《The WORLD of Dungeons》Chapter 1. Intruders



Kurinai P>O>V

As one of the guardians approached me, I quickly open the map system to see if the intruders reached the gate of the first dimension.

When I saw the red dots that indicate of an enemy lurking from the entrance, I quickly gathered my guardians in front of me.

"" Come all of my guardians and demon lords to the throne room now".

As my voice echoed inside the large throne room, the guardian kneeled directly while the demon lords suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Kneeling before me with their utmost loyalty towards me as their majesty.

Pitou was the guardian that told me about the intruders. He's the 2nd in command and one of the guardians that stationed in the 4th dimension.

He’s the most handsome from all my guardians but the most vicious one of them. He’s the only human among the group until I changed his race into half human half elf but don’t be deceived by his appearance. He’s ruthless and merciless to his enemy.

From the 8 guardians, Pitou is the tactician and the 2nd strongest after Zeberu who is the commander and governs the army.

I customized him into half human and half elf when I tried to upgrade his abilities. With his dark red hair and small face that really accentuate to his handsome face, make him like an angel or like an idol in the TV commercials.

His crimson armor fits perfectly to his hair and made him like the god of war.

Beside him is the guardian battalion commander Zeberu which emits darkish blue aura and holding a staff of bones and skull. Unlike pitou who’s like an idol, zeberu is the opposite. With his body of 5 meters, a head of an ant and his lower half is like an octopus that has 12 tentacles. Hes the only monster deity that the game produce during one of the event they had. And because of it many players tried to buy him but I refuse to sell him because hes the best defensive and offensive combatant when im playing this game.

Despite of his appearance his stats make him above other deity that the game produced.

At the back of the commander, the six guardians wearing their full armor are zeckery from the race of black elves, gecko from the race of draconian, Beelzeve, from the race of dark blood which is the vampires, Lucas from the race of dragons, emerald from the race of angels and frozty from the race of beast man.

Though they are from different races when I have them at first, i modified their appearance close to human and it cost me a lot back then, especially my guardian battalion commander which half of my assets spent on his stats though later on, I got it all back from conquering other dungeons and looting their items,

When I was selecting a guardian from each floor I ensure that they will be able to fully use their power to guard their area and to utilize their maximum output and results.

I made the demon lords as the second commander for each guardian to make sure that they can defend their dimension during the raid and also to help them in a battle.


Then I ask Pitou about the intruders.

"Pitou how many are they?”.

“There are 16 of them, your Majesty. 5 of them are clerics and mages, 4 are paladins and 7 are warriors" you should not concern yourself about it your majesty because according to their stats, they are not worth and strong enough to pass our first defense in the first floor”. Pitou exclaimed.

NPC always raid a dungeon to help make experience for the beginners, that’s why from time to time they appeared in the game. if they die inside the dungeon it will be absorb and will gave you experience to level up but later on they will not be of help because they give small amount of experience.

While I was looking at the map, it suddenly hit me that all the NPC character speaks fluently unlike before where they always speak what the game programmed them for.

My eyes became big while eyeing all of them in shock but I composed myself immediately when I realized that’s it’s not befitting for my role.

I wonder why if I was transferred to this game or like what the mc of the light novels that I read got into or I’m just hallucinating.

“Your majesty? We will wait for your command” .

I was immersed into my thought when pitou disrupt me.

"" Well it's better to prepare ahead so that we will not be surprised if they prepared a sneak attack, Or if one of them is stronger enough to pass our defenses”.

Though pitou used his appraisal but if one of them had an artifact that can hide ones abilities then I can’t do any countermeasure if that will happen.

After I told that, Pitou is now busy suggesting his ideas but I was in awe of how fluent he is in talking and I can’t get used to it. I hide my amazement by looking at him though I can’t understand his tactics I just said that he can do whatever he thinks that best for defense.

“Your majesty what do you think of it?” pitou asked me.

“Huh? Ahh ok well go for that” I was baffled but I never show it to them.

“As expected of his majesty,” pitou smiled as if I’m the smartest person though I don’t know what his suggestions are.

“Since we need a vast expansion to the dimensions, we asked you your majesty to modify the barriers and strengthen our defenses because there are areas that weakened because of the last time raid by the enemy, and regarding with the intruders we will just send the low tiered monsters to face them since they are not worth to send even the demon lords” pitou snort while watching the intruders in the screen that projected through the magic crystal.

All of them looked up to me while waiting for my confirmation. Since I don’t know to respond I just go with the flow.

“ok will go for that, but before I will fortify the barriers, I need to focus with the enemy lurking inside the dungeon.”

All of them gleamed with loyalty as if my words are the sweetest thing they ever heard of.


It was akward but I never showed it.

i still contemplating if it’s still a game or I was transferred literally. So what happened to my real body? I asked myself. Ahhrg I don’t know any more since I am here already let’s accept and enjoy it since this is what I wish for. Then I remember that before I started this game I wish I could be able to live in this kind of world where I am the one who leads my life without concerning about anybody.

Especially my parents and my annoying brother who never fails to bother me always and now that wish has finally come true.

Hahahhahahhahhahah I'm so happy though I’m still worried because maybe later on I will wake up and all of this are part of my dream.

Back when it was still a game,,, “WORLDS OF DUNGEON is one of the popular game which has a 25 million users and one of the first breakthrough in science and in technology by the first one to use head gear that makes everything real in gaming experience

Though after several years a lot of companies have been also releasing an innovative technology with better options and mechanics in gaming, and world of dungeons finally been come to an end although the company always releases an update, but people will always flock and follow what’s the latest trend in the society and that made the company reach its bankruptcy because there’s a lot of competitors with better gaming experience.

I suddenly realize that I wasn’t dreaming when I checked again the navigation system and try to log out.

In this game, it was divided into four kingdoms and let you choose where to start off as an adventurer, you will be given an opportunity to have your dungeon if you meet the criteria which are to rank up and evolve your characters into a master level. Then you will be given the opportunity to choose and become a dungeon owner or to be a hero.

And as you can see I decided to be a dungeon owner because I want my own space and world where I can do what I wanted.

After the evolution, i become a dungeon master and able to create my dungeon but I had a hard time at first because of the maintenance and the expensive items needed to create each dimension.

In this world, there are 4 types of rank ups and that will be available if you manage to reach level 90, the first one is a hero, emperor, dungeon owner and the last one is to be legendary.

However, as of now there's only one person who manages to be in the legendary level because its course of approach is harder than any rank ups.

When I started this game, I started to be an adventurer and I choose magician from the different classes of races and profession because I like magic since I was a child and that’s what made me decide to choose this profession.

From level 50 you will be given a chance to have a sub-profession classes from the second rank up and I choose necromancer and later on as I reached level 90. I really ponder on this because I want also to become an emperor but when I began to see its spec, I realize that to be a dungeon master is way lot better.

Because there's a lot of options and you can choose a better companion than any other ranks up. From its 25 million players, only a few of us happened to be a dungeon master because leveling up is harder from the rest, probably because the game operators want everything to be challenging.

But the only legendary player that the game has ever produced is out of league several years ago, because while he's playing the game the house he was living in was caught on fire and he only notice it after the smoke started to get into his room and, later on, he died from suffocation.

and from the million users around the world, I was at the top 1000 player who manages to become a dungeon owner and I can proudly say that I’m one of the top 3 strongest dungeons the game has produced, for its degree of difficulty and for the times when you successfully defended your dungeon.

all I need to do right now is to check if I was the only one who was trapped or if there are other players like me who waits inside the game until it finally disappear but was unable to logout also.

"Your, Majesty" zeberu, my battalion commander disturbed me from my own pace of thinking.

‘‘They have reached the entrance your, Majesty''. Zeberu informed me.

"Really they are at the entrance already?” I was immersed that I forgot that I was in front of my guardians who is waiting for my command.

“Don’t worry; I activated the traps and send the low tiered monsters so it will take time before they reach the door if they happen to defeat them." I turned my attention to the guardians and called zeckery who is the guardian of the first dimension.

"Zeckery come forward."

“Yes, your majesty" zeckery exclaimed.

“I want you to release some of your pets and leviathan from the prison to face the intruders and if they manage to kill them off which is impossible based from their levels right now then I will give you a chance to show what you can do and kill them".

"I will gladly show you, what I can do your majesty." zeckery exclaimed.

“Then you can go now” after I told him that zeckery vanished and appeared ant the last room with in the first dimension.

After the preparation was done I magnify the projection of the enemy to see what will happen to them.

It will be exciting as I exclaimed to myself while watching the enemy walking at the tunnel before they reach the gate.

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