《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 20: Ransacking the slave traders


Three hours pass with Shenzi strolling through Reinhardt city peacefully, eyeing the beautiful sights, the blacksmiths hard at work, the medicinal fragrance from alchemists hard work. With nothing but three dollars to his name, Shenzi goes to a local street vendor. Buying five skewers of meat with peppers, onion and a sweet teriyaki sauce over it.

Eating his meal while continuing his stroll, Shenzi stops upon seeing an adorable little girl no older than seven years of age. With tattered clothing over the essential areas, seeing the young girls bruised skin Shenzi feels terrible while handing out his last skewer. "Young one be a good girl and take this while patting the child's head."

With eyes full of sadness the young girl speaks up in a frightful voice "Mister, please help me slave traders captured me, but I was lucky to get away during the loading process."

Patting the girls head once more "Young one come and show me the way to these slave traders."

Bursting out in tears thinking she was going to be sent back again. Shenzis warming voice sounds out to her "Slave traders no longer have a hint of humanity left in them, taking out the trash of this city won't hurt anyone."

Fifteen minutes later the little girl and Shenzi arrive at the slave traders. Two old beer bellied thugs step out yelling in a fit of fury "You little bitch you managed to run once, but you won't be able to a second time."

Without blinking an eye, Shenzi steps forward thrusting his fist through each of the thug's chests, crushing the still-beating hearts in his hand. Both thugs dropping dead only to be incinerated by a flame, their ashes float in the wind. Sirens inside the compound ring as troves of more thugs come racing out.


Unsheathing Worldly Purification Shenzi walks forward with his sword scraping against the ground causing multitudes of sparks to fly. As one of the thugs enter a radiance within fifty meters, Shenzi slashes out instantly beheading him. Continuing his advance, Shenzi beheads all twenty-five thugs, moving on entering the slave trading compound.

Following the child, Shenzi arrives at the room where all the slaves are held. Entering the room Shenzi speaks out "I will be taking all of you away from this place. You will be able to work, train, teach. Whatever your specialty may be your new life begins now." Interlocking the Tears Of Rose pocket world with his Spiritual World, Shenzi absorbs over two thousand of the slaves.

Having accomplished his goal, Shenzi ignites his Retribution Flame setting the compound on fire. Stepping out from the blazing compound Shenzi is surrounded by multiple groups of well-equipped guards. An ignorant voice sounds out "How dare you to fuck with my Obriens family slave trading business."

Shrugging his shoulders Shenzi walks into the crowd fearless. Slashing down fifteen times beheading the group of guards around the ignorant youth. Fear begins to seep into the youth while he shouts out "Don't you lay a hand on me. My family is loyal to the demons, with one word all I have to do is report you, and you'll be slaughtered."

Smiling to himself Shenzi walks to meet the youth face to face "Then it seems I have to slaughter your Obrien family. Giving your freedom away for the demons to decide, you're nothing but utter trash." Quickly slashing out with his sword Shenzi beheads the youth, advancing while continuously slaughtering the Obriens family guards in his way.

After taking away the armour, weapons, and money worn by the ignorant youth and his family guards. Shenzi burns the bodies of all those he killed, facing to look at the young girl Shenzi says "This is an example of what not having power is, you're weak alone unable to do anything. While on the other hand humans who've already switched to be the demon's eyes and ears, are no longer worthy of living. Our human race is not weak like this! Without any stars to guide the way in dark times, we will remain hanging our heads in shame for a lifetime."


Nodding her head to what Shenzi says, the child speaks up "It will be troublesome now, The Obrien family houses various second stage people. And the Obrien family head is rumored to be peaking at the nine* level of the second stage."

Shenzi smiles knowingly, "Little girl you don't gotta worry about all that trouble. Your young and should be carefree still, take us to the nearest inn that serves good food. We will rest overnight and then gradually form the might needed to face off with the Obrien family."

Following the guidance of the young child, They eventually reach an inn called Nightfire. Entering Shenzi goes up to the receptionist, noticing she has some more memorable looks and a soothing aura about her. "Good evening miss I would like to book a room with two beds for the next three nights. Also please serve us meat and vegetable dishes with some fruit juice for the young girl."

"Thank you for your patronage sir in total that'll be 120 grey coins for the next three days." Shenzi reaches out giving the receptionist the required 120 grey coins. Handing Shenzi the key, the receptionist guides Shenzi and the young girl to their room, "Your meal will arrive in the next half hour, please enjoy sir."

Entering the room, Shenzi apologizes to the young girl "Sorry I only have a mans change of clothes with me, if you're fine with these for the night we can go out tomorrow and buy you a couple pairs of clothes."

Shortly after a knocking sound is heard opening the door, Shenzi receives their meal. With an assortment of mutant beast meat, vegetables, rice and fruit juice. Both Shenzi and the young girl eat their fill. With exhaustion taking over the young girl falls asleep minutes later after eating. Shenzi sits down and begins cultivating his Spirit Seed from the nourishing energy of his nine compressed stars.

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