《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 2. battle



A group of 16 adventurers which led by Jed decided to attack the dungeon they happen to discover in the middle of a mountain where it is surrounded by large trees and boulders of rocks when they are hunting some dire wolf.

When we happen to discovered it, we thought that it was only an ordinary cave because unlike any dungeons, the opening was small and if you don’t look closer you were unable to notice it at all. I can’t believe it at first because this forest was scouted for many times, and we received request where we fight a lot of monsters here but we were unable to discover this dungeon until the recent earthquake incident. this dungeon suddenly appeared out of nowhere and just happen to found out when one of the dire wolves tried to escape from us when we are hunting and that lead us to where the location of the dungeon now.

I was glad to find this dungeon together with my teammates first because for unexplored dungeons you will be the first one to find better equipment’s and rare items, that’s why I am overjoyed when we discovered this dungeon, we didn’t even told the guild because we will never get the chance to explore it first I we announce it. In the land of FELORIA one of the 4 kingdoms, you can rarely find a dungeon that is unexplored because most of the dungeon found within the area of feloria was already explored and monopolized by the government.

I think that if we successfully raided this dungeon then we won’t worry for our future because as the first to discoverer a dungeon, you will be rewarded by gold coins by the kingdom and if you explored it first before you announce then the income will doubled.

And one of the reasons is because of the drops when we finally kill each monsters inside the dungeon they happen to drop several items from ordinary to rare depending on the difficulty level of a monster.

It is also the reason why the government monopolizes the dungeon because of the riches you will have if you happen to have a dungeon within your area.

After I discovered this dungeon I went back to our base camp which is at the entrance of the forest to inform my teammates and also to send one of them to supply one of the necessary items we needed to raid this dungeon.

It took them 2 days to come back because we ask some of paladins and clerics we know from Zuma church to assist us. I also inform them that we will evenly distribute the loot and items we found in this dungeon and that’s why they agreed to come with us.

We decided to enter after supplying ourselves and headed inside the dungeon.

“Everyone gathers yourselves, we will wipe out this pitiful dungeon hahahahhahahahhahha". My voice echoed inside the dungeon as I could not prevent myself from laughing.


I am confident in enter this dungeon because based on its entrance; it was relatively small and its one of the indicator that it is a beginner dungeon. Based on our levels I can proudly say that it is the easiest fight we will ever have.

I’m the first one to lead and entered the dungeon because among us I have a lot of experiences in raiding a dungeon and I’m already an expert in this kind of job so, I know already what dungeons really are that's why I’m confident to finished it for 3 days based on my calculations that all beginner dungeons had a maximum of two floors which is easier to finish than intermediate and high class dungeons.

I lit the torch that I distributed earlier to the group by fire magic and then we started to conquer the dungeon. As we walk inside, the dungeon seems to be different because it was quite and had an eerie air which is unusual for a beginner dungeon, but I just brushed it off because I’m excited to see the results after we harvest the loots of this dungeon.

The path inside the dungeon is simple compared to the others dungeons I explored but at the end of the long way I suddenly stopped because along the way I notice that we never encountered any low tiered monster which is usually found when you went inside from the dungeons.

The structure of the entrance was way smaller which is unusual then as we get closer to the end it became larger that it can cater up to 200 people inside but what amazes me most is the giant golden double door in front of me.

A giant golden double door with intricate designs and beautifully carved jewels was engraved in every details of it. There was no holding to open or close it so there’s only one method to open it, we need to push it or use magic. Considering its measurements, I’m pretty sure its heavy but I believe that we can still open it by magic.

i imagine how much I will earn if I sell this door, but what really excites me most is the content behind this majestic door considering how intricate the door is, I assume that the inside was way more expensive like this one, but I wonder why this dungeon has a door like this? But since my greed overlaps my concern I just leave it at the back of my mind.

We manage to open it by combining our force while the magicians casting their magic at us by boosting our strength. When we pushed the door, there's a slight wind brushing on us and when I’m about to step inside, I heard one of our mages spoke,

"Jed, I feel danger, but I can’t explain it since we haven’t encountered any monsters as we are moving forward" Liza one of the mages which we ask from Zuma church stop me from entering inside.


“Are you saying we will leave this place and leave all the riches and report it to the guild just because you don’t encounter any monsters along the way? You should be happy because it will easier for us to finish this? Are you insane, instead of complaining there just silently watch us from the side and if you don’t want to join us, then don’t expect anything from us after we explored this area.” I scolded him while looking at her with hatred.

While I was eyeing to each one of the member to make sure they understand my message we heard a loud noise that it made me cover my ears.



I turned my head to where the noise came from but since it was dark I couldn’t see what’s coming.

As the voice came bigger I felt some vibration from the ground then I shout back at the magician who was still covering their ears.

“Cast a light ball towards the noise and be ready to fight back”

Right after I finished talking, one of the magicians chant then throw it on the noise and what appears before us scared us to death.

As the giant creatures in front of us halt midway, a giant sturdy ape monster which only appears in the mountain regions was in front us glaring with is red eyes.

“ye—t—ii-- “

One of the warriors exclaims as we froze from the ground.

On the other side, the creature we are seeing is way scarier than the yetis; it has an illusory body and a ghastly aura while floating from the ground. We can’t see its face because it was covered by a hood but what’s scare us most is the bonelike hand that can be seen from the sleeves.

I shouted to everyone to let them come to their senses while I stand immediately to prepare a strike.

As the mages and cleric came back from their senses they started to attack them with magic or whatever holy magic they know.

""From the depths of the sky allow thy servant to cast thy power of your holy lightning"

One of our members raised its staff towards the direction of the yeti and from the tip of it a magic circle appeared then he said.

"" [pillar of lightning]"

As the two mages finished their chant, dozens of lightning appeared on top of the yetis but we were surprised as the yetis were not affected or even received damage from it.

I ordered The Paladins to attack the yetis near them because they can deal high damage because of their weapons, but the leviathan jumped in and surprised them with a large black orb and just a seconds it was casted the paladins who were standing at my side were gone Not even a trace could be seen.

It's shocked the group especially me who never knew what kind of magic the creature used to them even the mages we have, also can’t explain why these monsters appeared in this beginner dungeon.

When I realized that I made a huge mistake I instantly coat my sword with magic to make it more effective in slicing my opponent. My sword started to glow and then I ready my stance and started my attack.

I run and jump where the yetis are and I activate my sword skill.

“[sword of the dancing swan]”

“[strike of lightning bull]”

I take pride from my swords technique for I learned it from the best swordsman from the kingdom.

As the blade touches one of the yeti who is busy attacking the other group, it wails at it received a direct hit from my sword. And moment after it collapsed died.

Then I group back with the remaining paladins and started the attack from one to another.

Together with the other warriors and paladins we manage to kill five of them but still their strength and vitality is what I don’t expect from them.

The cleric also cast their holy magic to the leviathan but I was terrified when the leviathan suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of them and from its sucking tube tentacles, they were sucked to death until all the blood from their body were now gone.

Only the dried corpse remains on the ground.

As I turned back, I saw that most of our members were already killed and now there’s only three of us remain standing while gasping for air. The leviathan also started to direct their attacks from us after it finished sucking the lifeless bodies of my comrade.

When I realize that there’s no hope for us anymore, I gave up from thinking that we will be coming out alive instead I started slashing and slashing everywhere like a berserker but then little did i know that there’s a leviathan who appeared at my back who then stretched its hands into my body, then in a mere second as I screamed from the pain of sucking my life out of me I remember the things I said before to Liza who warned me, if I listen to her then all this thing will not happen.


Kurinai pov

................after the battle ended, a black shadow emerges from the scene of the fight and started to call the remaining monster. Then you can hear the small voice of a young man instructing the monsters.

“Go back to your post now”

As zeckery instructed the yetis after the massacre ended the leviathan was unsummon and the corpse started too vanished as it absorbed by the dungeon.

And then I close the image and look to the person who is in front of me now.

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