《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 12: Yang major world


In the blink of an eye, two years fly by with Shenzi's brutal training. In reality, Shenzi had trained for eighteen hours a day. Plus six hours of a buffer zone till the next day, Shenzi had spent in his Spiritual World. With a time flow of 10x to the outside world. In total what is two years to others, Shenzi had spent 6 1/2 years learning everything religiously. Within these 6 1/2 years, Shenzi was able to compress his sun and absorb it into his body. Reaching the peak of the Initial stage of his Compressed Wordly Sun to enter the Intermediate phase, Shenzi has to compress nine stars. That will then produce energy to nourish his body, as well as Shenzi's Spirit Seed. Shenzi's current mental state is at the second stage of Clear Surface. However, the Spirit Seed is the foundation of Mental State training. So although it can be considered as reverse cultivation It, in turn, is improving Shenzi's foundation making his Mental State stronger than usual Clear Surface leveled demons and humans. Shenzi has stabilized himself to reach the peak of the first stage of Sword Dao- Unification. Without any life and death battles, Unification cannot be broken through as it's the process of being made into a whole. Without Shenzi developing his personal Sword Dao Path, there is no chance to break through into the second stage of Sword World. Upon waking up, Shenzi goes out to the courtyard. To his surprise, there are no assassination attempts from Instructor Hell. It was a peaceful walk birds were chirping. There was a fresh spring breeze. And most of all Shenzi felt the connection with nature. Unique to solely himself, Shenzi was lucky to develop Nature Qi. Nature Qi is most efficient when nullifying poisons, as well as assisting the body in its healing process. Upon reaching the Courtyard. Shenzi is surprised to see all his Teachers with somewhat severe and expectant looks on their faces. Reiya is the first one to step out, "Shenzi in our world we have what we call a Coming Of Age Ceremony when people turn to be of age 16. They're sent out to a world controlled by demons, to temper themselves through life and death battles. However, you're a unique case with your awoken Empyrean Retribution divine body. We will be sending you to the highest danger zone. The problem with this is, you have only trained foundation skills, battle instinct, and sword dao. Without much time to cultivate other than your initial success in Compressed Wordly Sun, your cultivation base is at the bottom of the ladder. The cultivation system of this world goes from stage one to stage ten. However, each step is broken up into Star ranks. One Star as the weakest, and Ten Stars as the strongest. Then breaking through into the second stage moreover, the demons possess higher combat ability and battle instinct. A step one, one-star demon is the equivalent to a stage 1 3-star human and in worst cases 5-star if said demon is of noble lineage. However, with your divine body and everything else so far you've built up. I believe you will be able to face off easily with a stage 1 5-star demon. Not to mention the combination of Demonic, Purification Spirit Force you will be able to suppress the majority of all demons. Before we teleport you to the Yang major world, we will give you one last gift for meeting above and beyond our expectations. Instructor Hell steps forward, "Shenzi brat you were by far the most promising disciple I have ever trained. Through good health and ill health, you will be my first and last disciple. I bestow upon you my companion sword Blackheart. Instructor Smith steps forward, "Shenzi you have a heavenly talent for Blacksmithing. Reaching as far as master rank in a matter of two short years. I bestow upon you a set of hammer techniques, that can fasten the pace of levelling up your Spirit Weapons. This is my self-created technique Soul Smelting, don't bring shame to it. Instructor Storm steps forward, "Shenzi I believe walking the path of a conqueror. Does not rely on only succeeding in one, but thriving in various other paths. You have come along way in Archery, and have even gained a spark of the charm a Grandmaster Archer. I bestow upon you my self-created technique Solar Rain. Last but not least Reiya steps forward, "Shenzi in these two years I have come to see you as a family. I have lived isolated for thousands of years now for breaking my oath. However, you have given me the chance to redeem myself. I bestow upon you my Sword Seed. When one has reached the peak of this world's Sword Dao- Sword Manifestation, they can compress it into a seed that will give birth to a heavenly sword. But it has to be nourished by its owner. You're in luck I have yet to leave my spirit imprint on this Sword Seed. I hope you make good use of this heavenly gift. And shake the demon race with the heavenly sword your Sword Qi will give birth to." With conflicted emotions, Shenzi bows down to all his masters. "I Shenzi thank you all for the two years you have given me of your precious time. I make an oath now for you all to witness. When I come back from destroying the Yang Major World, I will make a utopia for you all to live a life in peace away from these wars." And so with Shenzi's last words and his oath made. Reiya teleports Shenzi into the Yang Major World. A world controlled by demons and Shenzi's first legend will be written in history. As humanities brilliant shining star.

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