《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 18: Expanding New Heart Village.


Ever since Shenzi had opened the Mercenary system for New Heart Village within one month, Shenzi had led all the mercenary groups. Going through villages, and towns controlled by the demons, and their vassal social forces. With two goals in mind, one to be able to sharpen their combat experience. And the second to "plunder" resources from the demons, that belong to the humans of the Yang Major World.

Through all the killing, the humans living in New Heart Village. Are ridden of their innocence, for the first time many have taken the lives of demons. Despite not being taken over by the demons, the seeds of fear and hopelessness has been planted deep in their hearts. To rid their fear the easiest and most brutal way is by killing. While doing so not only does it give them faith in themselves, having life and death battles changed their mindsets entirely, while also advancing the techniques taught to them.

After wiping out more than six towns and five villages, Shenzi absorbs them into his New Heart Village. Acting as a base implementing the Mercenary System with the same rewards and point values in all his recently obtained territories. Not only does this lessen the pressure food wise for such a vast amount of people. It opened mining plants, fisheries and more.

With such an amount of humans, Shenzi implements plans creating roads that go through each of the territories. Making blueprints while having taught many people blacksmithing, a general idea is formed and gained the consent of everyone. While humans are advanced in this world, for many, who are bound to never reach above the third stage of cultivation. The transportation will make it more convenient and less energy consuming, and makes it easier to assemble and assist his forces during invasions.


With his dream view slowly coming to shape. Shenzi begins setting up his government of sorts with easy to follow the rules.

All those who murder/rape will be sentenced to execution in the center of New heart village. If more than two people fancy the same item, whoever has more points obtains the merchandise. Or you can trade an item of equal value.

After setting up his chain of rules, Shenzi goes off to gain intel on the demons of this world. Who their leader is, how much resources they have, and their maximum strength of battle force. Knowing your enemy and all his weaknesses is the easiest way to victory. With his plans set in mind, Shenzi packs all necessities required for his ten thousand kilometer journey to the center gathering of Yang Major World. Walking into the tiger's den is never safe, but risk comes with an equal reward.

While the central city formed an equilibrium with demons and humans coexisting, many fights happen on a daily basis. Children lose their parents, slave trading, theft and more. When demons run a world, all their cruelty and sick entertainment become forced upon the humans. With no one as the "leader" of humanity, humans are like a headless chicken. Able to put up a fight, but lacking in the ability to free themselves entirely from the demons lording above them.

Walking his way through the Abyss mountain range, Shenzi runs into many hoards of mutated beasts. Killing his way through the hoards, Shenzi gains plenty of kill points while consolidating his recently achieved Sword World. To improve his Sword World, every human demon and mutant beast killed a sliver of their life essence is absorbed. Shenzi's Nature Qi cleanses all the impurities leaving all the pure essence to be consumed. While the amount is small, over time the more obtained builds a firmer foundation.


Having caught various types of mutant beasts, Shenzi begins roasting them to perfection. Having eaten his fill, Shenzi enters into a state of cultivating Nature Qi. Taking all his clothes but his pants off, Shenzi sits cross-legged absorbing all the Nature Qi. Cycling through the Empyrean Flame four times, enhancing the pureness of the Nature Qi. It gets spit out flowing through all cells, bones, meridians. Continually upgrading his physique, while also dispelling all impurities absorbed into his body.

As the night goes on Shenzi is awoken by the clangs of weapons crossing. Having long finished his cultivation routine. Shenzi leaps up into the trees going to the source of the fight. Concealing all his aura forming it into a wave in the surrounding seventy meters to throw off others detection. Shenzi views the fight between two groups of humans.

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