《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 22: Mutation


The Obrien family head lifts his foot off of Shenzi's body, lifting him off the ground by the hair. The Obrien patriarch begins raining a torrential storm of punches onto Shenzi's body similar to a rag-doll. Every blow infused with a corroding Yin force, injuring the organs reaching deep to the heart. A mighty Spiritual Intent was hell-bent on making its way into Shenzi's Spiritual World. Cracks begin forming, the unlucky slaves Shenzi couldn't save with the last bit of his power start dying. The blows continue raining down on Shenzi, lifelessly he is the pain nonexistent, eyes went white, and all emotions wiped out from existence.

Shenzi's Spiritual World is risking collapsing in on itself the land begins to split, the starry sky and nine white flame burning stars pushed into overdrive to keep up with the damage. The use to be slaves start disappearing from the Spirit World, their temporarily built homes collapsing.

Seeing the slaves, he had once saved appear, turning into a meal for the demons and all their nefarious deeds. Hatred begins bubbling sending waves of molting fury through Shenzi's body, his heart thumping loud like thunder, roaring like a millennial giant bashing on the doors trapping it.

The "bright" sunny day begins drifting away, purple clouds sparkling with hair-raising currents. The once lifeless eyes start radiating a purple-black hue, cracks and snaps sound out from Shenzis body. Noticing the changes the Obrien Patriarch backs off leaving Shenzis body levitating off of the ground.

The purple clouds high above begin congealing into two eyes. Looking down onto Shenzi for a brief moment before shooting down and entering his body. With this trigger, the rampant beating heart begins slowing down. Multitudes of changes start happening to Shenzi.

Scaled wings spread out from Shenzi's back spanning five meters with purple lightning radiating an enchanting yet dangerous hue. Shenzi's Dragon Chest Plate forms mutating slowly into covering his whole body. The previous World Burning Cape shrouds his shoulders pridefully, turning into a Purple-Gold colour with a half-filled Dragon Formation.


A series of notifications ring in Shenzi's mind, "Congratulations hosts mutated heart has broken the first genetic lock. The host has awoken a part of the sleeping Retribution Dragon Bloodline.

"Congratulations, hosts foundation has led you to breakthrough to the initial second stage of cultivation."

"Congratulations, host has awoken the Dragon Intent left sleeping in your body."

Feeling the world-shaking changes in himself the regeneration of the Retribution Dragon Bloodline kicks in. Healing all the damaged organs, regenerating the previously cut off right arm. And most important of all begins rejuvenating his Spiritual World, expanding madly finally coming to a stop one minute later. Prior only being the distance of two-kilometers the Spiritual World now spans four-hundred kilometers wide and long.

Summoning his Worldly Purification, flying back into his right hand and summoning Black Heart into his left hand. Shenzi disappears leaving tens of mirrored images spreading out. Beginning their slaughter and vengeance against the Demons and Obrien family, Shenzi looks at all the dead slaves one last time sighing to himself for not having enough power.

Steeling his heart once more, Shenzi sweeps all the dead bodies into his Spirit World and the remaining slaves. Walking forward with his momentum increasing to the extreme, causing the earth to rumble and the surrounding air pressure to begin cracking. Spreading out his Sword Qi into the surrounding ten-kilometers, Shenzi comes face to face with the Obrien Patriarch. "You have ruled this city long enough, slaughtering humans and trading their lives to the demons. So you can feel high and mighty about your pitiful existence. Your Obrien family will no longer remain from this day on."

With one swing of his Worldly Purification, the compressed Sword/Saber Qi forms into a fifty-meter long dragon, slaughtering the hundreds of humans and demons in his ten-kilometer "domain." Fear begins seeping in all the surrounding demons and humans outside the domain. Feel lucky they weren't stupid enough to have killed Shenzi's people after all, if only a straightforward swing of his sword could kill so many what if he had used a Sword Art how many more would die, how far would the aftershocks travel?


The Obrien Patriarch can't help feeling the cold sweat on his back this was terrifying. He had seen the might of the demons and lost all hope of fighting against them, at that time it was only an initial royalty rank demon. The prowess Shenzi had just displayed showed he would be classified as peak royalty rank, or even stepping into the demon lord rank that only one in ten-trillion demons would ever possess. With this kind of might, it wouldn't be ridiculous to say Shenzi could curb stomp demons and humans one whole stage of cultivation beyond himself.

In this one moment of sluggishness, the Obrien Patriarch feels a sharp pain at his neck. With a shock, his hand reaches for his throat only to find there is nothing but a stump of what once laid attached. His body falls to the ground with his head rolling away just meters away from the headless body.

Shenzi yells out activating his Dragon Intent with overbearing might for everyone in the city to hear. "I am human, and I am called Shenzi I do not believe us humans need to cower in fear constantly. I will say this once and only once, drop all weapons crouch down on the ground with your hands behind your head. If I come across anyone still wielding a weapon, don't blame me for being cruel after already giving you a chance to live."

With every step, the earth rumbles, with every breath the sky trembles welcoming its emperor. Shenzi marches his way into the Obrien Household slaughtering those who are loyal and unwilling to drop their weapons. Reaching the thrice reinforced metal gate of the compound, with no effort at all Shenzi punches with a trail of wind knocking into the gate, shattering it into pieces.

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