《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 24: Dwarves


After leaving the recently stabilized Reinhardt City, Shenzi had implemented a form of government. Instead of one that takes advantage of its citizens like back on earth, Shenzi wanted to set up a government that assisted those, who put in the blood and sweat it takes to keep things in control. While those who slack off do not lose out on anything, the lazy and unwilling have to pay triple whether it be for food, exchanging weapons, manuals and most crucial Sword and Saber Dao classes are 5x the price.

Having read the memories of every Obrien family members, Shenzi had come across useful information, of a small clan of 75,000 Dwarves living 25,000 kilometers away in a danger zone called Black Flame Forest. The locals of Yang Major World have passed down a story for millions of years, long before on the road of cultivating one's Spirit Force you would eventually reach the Immortal Spirit Tribulation. The once feared Black Flame Immortal had passed, only to be killed moments after by his wife who then became known as Crimson.

Shenzi's goal for visiting the Dwarves is in hopes to gain their aid while supporting them to bring back their enslaved family members. Dwarves are known to be master blacksmiths, while also having deep connections with the fairies who excel in healing, alchemy, archery, and are natures chosen ones. While Shenzi is a human who reeks of thousands he has killed so far, his own Nature Qi is of the purest form favored by the Nature Goddess Elaina.

Having spent ten days to travel the distance to Black Flame Forest, Shenzi finally arrives with an ashen face seeing severed limbs littering the forest. Without a moment of hesitation, Shenzi wraps himself up with his Retribution Flame, Shenzi forms multiple layers of air pockets exploding them behind his back to accelerate his speed.

Within five minutes Shenzi had crossed 1,500 kilometers finally hearing the sharp sounds of Swords clashing with each other. Jumping up into the trees to get up high to observe the situation from above, Shenzi dispels his aura, closing his eyes and slowly spreading his Spirit Force out to see the current situation.


Down below Dwarves are fighting to the death with Demons and their vassal forces of the Ogre clan and hybrid Winged people clan. With the demons standing in the back radiating dominance and disdain watching this as their source of entertainment.

With Shenzi's recent mutation, it had increased the capabilities of all his organs surpassing the dragon's race. Taking in one last breath, Shenzi cuts all the functions of his organs. With this breath alone being able to maintain him for thirty minutes, long enough for him to finish his pressing assassination.

Jumping from tree to tree, Shenzi goes unnoticed as he advances into the ranks of the demons. Wielding his dual pair of Fantasia Daggers, Shenzi jumps down from the tree landing in the middle of two demons furthest away from their squadron. With but three meters apart both demons go unknowingly to the danger that's already arrived. Without hesitation, Shenzi stabs both demons in the chest burning their heart to cinders. Evaporating any blood spilled, and teleporting the demons bodies into his Spirit World, Shenzi continues his slaughter of the outer perimeter demons.

With all killing intent hidden, the demons have yet to notice Shenzi's presence that just wiped out one small platoon of three hundred demon soldiers. Moving deeper into Black Flame Forest, Shenzi finally arrives close to the middle where the fight is the most intense.

Repeating his actions of going up trees, jumping across into the enemy territory, jumping down without any noise and killing his way into the core formation. Having assassinated hundreds of demons, Shenzi begins moving onto the Ogre, and Half human half winged peoples elites and generals.

Once again enacting his carnage, this time it did not go so well. Just as Shenzi was about to assassinate the first Ogre Commander, his Fantasia Daggers collide into another pair of a jagged sharp tooth dagger. Knowing his assassination attempt has finally been noticed, Shenzi unsheaths his Worldly Purification knocking the pair of daggers out of his opponent's hand. With a slight twist of his wrist, Shenzi sends the head of the assassin flying. Before absorbing the body into his Spirit World, Shenzi notices a pair of wings on the corpse.


With his killing intent slipping out of his control for but one second. It had alerted many other Winged people, trapping Shenzi in the surrounding 150 meters. Fifty armed with bows, others swords, and daggers. Shenzi unsheaths Black Heart walking calm and collectedly killing his way through the entrapment. With him being found out by the Winged people, Shenzi would be stupid to believe it hasn't been reported to the Demons already.

Throwing all caution to the wind Shenzi begins his slaughter of the winged people. Twisting his body when needed to, taking one step back, using the multiple enemies as meat shields. Every "dirty" trick Shenzi could think of, he had utilized to kill all his enemies as fast as possible before more came.

Having gotten himself out unharmed without breaking a sweat. Shenzi walks deeper into Black Flame Forest, upon reaching where the real "war" was happening. With Shenzi's fantastic eyesight able to see seven-hundred kilometers away with ease. Shenzi could not see the end of the hoard of Winged people, the Ogres, and Demons. Moreover, trapped in the middle of all this are the Dwarves numbering only about 65,000 alive.

Swiftly like a specter, Shenzi arrives in the formation of the Dwarves. All on guard knowing any misstep can claim their lives. They raise their weapons and some even two-hundred slashing, cutting, stabbing at Shenzi to kill him. Exploding an already formed air pocket in his hand all the weapons are deflected, as two-hundred Dwarves are pushed fifty meters back by force.

Dropping his weapons to the ground, Shenzi speaks out, "Don't attack I am human and have come to save your lives. Bring me to your commanding general or clan head and let me speak with him."

With uncertainty in their eyes, a loud awe-inspiring voice erupts out "Bring our guest Shenzi to me now."

The previous two-hundred Dwarves go to Shenzi and bend over apologizing "Sorry for our inappropriate behavior earlier Shenzi. We will bring you to our clan leader now."

In five minutes Shenzi is brought to the clan leader of the Dwarves. He was an old man who had lived through much. With the aura of death surrounding him, grey hair, sunken in eyes and being supported by the surrounding dwarves.

Shenzi brings out a massive platter of roast mutant beast meat and a gourd of his self-created Cleansing Yang Wine. "I give these gifts to the Dwarves, clan leader. If these are up to your taste, I have vast quantities more where this came from to share with your clan."

Having taken the meat eating it and downing the gourd of wine in one go. The Dwarves clan leader laughs out heartily "Shenzi, my guest I am called Obsidian, I thank you for your gifts, and my clansmen would love this treat. Now is not the time to talk about the matters that bring you wide and far to meet me. We can talk about this later. However, that depends on whether we will be able to survive this ordeal or not."

Nodding his head, Shenzi summons out small mountains of Mutant Beast meat on platters. Also, thousands of gourds of his Cleansing Yang Wine. Speaking to Obsidian "You can distribute these to your clansmen however you want. However, I recommend the ones who have been fighting the hardest deserve to come back and rest."

Walking away with his Sword Intent billowing out like two raging furnaces. "As for these pesky Ogres, Demons, and Winged people. You can let your men rest now. Since I am here, I have decided it's time I pay my homage to the enemies."

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