《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 23: Unifying Reinhardt City


Making his way into the Obrien family compound, leaving trails of blood, severed body parts, dead bodies of the still willing to fight Obrien family guards. After killing all those in his way, Shenzi sweeps the surrounding five-hundred kilometers of the Obrien families land with his Spirit Force. Absorbing everyone present into his Spiritual World.

With Shenzi as the master of his Spiritual World, all lies, deception, brainwashing, evil thoughts are exposed and brought to the light. No matter how high or low the cultivation of the individual. Nothing in one's Spiritual World can be "hidden" all erased memories, and all the newly "created" memories spill out.

Out of 150,000 people, only 15,000 remained as not brainwashed and mentally broken by the demons. Feeling complete and utter disgust, Shenzi ignores the compassion humans have. Slaughtering the 135,000 humans, Shenzi is not brutal or savage by heart. When someones turned into a puppet unless you're of equal talent in witchcraft or higher, there is no way to reverse what has already happened.

Of the 15,000 remaining humans who have yet to be "tainted," Shenzi begins scouring the memories of the remaining, some bringing critical information, regarding other clans who are the demon's vassal forces. As well as the hidden and out of demon reach underground warehouses, containing the Obriens family most precious treasures gathered over the years.

Obtaining all the information needed, Shenzi exits his Spiritual World with the 15,000 alive previous Obrien family members. Splitting them up into a squad of 3,000 members each. Shenzi sends them out to eliminate the vassal forces of the demons, while he decides it's time to pay his homage to the Reinhardt City Leader.

With every step, Shenzi easily crosses 250 meters. Compared to others this speed is monstrous, this is what usually intermediate three-star staged experts would perform with their families top techniques.


Reaching the City Leaders household within fifteen minutes, Shenzi punches the gate sending a tremor force through making no sound on impact, but seconds later the fifty meters tall reinforced gates shatter into dust.

Surrounding the compound again similar to the Obrien family, Shenzi absorbs all the people into his Spiritual World. Slaughtering 300,000 puppets and only a measly 20,000 surviving, once assembling them in 5 squads of 4,000 combined men and women each. Shenzi sends them out to the other vassal forces to capture the Patriarchs/Matriarchs that are puppets.

After a long six hours of slaughter, the 35,000 humans are cut down only to 27,500 remaining. With all the puppet family leaders gathered, Shenzi yells out with his Dragon Intent going through every corner of Reinhardt City, "I am Shenzi, and I will now be taking control of Reinhardt City. This is our first stand humanity is taking against the demons controlling this Yang Major World. All are to gather at the center within two hours to witness a public execution of the Demon's vassals."

With every possible human gathering within only fifty minutes. Shenzi begins beheading the vassal family leaders while shouting out. "With this stand, we are declaring war against the demons. From now on everyone will be forming Mercenary Squads, going out hunting demons, mutant beasts, and claiming territory for Reinhardt City to expand. All of you will be lead by the experts from my territory New Heart Village. Each demon you kill from the initial 1-star rank 1-3 is 2 points, 1-star rank 4-6 is 4 points, 1-star rank 7-9 is 8 points, and peak 1-star kills are 25 points each, same goes for mutant beasts following this rule."

Looking down at everyone present Shenzi sees multitudes of emotion, disbelief, shock, and despair "I know all of you are scared, but we Humans are not playthings nor are we weak! We are compassionate and care for those around us. With the points, you acquire in your squads the points are shared between all members. I will be putting up weapons of various types, Armours, Techniques, Spirit Force Manuals. But before that for the next three months, I will train everyone in groups of three-hundred for one hour each. Advanced classes can be redeemed for 25 points.


Setting his rule and giving everyone present hope for their futures, Shenzi begins their unrelenting brutal training. After reaching the second stage of cultivation, you're able to make Spirit Power clones that assist with fighting, training, crafting, herbalism, alchemy and so on. Having sent his clone over to absorb the entirety of New Heart Village into his Spiritual World. Shenzi's clone arrives ten-kilometers away from Reinhardt City, placing all the houses, farms, training grounds, and humans from New Heart Village.

With this Shenzi temporarily sets up a reward system for all his people of New Heart Village. "Those of you going out hunting for meat, for those training over this three month period. 5 Mutant beast bodies give you one hour to learn any Technique from me I have listed on the Sword/Saber tomes. Ten corpses gain you a low-rank weapon, twenty-five gain you, advanced classes, fifty gains you initial stage Spirit Weapons, one-hundred gain you the chance to watch me performing my Sword and Saber Unification realm. And 250 points gain you the chance to view the Sword World I have created."

Giving out all the incentives to the people who have been under his leadership the longest. All of them like automatically programmed robots begin splitting up into groups to go out and slaughter Mutant Beasts to provide for the training of everyone in Reinhardt City.

Within this three month period, Shenzi had seen the residents eyes of Reinhardt City turn from one of weakness, into one of unwilling to bow down any longer. Aside from training groups of 350 people every day for 17 hours straight. The other seven are left training in his Spiritual World. Ever since his mutation and awakening the Retribution Dragon Bloodline. The time-flow in his Spiritual World has become 30x faster than the outside world.

With this time equaling over two years times. Shenzi had stabilized his foundation after his mutation. Gone out a couple of times to purposely hurdle many hoards of Mutant beasts to test out his enlightenment for Saber and Sword Dao. While creating tens of Saber techniques Shenzi's fruits had finally paid off, creating foundation Saber Technique called Natures Solace.

While it's only a Foundation technique to improve his Saber Dao. Combined with his attainments in Nature Qi, and slowly unifying himself with the world itself. Natures Solace will later become a technique that will surpass the limits of the fifth stage Saber Dao bound to mortals.

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