided until you are capable on standing on your own. zeckery is the guardian of the first dimension and you will follow him in that aspect as he own this place. He will also guide you to your place. If you have anything to ask feel free to ask him.”

I teleported myself in the throne room, and open the navigation system and operate the necessary things I need to build the houses for these people.

There is a wide variation to choose from but I managed to choose a house that can cater for 4 people per family. The style of the house was after the American style since it would be strange if I build a villa for each of them.

The moment I activate the command, a line of houses that I choose from suddenly appeared in an empty area beside the lake. All the buildings needed for a small town were built immediately in a matter of seconds.

While I am doing this everyone was surprised and amazed by the things they don’t expect to happen in an instant.

I also made the road into asphalt to make it easier for the transport to pass through. Since this people do not know how advance all of this, they were stunned and gaped as they open their mouth in amazement since I think that the settings that the game set is like a medieval age. Everything they saw right now is new and never before seen in the entire continent.


I also cleared about 50 hectares to do farming for their own food, After some adjustments and things to consider, I summon a devil eye that can transmit voices.

"I’m done building your homes so all you need to do is to choose from these houses and for your source of income; I will give you special types of seed to help you start your own living. This especial seeds are different from what you have known so you don’t need to wait for a longer period just to harvest them."

I cleared my throat as to distract them since they stared at the devil eye blankly. And I can see it through the monitor.

They still couldn’t believe it but when I snapped my fingers all of them kneeled and bowed instantly and shout their praises and joy at me.

“Hail our only king, thank you so much for thinking about our situation."

The elder of their village told me.

“we thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for saving us and let us live in your beautiful kingdom so in return we will serve you for as long as we live and will remain your people till the end."

The elder said it with so much appreciation and gladness.

“ah--hm ok, but there’s only one thing I want you to remember. Follow the rules and regulation that I set in this kingdom. If you will break the rules you will be punished accordingly.” I told everyone as I was flustered by what they are doing.

"Since you will be the residing in this floor from now on, rest assured for you will be protected and the monster who are in this floor will not attack you at all, and if you have any concerns , please raise it to the guardian of this floor zeckery.”


A giant illusory hand appeared pointing at the direction where zeckery is standing.

“There will be restricted areas where you cannot cross unless i will give permission into it.”

I added.

"We thank you for your benevolence our king, and we thank you for your warnings towards us, rest assured we will obey and not cross the restricted area. " all of them said in unison.

“From now on address me as majesty" i instructed them.

“yes your majesty" they replied.

“For now I will be going back to my own domain so if you have any concerns, zeckery will attend to it”. After I said it, Lucas and emerald are dismissed and back to their own dimension.

While in the other part of the kingdom Pitou, Frey and gia are now in their way to feloria gathering information.



As majesty’s order, I and my two subordinates are now riding a carriage, going to feloria. Though we can reach there faster by flying we decided to use this type of transportation because we don’t want to get any attention plus this carriage were provided by his majesty that’s why were so happy just riding it.

It is one of the expensive carriages where only noble could afford to ride, a white carriages that 4 people could fit inside. Leather seats and silk curtains can be seen and elegant lamp on top of us is giving light to a dark night.

4 black stallions were pulling the carriage together with the coachman who was in control of it.

Along the way, i sensed some movement about 8 people within my 60 meter radius area, running so fast towards in our direction.

Then all of a sudden the carriage came to a halt and the 8 people appeared with swords and knife on the waist encircle our vehicle.

When I peeked from the window pane I saw that all of them smiled evilly while watching at the carriage with greed. I open the door and get out from the carriage then i heard the leader from the ugly groups said. as i looked secretly from my peripheral vision , all of them are sturdy and quick but the more i focused my vision to them the uglier they become.

“I’m sorry for the trouble sir and for stopping your journey, but we need something from you”, the man smiles big as he speaks to me.

“I’m also sorry for this one.” i politely said.

All of a sudden they were covered in dark smoke and burst into pieces leaving their body parts flying everywhere. I rashly activate a wind shield to block their bloods from spilling and ruining our carriage.

After that gruesome encounter I told the coachman to continue to our way. But I never thought that someone saw what i did to those criminals.

The shadows that were hiding from a distance were running as fast as they could and heading to the cave nearby.

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