《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 26: Catherine The Elves Princess


Having been carried away by Obsidian, Shenzi closes his eyes letting his exhausted body, spirit, and mind rest. While it can be considered ignorance, Shenzi fully trusts Obsidian with his life, before falling asleep upon the current of Spirit Force taking him away. Shenzi activates his Nature Qi, feeling the burning flow in his blood, the soreness in muscles, and the empty feeling like an old man with no more energy. The Nature Qi Shenzi had awoken, or in other's eyes bestowed upon, speeds up the healing process.

After an unknown amount of time, all vigilance Shenzi had is given away. Feeling the soft yet comforting feeling beneath him all thoughts of killing his way out of the Dwarves hands is erased. Although Shenzi had made his peace giving gifts, the Dwarves love most you can never be too cautious. Saving Shenzi from a fall that would have killed him, at the time not having enough Spirit Energy to cover any part of the fall. Anybody is capable of turning on you for monetary rewards.

Continuing to run his Nature Qi without stop, Shenzi descends into sleep, for once a night without cultivating, and a night without the scenes of Adria killing herself running through his mind.

After about five hours, Shenzi is awoken by the feeling of a soft hand on the right side of his chest. Where his previous scar was, the one left behind by Shao before everything changed, whether it be the unwillingness or as a reminder to himself how weak he once was. Despite having the ability to, Shenzi never got rid of the mark of weakness he carries on with himself. However, this jade-like spring chilly night hand filled with affection, peace, and nature discards Shenzi's mark of weakness and all the berserk emotions still affecting him from that night.


The mysterious hand having felt the change Shenzi's pulse. Speaks out with a relaxing voice, "You can stop pretending you are asleep, ever since I walked into this room your subconscious had already locked onto me. I mean you no harm, I was just attracted by the fragrant scent your body emits."

Opening his eyes, Shenzi is taken back there standing in front of him. A more mature and beautiful version of what Adria would look like when she fully "blossomed." What is the most painful? Knowing they're already gone and here someone else stands, the same replica just older and more mature.

With a quickened heart and eyes of a beast slowly turning like a drunkards vision unfocused. Tears begin to fall like a torrential rain from Shenzi's eyes, clenching his fists until the nails draw blood from his palms, blood bubbling like a god of fire lost in rage. Shenzi speaks out cruelly, "Get the fuck out of this room before I remove you myself."

Feeling the change in Shenzi, the women activates her mind's eye peeking into Shenzi's heart. Inside lays a river of blood, mangled corpses, severed limbs, and skeletons of humans, demons, mutant beasts, and gods. Further in there is a series of metal rods with many incantations and binds tying down a body. With purple-gold eyes tinted with a hue of blood red, a being of unknown origins lays chained down in a cage, with spikes of various sizes pierced through its body chained to the ground.

With a back of cold sweat and the feeling of escaping death itself, the women places her hand on Shenzi's chest once again, sending a stream of her own Nature Qi to calm the raging river of emotions in his heart. Looking at Shenzi with concern the women speaks "You're genuinely caging a beast inside of yourself. It's no wonder your body emits such a pleasant scent, without such a high grade of Nature Qi you might've already become the beast inside of you."


"You can call me Catherine I am this generation chosen one by the Goddess of nature Elaina. I am also the princess of the Elven race. Obsidian had already filled me in on your matters with wanting to unite the Dwarves clan and us under your banner. While I have no problem with it, I will be monitoring you on a daily basis. Until the day you get over the shadow in your heart, the beast you will become in the future will not be far from now."

Compelling himself once more and apologizing to Catherine "I apologize, Catherine, I was taken back you look like someone very dear to me, and I temporarily gave into a moment of weakness that has been consuming me ever since losing said person. I am very grateful that you and Obsidian are willing to lead your clans and unite under me."

Nodding her head Catherine's look becomes serious "While I am the princess of the elves, my mother and father had been captured by the Demon Commander of this world. I hope that with your strength, and the combined forces of yours and ours we'll be able to save my parents."

Knowing that there is no free meal in this world, Shenzi asks Catherine, "Why have your parents been personally captured by the Demon General? If they didn't have a secret or some treasure, I don't see why the Demon General would be stupid enough to make a move. You can rest as peace. I am not interested in the secrets your family knows. I want to erase the hand the demons have grasped over this world."

Biting her lips, Catherine speaks without hiding anything, "You have probably heard about the legend of Black Flame Forest, well it's not entirely false. The ancestor of the Elven Race mastered his Nature Qi but happened upon a black seed, having absorbed it, our Ancestors Nature Qi morphed into a Sacred Flame fueled by his Nature Qi. Those who aren't apart of our clan, or knew our Ancestor back then. Wouldn't be aware of him being the Black Flame Immortal, but not all good things last. He had fallen in love with a woman who was a demon. The rest you should know follows shortly after this chain of events."

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