《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 3.Changes


(Unedited version, please site some errors since im not good in english so feel free to comments below ????)

Kurinai pov

Zeckery after finishing his job appeared in front of me, with his small stature that others would say that he is like an 8 year old child was kneeling as he conveyed the he’s done with task I was given to him.

Zeckery is from the race of black elves that is known for their vicious attitude and crafty magic’s, they can also easily distinguish because of their skin color which is the opposite of the normal elf who lives in the deep forest, but since I don’t like their color when I purchase him I customized it into honey colored I also altered his appearance like into like a good natured child.

“good job zeckery for a well job done” I pat his head and after that he goes back to his position.

As I was living now inside this game, the first concern that I need to do is to fortify and modify the existing system that I set up. I don’t know if I can still apply the rules into this game but with these anomalies that are happening to me then I think I can do everything.

“now let’s start with the concern I want to share with you, right now, since our home is easily found by the adventurer it seems that we are near from one of the kingdoms and I suspect that later on if they happen to discover my dungeon then they will send powerful mercenary to clear it but I will avoid it to happen, first thing I’m going to do is to modify and change the existing magic’s and barriers that I set up and add some formations to fortify it then I will change the location so it will not be easily found.

And I will also try to find out what happen outside and send one of you to scout, then next I will give each one of you a legendary weapons from the armory but you are going to equip it only when the time needs it. ”.

I face every one while they nod as they acknowledged what I had said to them.

Those ideas are what pitou suggested to me, I just repeat what he had whispered to me a while ago. After the announcement I send them back to their dimensions while I went to the room where I never expected to be my permanent place as of now.


Zeckery pov

Having heard those compliments from our supreme ruler made me overjoyed and I can sense that all of the guardians are jealous of me for what his majesty done by patting my head.

As i think about what happened to the battle earlier, i praised the man for his bravery despite the fact that they never win the battle.


As I remember their conversation before they reach the first door, it made my blood boils out of anger. As Humans always follow their greed and that always lead them to their death.

The last man is a little bit stronger from the rest if it’s not for the interference of the leviathan then they can win that battle, but even if he manages to finish all of the yetis, he won’t be able to escape the traps and poisons inside the maze.

I commend zeberu for sending his minions in the battle though that won’t be necessary but it still made the work faster.

As I was contemplating to my thoughts, the majesty told us to go back to our dimensions and be ready for the vast expansion that will be happening.

He also told one of us earlier, that he will modify the dimensions, add some features and upgrade some of the systems we had before, and it made me more excited that he will eventually make a lot of reformation to my dimension since it will be the fore runner of the dungeon.

Hahaha, I think it will be more exciting for the next battle to come, for they will be surprised of what danger awaits them.

After thanking the majesty, I was teleported back to my own base.


Kurinai pov

As I watch the black elf boy leaving the throne room, I notice that the throne room I created is somewhat extravagant for the first time. In the spacious room, you can see a long glass table together with sixteen chairs and a flower arrangement on top of the table which is beautifully arranged by the keeper of the chambers and the throne room.

They really maintained the cleanliness of this room which is their duties anyways.

Before all of this this happened, I never bother look at the room where I spent most of my days and for the first time also when I realized I was trapped inside the game, the inter action between the npc and my character is somewhat I don’t expect.

I feigned ignorance when they talk back to me but inside I was really shocked that I almost fainted but later on when everything sets to place, I just accepted that it maybe my fate to be in this game.

As I look back to the table I saw each chair has an intricate design that is carefully carved to the wood and the cushion is so soft that you can sit there comfortably all day.

It was really well made.

at the ceiling you can see a magnificent chandelier that's hanging on it giving a grandeur light, with the help of a small floating orbs diamond that emit glow to the crystal piece of the chandelier.

It will leave you breathless for its magnificent beauty.

The decorated walls with some adornment and the light that is powered by magic that's hanging on the wall made the atmosphere more of luxury in ancient times.


I open the system window, after some thoughts about the beauty in front of me, and then I started the vast expansion of the dimensions.

In the first dimension, I extended the area and put a large area of forest and at the center a cone shaped like volcano that is oozing with lava and some small hills to make it like a natural landscape. I also made a huge lake so it has a source of water to make the trees and nearby plant and animals to drink.

After I alter the design, huge light crystal started to appear at the top and shined like a sun and it made the whole room bright like it was a day.

Then some small group of clouds appears and made some small rains and now a complete ecosystem made at the first floor.

I transferred the elves race with in my care and put them in the first floor. Since they have high affinity to nature they will be able to utilize their power because they are excellent in that area and I also transfer other animals to complete the environment I wanted.

Then at the bottom of the mountain on the center of the first floor, you can see a cave which at first glance is like a small hole, but if you will approach it and enter inside you can see a big door at the end of the long hallway. Which glows in the dark that will lead you to the arena and will be the last defense of the area before you can pass through the second dimension?

This is for zeckery boss room, for he said that he wanted to have an arena for melee fights to train his monsters and also intended for the battle if some intruders happen to reach it.

On the second dimension, which are gecko's territories, a fire dragon that had a human form, I made some small changes and adds up a lava lake and lots of faults so that the floor would be extremely hot.

I made it to adapt the nature of fire dragons which really likes hot temperature; I also transfer some of the fire yetis, elemental high spirits and other monster that has an affinity to fire.

At the end of this floor, you can see a wide big lake of lava which is the final way to make it through the third floor.

At the third floor i change it to an ancient city that consist of several castles and luxurious houses but the only difference is that, a big bright red moon that will reminds you of blood and a gloomy atmosphere which is best for the vampire race.

The boss room for this floor is located at the center of the largest castle of this city which is owned by Beelzeve and for his minion will be the gateway to the third floor.

And for the fourth floor which is Pitou domain, i made a large garden which is surrounded by different kinds of flowers, arranged and sorted by its color and variety.

In this room you can see beautiful flowers all over the place but in reality these are the demon plant type who is carnivore in nature. In this room also you can see an orchard that is standing at the middle of the flower bed.

Inside of it was a vast empty space which will be the final battle after you happen to survive from the plant eating flower.

And for the fifth floor, which will be for zeberu, my battalion commander and my overseer. I made drastic changes to this final boss room before you reach the remaining floors of my dungeon.

All you can see here is a wide area of tombs and boulders of rocks scattered all over the place.

I made this one to be like this to help him easily summon an undead warrior. The gateway through the rest of the floor is located at the big old church at the end of the vast area of tombs, Where will be the final battle happen before you can enter the rest of the floors.

After the changes has been made, I seated at the chair beside me because I’m mentally tired but I’m glad and happy with the results I made.

The remaining rooms are the treasury, the world and ancient items,artififacts and the mausoleum which is heavily guarded by my elite warriors that even the guardians don't even know about their existence.

The only one who can enter these secret rooms is my elite warriors and me.

The elite warriors are the monsters which I made especially for this area. This is for my safety also if all my guardians will be defeated, you can’t see them with naked eye and you can’t also sense their presence. It is one of their skills that made them scarier for a battle, but they are always vigilant for the dangers that will appear and a threat for me.

After such a long day, I went back to my room via teleportation so that I can reach there immediately and rest for a while.

Upon returning to my room with its grand desk and a king size luxurious bed, I sighed in relief. i had teleported many times before, and I knew there should not be any problems this time around. Thus, the fear that i might wake up to some strange place still worried me.

but Before I lay on my bed I unequipped my armor and put my rings inside the item box and also equip myself a sleeping robe and then went to sleep...

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