《The WORLD of Dungeons》PROLOGUE


I am Chris Dave a 24-year-old man whose life been wasted in playing games. I don’t know when it happened, but when rpg games get into action I’ve been into it and got addicted. Maybe I realized the things I wanted to do where I can’t do in the real life, while playing this kind of games I can do many things and can do anything I wanted without restrictions or someone who would tell me that I can’t do that thing because i am tired of listening from the people around me about the stuff what i can only do and the things i can not..

I am a typical guy who usually bullied by others and because of it I decided to stop going to school and keep on playing games and keep myself shut out to the outside world.it started when i was in grade 6th where one of my seatmate humiliate me to the whole campus after that, i decided to stop going to school and discovered a new game through the advertisement on the TV when i was in my room the next day. And there’s a particular game that I keep on playing from the very start of its release until when the company decided to shut it down due to the financial crisis that they are facing.

I don't have any special memories during my puberty, because I was afraid that people would hurt me and because of it I don’t have any friends that I can call of.

My parents already gave up on me and focused their attention on my younger brother who's a monster genius in any way or what the world calls him but in front of my eyes he’s the reincarnation of a devil instead. Well, let's not tackle about my younger brother for he’s always annoying as ever, as well as my parents who keep on nagging at me and sometimes hit me for being a disgrace for the family.


Let's go back to my story, when the company announced that the game will be shutting down officially its entire system in 1 hour. I decided to play it out until the system will shut it down on its own. It bothered me so much but I can’t do anything about it. But still i waited inside the game in the hall together with the guardians that I painstakingly bought.

Time had passed; I notice that nothing happened so I looked at the time in my navigation system to make sure I wasn’t mistaken. I tried to log off to see if they delayed the time but I was shocked when I realized I couldn't log out.

“What the fucked!”.

I open the navigation system and tried to contact the management through its server, but only to find out that it's not there anymore.

It's like; it wasn’t there in the first place. I panicked at first and tried to calm myself first because maybe there’s a problem to the head gear that I was wearing or the system has received a virus.

Im killing my time by reorganizing some stuff in my inventory and seeing some of the features of the dimensions inside the dungeon, I open the navigation system and reorganized everything in my dungeon from the first floor to 8 floors to make use of the time while I was trapped inside .

My dungeon consisted of 8 dimensions and 4 hidden floors where I only could access because all of the important items that i received and bought was stored in there so I was afraid that someone would steal it from me.

In the first dimension, where most of the low tiered monster located, a vast forest and mountains could be seen and a complicated maze that was guarded by one of my guardians, appeared on the screen. I upgraded the low tiered monsters and add some traps to make it difficult to conquer by some players.

I was immersed in upgrading and add some features to the remaining dimensions when one of my guardians suddenly got my attention.

“Excuse me your majesty .......... there's an intruder!!”

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