《The WORLD of Dungeons》chapter 4. a village


Kurinai pov

A few days later, I was in my room keep thinking about how this entire thing happened.

I keep on pondering about the things, like if I was the only one who was trapped or if there is anyone else who share the same fate with me. I need to know the reason behind why these phenomena happened so I tried to contact other users through the chat box when I remember that there's a community chat box, but I failed on my attempt again because the icon was not there anymore.

as I failed once again I used the communication ring in one of my hands and told the guardians to be in the throne room.

each dimension has its own portals, anyone can go to each dimension if the guardians permit them except the castle that I was living in. they need to ask permission from me first in order to enter but I made some exceptions to the guardians and gave them rings instead that will teleport them immediately to the floors inside the castle but there are also rooms that are restricted to them.

As I teleport to the throne room, I already saw the guardians kneeling and waiting for my arrival.

The moment I sit on the throne chair that is elevated from the floor, I told them to stand and to sit in their respective chairs.

And then I speak to zeckery.

“Zeckery I want you to go outside and cover the trails that the adventurers left during their attack. I also want you to make an illusion to make our dungeon not be seen by the people who happen to pass by in this area, and made some vines and trees to cover the entrance of the cave because for now I need to find a proper place where I need to hide our domain."

“Yes, your majesty" zeckery answered.

"Pitou I want you to go to feloria kingdom and gather some information that we needed, to understand what is happening outside, since I want to know if there are another special person like me out there."

" Yes, your majesty" Pitou answered.

“And bring with you the 2 demon lords Gia and Frey so that it would be faster to gather information. For everyone around, I want each of you to guard this place while I’m away since I plan to go outside after this meeting".

I dismiss all of them and summon a golden mirror; it is a magical item which can detect 40 kilometers outside the area. As it appeared in front of me, I touch it with my middle finger and a ripple started to appear and a clear scenery outside can be seen.

As I searched the nearby area that the scope could reach, I found a small village 30 kilometers from our location, by the way, the location of the dungeon is inside the thick forest 200 kilometers from the kingdom. With few shabby houses about more than 20 of them and a hundred of its entire population, about 20 kilometers from my direction.

I was glad that I found a village but I notice that a thick smoke appeared on top of the houses.

As I zoom it in, some of the houses are burning, and some are already in ashes when I change its latitude, I saw the cause of it, the fire slimes which attacking the village are now creating havoc inside the village.


Since I’m bored and had nothing to do, I decided to go outside and try to assess the situation.

zeberu who remain in the throne room while waiting for my command attentively stared at me as I call his name.

“Zeberu I want you to be in charge while I was away, if there is a need for an emergency situation just contact me through this mirror as i will leave it here while i was away. I want you to manage the affairs here while I was away. Lucas and emerald will accompany me while roaming outside." I summon the two and now is in front of me.

" I want the two of you to switch into your human form and be ready, for any moment now we will depart,” I informed the said guardians as I made some preparations.

“Yes, your majesty.” Zeberu,Lucas, and emerald said in unison.

But before they activate their transformation, I stopped them because it’s better to be in that form since we have armor that can cover our identity.

“Lucas and emerald, I want you to switch to your combat mode since I saw some nuances at the nearby village .i want you to eliminate them.”

I also switch myself into battle mode and equipped my armor and my divine staff. It is the staff I acquired after I reached level 100. It is a powerful divine class item, that I am the only one who has it. It is an item that will recognize its master and whoever will try to snatch it or steal it, the item will activate it skill which can kill the perpetrator.

Even no matter how strong they are, they cannot hold it.

It is more like a contracted pet that will stick to you no matter what.

Well after the preparations, I activated the [instant teleportation], to transfer us immediately at the designated area.

All of us warped into space and appear near the entrance of the village since they might wonder if we appear at the center of the village in the middle of chaos.

As we walk inside, the situation is worse than what I expected it to be. I saw burned dead bodies at the gate of the village; maybe they are trying to escape but caught by the attack of the slime. When I turn my gaze in a distance I saw a man around his late twenty’s trying to fight the king fire slime with a long stick.

We stopped walking and observed him for a while of what he will do with that stick. as the slime approached him he tried to slash it surprised him that his action did not do any damage to its body.

to my surprise he never stops from slashing, the man slashes it, again and again, trying to hope that he could kill it but everything is futile for it did not even scratch the king slime.

The slime king attacks the man by spitting an enormous size of red fluid which can burn if it touches you, I thought the man would escape the attack but little did I know that a boy was hiding behind its back, when the fire was about to hit both of them, I lift my staff and a barrier suddenly appeared in front of them.


[water Shield]

A water shield instantly covered the two boys and nullifies the attacked of the slime.

And then I activate my other skill and cast it to the slime king.

[Inferno flame]

“kyaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!” the monster wailed and then vanish into thin air.

Even if it was resistant to fire, my inferno flame can burn anything even the monster who had the highest resistant to fire magic they can never escape the 10 tiered fire magic which only a grand magician can do. So the slime king was turned into ashes as the two boys still hugging each other not knowing what was happening.

as they open their eyes slowly they gaped their mouth as they saw the ashes of the slime then they notice us walking into their direction.


Craig pov

As the fire is about to hit me, my response should be to avoid it, but then I realize that Zorin my younger brother was at the back holding the hem of my clothes. We are trying to escape out of the village when we encounter the giant slime.

I pick a long stick that I found beside the ashes of the people who were burned and tried to fight with this monster but as I tried to slash it. the stick could not even harm it because of its jelly-like body blocking my attack.

When the slime king spit a giant flame to us, I turned and tried to cover my brother with my body. As I close my eyes and wait for the fire to hit me, but to my surprise, I don't feel anything else.

As I open my eyes to see what happen, I saw a translucent water shield, protecting us and ash in front of me.

I was shocked and amazed because I don’t know what’s happening around me. I turned my gaze and found the 3 figures walking to my direction.

I was left in awe as I notice that the three figure were wearing a high-grade armor which I recognize right away since I do an errand at the blacksmith so I know that it is premium armor.

The person from the left side who is wearing a crimson full body armor and holding a lance on his right arms while on the other side is a female based on his physique and wearing an emerald crystal full body armor that is shining when it was hit by the sun.

The other man who may be their leader is wearing a skeleton armor and a black cape that is moving constantly like a living thing because it’s moving on its own. As they stop in front of me, I heard the man in the center with its deep baritone voice

"are you and your brother ok"


Kurinai pov

After the slime vanished into thin air the boys still hugging his brother while we walked and stop in front of them.

The man who his mouth was left open when he notices us was lost for words as I ask him.

"Are you and your brother ok?"


“What happened to this village and why the fire slime attacking you?”.

" w -w -w -w - we don’t know, what happen”.

You can feel his fear as he stuttered and trembling while answering my question.

“a-a-a-hhh ahhhm they just appeared 3 days ago after a massive earthquake happens to the entire continent. And after that, they just started to appear one by one, we manage to kill some of them, since there are only a few of them, but several hours ago they started to come in groups and attacking our village”.

The man explains with a sorrowful eye staring at us while telling us what happen in their village before we came.

As I heard his explanation I wonder if this is connected to the cause why I can't log out. Then I heard him saying,

"Master please help our village, I know you are powerful to kill all of the monsters who attacked us”. He then started crying while saying these lines.

"yo-u -you bug how dare you to involve our majesty in your worthless village”. Emerald yelled at the man while her aura is starting to come out from her body.

"Emerald calm down, your rashness will not help us '’. As I told this to emerald she kneels down right away and asked FOR forgiveness

“I'm sorry your majesty for letting you feels annoyed by my presence if it eases your anger, I can kill myself right now if you say so”. Emerald said this while bowing her head.

“You don't need to do that just do nothing until I order you to do something, ok.” and please stand up.”

“Yes, your majesty”. Emerald stands up and went back to her position at the left side.

“ok, I will help you but it is not for free ok,?” I look at the man while smiling who just nodded as an answer to my question.

After that, I activate the magic I just used [inferno flame] and I also use [specific target position] so that only slimes will be affected by my magic.

A wide magic circle appeared in the sky and rain a small amount of black fire, but the bizarre thing is that it only hits the fire slime that is attacking the whole village.

All of the fire slimes were burned and turn into ashes, the village started to quiet down and the people wonders as they don’t know what had just happened.

After the slime gone the remaining people in the village gather at the location where we are standing since I just realized that we are standing at the center plaza of the village.

When I ask them, they feared me but the boy assured them and told them that I was the reason why the fire slime were all gone. All of them started talking to me and thank me for saving their village while I notice that only a few of them survive the attack of the slimes.

"approaching army is detected around 5 kilometers from your location"

Then all of a sudden my sensory skill activated and warns me about an incoming enemy. Hmmm, I wonder why, a large group of people coming this way.

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