《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 5. one sided battle


By the time, I sensed the wavelength magic’s from the large groups of army that are coming on this way.

I told the villager, to gather all of their people inside the biggest house in the area.

They keep silent for a while as to why I was telling them to hide at the village chief house since it is the only biggest place that could hold a large number of people from the rest.

“All of you go and hide to that biggest house and don’t come out until I say so for I sensed an enemy approaching this village. This guy here asked my help to protect everyone then I will do it as I can, so if you want to live then heed my words and follow this two people.”

“But I won’t do it for free, if you swear your loyalty to me then I will help you, but if you don’t then I will leave in this instant”.

Everyone gasped and shocked by the words I proclaim for they don’t expect it from the stranger they just met and say it boldly.

They hesitate at first and keep staring at each other, but later on, one by one the villagers started to kneel before me and swear their allegiance.

The eldest person who's in the group speaks to me.

“I-If i-it is ru-ude to sa-say this but may I ask the name of the mighty one in front of us?” He stammered as he asks this question, maybe he's afraid that I might be offended by his question.

“Remember this, from now on "" KURINAI is the only name you should praise and admire, for this is the mighty name that will save you and your brethren from your enemies,”

“Since you will be now in my care, I will help you recover from everything for I don’t want my people to be seen as trash. “

Back in my mind I am laughing inside because I don’t expect the words would come out smoothly from my mouth.

"Kurinai-dono we are honored to be your servant, "all of them told me in unison.

"I want you all to move now since the enemy will be approaching any moment but don't worry emerald will be there to help you out of danger.”

I turned to emerald right after my speech.

"Emerald I want you to guard them while Lucas and I will be fighting the enemy."

"I want you also to activate your ultimate shield so that if I will use my magic you will not be affected."

"Yes, your majesty" emerald bowed and left after she said that and starting to tell the villager to go on the biggest house, in this village.

After I saw emerald and the people evacuating to the chief village house, I turned towards the direction where the army would come out. Based on my perception a large group of army is coming this way though I couldn’t help myself from wondering about the reason why they are heading this way.

As I glance towards the house I saw the illusory shield that was activated after everyone was inside. It is one the strongest defense skill she has which is enough to withstand my magic for two times.


I face Lucas who still following me as i talk to him.

"Lucas, don’t do anything reckless and wait for my order, we don’t know what they are capable of so be vigilant to them always ".

“I understand your majesty, but you don't need to worry, for I alone is enough to wipe them out. I can summon my minions here so that they can have a feast from the enemy's blood”. Lucas speaks with confidence.

"Your arrogance later on will lead you to your own demise. Don’t lower your guard whether your enemy is weak or strong what is important, is to be careful all the time, do you understand me?."

"Yes, your majesty. I ask for forgiveness, this servant will follow you whatever you will say."

As I heard Lucas said that I started to prepare and activate my magic.

"Mana absorption][ultimate armor defense][magic resistance][divine protection][instant recovery][damage reduction][impenetrable body armor]"

After I said this I feel a surge of power seeping into my skin and the miasma that I'm concealing a while ago was now spreading wildly.

I also cast a magic defense to Lucas and [infinite mana absorption] and [cursed armor] to magnify his innate skill.

Then right after the preparation, from a distance a large group of army could be seen marching to our location.

I activate [magnify vision] to see them clearly from a distance, as I zoom my vision, I saw a man wearing a white robe with a church symbol designed on his clothes who stands out among the army who wears black armor. He carried a magic staff on his right hand.

Most of the soldiers are paladins that were probably contracted by the church and a group of magicians that in my perspective are 3rd to 4th tiered magicians base on their aura, having this kind of army is a wise idea since all of them are a great to act as a whole. But still I don’t understand why they are heading this way? Is it a coincidence or what?.

I glance at lucas and nod at him since they almost at the entrance of the village. I summon several death knights and hid them by [invincibility magic] to keep them undetected for a while until I command them to attack.

I surveyed the entire group, only the person, who’s riding on a beautiful white war horse wearing a white robe, can be said to be the strongest among them while the rest are just average. But since I keep detecting an odd aura I keep myself on guard.

When they finally arrive at the place where I think to be the playground for the village they halt their march and one of the commander beside the white robed man got off from his horse and walk toward the entrance.

The moment that he saw us he immediately asks us with questions.

“Who are you and what are you doing in this area?”

He looked at me with his vigilant eyes, while his right hand keeps holding a long sword at his side. I can sense that he was intimidated by our appearance since we are in our full armor that I bet he has seen for the first time.


“I am Kurinai who happen to save this village from the attacked of fire slime, how about you officer? What are you doing here with your large army?” I asked back.

The commander sneered at me by calling him officer and eyed my staff instead.

I asked again if what is their business and where are they going? But the commander just brushed me off and walked away from us. That’s rude. I exclaimed.

When the commander showed that kind of attitude I felt Lucas who’s at my side raging from anger silently. As his killing intent intensifies I pat his shoulder to stop him from rushing towards the enemy then I yelled at the commander who showed his back to me while going back to his army.

"If you don't want to answer then I don't have a choice."

I smiled and murmured to myself.

“Now I can kill you easily”.

I raised my staff and activate a 7 tiered magic [ultimate destruction].

A gigantic magic circle suddenly appeared floating on top of the army, when the army saw what will happen they suddenly positioned themselves and the magicians started to chant a formation to protect all of them.

But its futile considering the amount of time they will finish the formation, the head sized molten rocks would already fall on them.

I was surprised when the white robe man chanted a 5th tiered magic barrier but what a selfish brat for it envelops only at him.

As they felt that there’s no hope some of the soldiers run for their life, and that’s when hundreds of thousands of molten rock falls from the sky and rain down to the army who crashed and burned them into ashes.

It is long to explain but it happen in just a mere second, the remaining soldiers who was outside the area of magic circle run frantically but to their dismay as with my order lucas haunt them one by one.

Lucas also summons his low leveled minions the man eating bats, whose sized is bigger than of a normal bat. No it could not compare to a puny specie but its size is like 10 x bigger to a dog so you can imagine how creepy it is as it swallowed the army one by one while blood drips from its mouth.

Luckily the white robed man survived the magic attacked but was ghastly pale when I saw him, even the barrier was scattered into pieces only some remnants happen to be intact.

After watching the massacre of his subordinates the man in white robe cast a healing magic to himself but it happens to restore a small amount of his energy for he used almost of it by defending my magic.

When I saw this, I order the death knight who is under the invincibility magic to run behind the white robed man and capture it alive.

As a magician of light, he notices something that someone was trying to reach him behind. He immediately cast a light bomb but since he can’t see it the death knight easily evade its attack.

The chief commander who was saved by his army by pushing him when the molten rocks were falling was shredded into paste by the death knight who swings its gigantic sword multiple times.

The only one who’s left is the white robe man who was supporting himself by his cane and watching us with hatred.

Hundreds of soldier a while ago was nowhere to be seen only the swords and armors was left on the ground.

I walked towards the robed man to inquire and force him to tell me what I want to know,

The man started to crawl back to escape but the death knight stops him. The death knight carried him and drop in front of me as I instructed the death knight to bring over the survivor.

The man landed in front of me shaking and crying while a snot is flowing from his nose as I asked him.

“Where are you from? And what are you doing in this area and why did bring such a large group of an army?"

He then answered me.

"W-w-w-e w-e c-come from bahrut kingdom, we heard from one our spies in feloria that there's an unexplored dungeon found in this area."

“For having such a large army to subjugate a puny dungeon? Are you kidding me?”

“No, I’m telling the truth”

“Stop, telling me lies”

Out of my anger, I activate [inferno flame] to the man and burned him instantly leaving only his ashes.

As I calmed myself down, I regret of not controlling my rage and instead burned him without getting any information. As I turn around i saw Lucas dumbstruck and unable to move because it was his first time seeing me completely mad..

After I cool down, I called back emerald to come out. She deactivates her shield and everyone inside started to come out and since they witness all that happened I can see fear from their eyes.

“Right now your village is run down and most of the house is not livable anymore. your fields was destroyed by me so in return I will recuperate you by letting you stay in my domain and besides you are my people now so you are welcome to stay there,”

I break the awkward moment by diverting their attention in their current state.

I saw hesitation from their eyes but as they turned around the village, all of them realize that what I said is true.

"Thank you for your benevolence Kurinai dono, together with my younger brother I will follow you wherever you want me to go. You save my life and I owe you big for it."

The man I save earlier from the fire king slimes suddenly kneeled down while saying those words.

Then the entire village looks at him stupefied and then looks at me again and then on everyone follows what the man did.

"You don't need to worry for everything, with in my domain everything is different and within my care nothing will harm you without my permission, all my subordinates will follow these rules and rest assured everything will be okay."

After then I open a large magic circle to do instant teleportation, when we arrive at the first dimension and saw the dungeon for the first time they were surprised what they found was totally unbelievable.

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