《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 14: Combination


Four hours pass peacefully during Shenzi's cultivation. Shortly after, a disastrous amount of danger alerted Shenzi. In the midst of compressing his ninth star of Compressed Worldly Sun. Standing up with both Black Heart and Worldly Purification in offensive positions. Shenzi ignites his World Burning Cape and Dragon Chest Plate. In full preparation to meet this deadly opponent, Shenzi erases all thoughts in his mind. Detecting Lumis entering the one-kilometre range of his perception. Shenzi enshrouds Black Heart with his Sword Qi, swinging his left arm one-kilometre apart from Shenzi, a sword scar of Flame Spirit Force slashes down onto Lumis. Unprepared for this sudden strike, Lumis takes the full brunt of the slash. Leaving a 12-inch scar burning with Shenzi's Retribution Flame corroding away Lumis's Spirit Force. Shenzi dashes in full speed with his Retribution Flame burning around him like the last rays of the setting sun. Leaving a trail of burnt grass and trees, Shenzi reaches Lumis in ten seconds with his compressed Sword Qi on the tip of Black Heart. Swinging out with Black Heart the agglomeration of Sword Qi blasts out forming a burning cross. Colliding with Lumis is pushed back tens of meters, leaving a long stretch of ripped up earth. On his chest lays a bloody red imprint of Shenzi's Sword Qi. Staring into Shenzi's eyes, Lumis smiles coldly, "Very good for a human. You're the only one capable enough within the surrounding to wipe out my elite units. I applaud you for your achievement. However, you have cut the draw short drawing me out as you have." Without blinking an eye Shenzi inserts sword qi into his Wordly Purification, sending it flying to Lumis's heart. Dodging with ease Lumis compresses his Demonic Qi into a whirlwind, sending it straight to Shenzi. Cleaving out with Black Heart, Shenzi easily cuts the Demonic Qi in half like the top experts would without breaking a sweat. Leaning forward Shenzi dashes to Lumis's side, with a faint tail of Demon Qi surrounding his fist. Shenzi punches into Lumis's ribs sending the Demon Qi into his body, Taken by the surprise of Demon Qi coming from Shenzi. Lumis reacts slowly as Shenzi's right fist engulfed in Retribution Flame, blows away all defence meeting Lumis's abdomen sending him skyrocketing from the force of Rising Sun. Upon landing on the earth again, Rising Sun blows up with Lumis at the center, as everything within 50 meters incinerates. Standing up shortly after Lumis stands with ease, hardly injured at all except for a little trickle of blood on his lips. Lumis laughs out in disdain, "Amusing, very amusing a human with Demon Spirit Force and that of the Angels Purification Spirit Force. You would make a very worthy specimen on how both can combine and yet not fight each other." Narrowing his eyes Shenzi speaks for the first time during this fight, "I originally wasn't planning on bullying you. But you leave me no choice but to, and you should've just played dead when you still had the chance." Noticing a significant change going on in Shenzi Lumis reacts instantly going into a defensive position. With his left eye radiating purple flames, and his right eye emitting golden flames. Shenzi brings both Demonic and Purifying Spirit Force together. Combining both into a six-meter-long sabre Shenzi compresses his Retribution flame to form a similar looking six-meter sword. Fusing both his Sabre Qi and Sword Qi Shenzi combines both sabre and sword into a larger entity up to 10 meters long. Wielding the 10 meters long fused weapon with both hands. Shenzi steps forward one step, slashing down with all the possible amount of Sword, Sabre Intent he could muster out of himself. Shooting out a Purple-Gold, twenty by a fifty-meter compressed wave, all the pitiful amount of effort Lumis could put into guarding. Was destroyed instantly like cutting through butter with a heated knife, being impaled from the top of his head all the way to his feet. Lumis was blown hundreds of meters away leaving a three-kilometre long scar digging fifty meters deep into the earth. The heat radiating off so intense all earth underneath instantly start bubbling turning into lava. This is the effort of Shenzi's six and a half years of training. Upon gaining interest in the Sabre Dao as well. Reiya permitted Shenzi to read from books on the Sabre dao and shown visualized projections of Sabre experts. This is Shenzi's second self-created technique so far World Scar. Upon using up one hundred percent of his Spirit Force. Shenzi falls from ten meters high slamming into the ground. Laying on his back huffing and puffing for air. The only consoling Shenzi received while suffering his first energy overdraft, was the notification of Lumis's death. "Congratulations host has gained 2,500 Kill Points". "Congratulations host has attained the required amount of Kill Points to gain one skill point." Upon hearing these notifications go off in his mind. Shenzi finally gives in to the exhaustion coursing through his body. Falling unconscious out of control. All the rich Yang energy in the surrounding one hundred kilometres. Attracted to Shenzi's unconscious body the Yang energy begins forming a funnel as if liquid pouring into Shenzi's body.

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