《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 19: Entering the bandits den with a bright smile


Shenzi couldn't help himself to sit down and enjoy the fight going on below. Overhearing the cursing and threats to eradicate each others sect Shenzi chuckles to himself. What is so entertaining about this? Is that the air about these people fighting is like the spoiled children with no actual power. Growing up sheltered and no battle experience, their sword techniques as flat as a cutting board. But then again being taught by grandmasters Shenzi can't help but shake his head. Wondering if he would be like these brats below or worse.

While both people are fighting reaches, the so-called extreme Shenzi jumps down catching both their swords between his index forefinger and index finger. "Fellows both of you are, hot-blooded young men I'll make you a once in a lifetime deal. I will spar with you for ten minutes each, and you, in turn, take me to the central city."

Both were not knowing whether to laugh or thought Shenzi was just straight up stupid. Both agree upon feeling this "stupid" man is like a reincarnated god of swords. Taking their turns while exploring the Sword Dao of Shenzi is beyond those of the clan masters of the central city are like unpolished blades in front of this man. Using a mix of his Dark side of the moon, and Raindrop Shenzi fights both young men for ten minutes. While in mind secretly training these unpolished gems Shenzi learns himself while teaching these two.

After exhausting themselves, both bow down in respect to Shenzi. "Travelling master we are Ren and Zen, thank you for correcting our mistakes in form and technique." We are currently 2,500 kilometers away from Reinhardt city. However, we are not far from the Renegade Bandits hideout. Therefore the journey will be extended to go around them. Their strongest member is a second-stage three-star member reaching the peak of Unification realm.


Shenzi puts his hand up to stop further explanation, no need we will walk in the bandit's den with a warm smile. Now get off your asses you've rested enough, I want to make it to Reinhardt city before nightfall.

Having no choice but to commute to Shenzi's demand Ren leads the way forward to the Renegade Bandits hideout. Spending thirty minutes of walking and killing the odd mutant beasts in their way. Shenzi and company reach the Renegade Bandits hideout.

With two guards yelling "Halt all those who walk into our territory have to hand over all their belongings." Paying no attention to their words, Shenzi walks through the both of them chopping at the back of their necks. Putting them out for the night, Shenzi walks in with the most radiant smile he could put on.

After walking no more than thirty-five meters, Shenzi is stopped by a patrol squadron of fifty bandits. With that same smile on his face, Shenzi says to them "Please don't feel alarmed I want to reach Reinhardt city, and crossing your territory demands I have to."

Unsheathing their swords, hatchets, sabers, spears the patrol squad laughs out loud "Are you hearin this brat? He wants to cross our territory like as if he's out on vacation." Men lets fuck this man up and loot them!

Sighing to himself Shenzi can't help but wonder what he did wrong, he put on a gentle smile and made his goal clear without threatening these friendly gentlemen.

Without further ado Shenzi raises his forefinger and middle finger, tapping them gently among their weapons. Shortly after like a spider web growing along their weapons, they shatter into pieces. With no more defense, Shenzi juts his fingers out onto the foreheads of the fifty-man squadron knocking them out dreaming of lambs jumping over fences.


Continuing his parade through the Renegade Bandits den, Shenzi runs into two more similar squadrons before pausing momentarily. Scratching his head while thinking to himself. "Looks like the big bad wolf has finished stalking me in the dark."

Appearing fifty meters ahead of Shenzi like a man removing himself from air particles, the leader looks Shenzi in the eyes, "Young man you look like a proud son of heaven, but instead, you have got some ability to focus your attention on me."

Smiling again at the bandit leader Shenzi replies, "I mean no disrespect to you, but your killing intent leaks out. Ever since I entered your lovely abode, your eyes haven't left me for one second."

I will state my goal one, and only one last time. I wish to pass by without harm so that I can reach Reinhardt city.

With a slight trace of fury, the Bandit leader lashes out, "You knock out over one hundred of my men, stroll through my territory and expect me to leave you scot-free?"

Unsheathing his greatsword the Bandit leader hacks down at Shenzi multiple times, like a specter moving in and out of range every time. Shenzi raises his forefinger and middle finger with a slight trace of Sword Qi radiating a crimson beauty on his fingers. Jutting out in a diagonal cut Shenzis fingers slice the greatsword in half.

"Old man I mean you no disrespect, but you're far from reaching my standards." Enveloping his hand with Sword Qi once more, Shenzi thrusts his palm out to the Bandit leaders forehead blasting him fifty meters into the nearest lookout tower. Without a care in the world, Shenzi walks by thinking in his mind "So this is what it feels like to disrespect your surroundings!"

Without a drop of sweat Shenzi and company walk their way through the Renegade bandits hideout. Making their way to Reinhardt city, killing the mutant beasts that make their attacks first. After one more hour of a peaceful journey, Shenzi reaches the gates of Reinhardt city, pays the fee to enter the city he looted from the bandits.

Zen and Ren bow in respect one more time. "Wandering master thank you again for teachings, but we have to split ways to go back to our clan now. If you lack residence come by and visit the Flowing Cloud Household, we will be glad to host you."

Nodding his head in approval at the youngster's respect for him, Shenzi takes out two nameless swords. "You two have some weak weapons. I give you these two unknown swords I have crafted. If fate allows it, we will meet once again."

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