《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 10: Boot camp


After Raizen got himself off the ground patting the dirt off of his clothes. Raizen smiles “I’m speechless, that Sword art was amazing. I think that’s enough for one night. It’s about time you return to the real world now. Until the next time Shenzi, I sincerely hope you do not let my hopes down.” Shenzi weakly opens up his eyes. Feeling the sense of accomplishment deep in his heart, Shenzi gets out of his bed and begins doing stretches. It was at this time a detailed report of his Compressed Wordly Sun, and Nine Layer Purgatory Pagoda are explained. Compressed Worldly Sun. During meditation, one gathers all his Flame Spirit Energy condensing it into a sun. As more energy is absorbed into the ball, it grows in size. After reaching its peak, one will compress all the energy of the enlarged sun reducing its size. While increasing its density and peak heat after doing so, one will absorb the sun into their body. Strengthening your Meridians, Bones, Blood, and Organs. Nine Layer Purgatory Pagoda Condensing your Spirit Force into the shape of a nine-layered pagoda. For each level of cultivation base, one layer will open up. The Nine Layer Purgatory Pagoda is used as one’s Spirit defence. Nullifying more than 95% of all harm relating to one’s Spirit each layer opened makes one invincible during the current stage of cultivation. Dark Side Of The Moon Split into four stages. Each stage is a test on one’s Sword Qi and comprehension. Each additional stage will unlock when one has fully comprehended the current phase of the technique. Can be used as the “base” to create further stages. Reiya walks into the room Shenzi is staying in. “Good, it seems you’ve finally awoken. But you also seem to possess a certain charm of Sword Qi now anyhow your progress is decent if you want to be able to save Adria. You will need to double even triple up the effort spent. Tomorrow will be the beginning of your boot camp experience for the two years. Sleep well tonight and be prepared to work like a son of a bitch from tomorrow on.” The next morning as early as 3 am. Shenzi sense a threat to his life. Out of habit, Shenzi summons his dual swords. Slashing out in both left and right direction deflecting two approaching assassins. Continuing with his advance, Shenzi leaps towards the nearest one to him. Crisscrossing his dual swords into an X formation in front of his chest with the built up momentum from Shenzi’s leap. Shenzi slides across the ground supporting himself with formed air pockets to create stability. Shenzi slashes out both dual swords at the assassin leaving a bloody red X on their chest. Without a moment of rest. Shenzi forms a layer of air pockets on his back. Exploding them and using the momentum, Shenzi compresses a miniature sun on his right fist. Punching out with a fake right fist Shenzi’s left palm lights up as he condenses half of his Flame Spirit Force into forming a vortex. With a dense layer of air pockets supporting his body. Shenzi aims his palm at the assassin’s heart blasting out his flame vortex. To Shenzi’s shock, both assassins dissipate into thin air. Along with the applauds and a husky voice heard. “Not bad for a greenhorn who’s still wet behind the ears. The last guy I was training didn’t survive the first half hour. Kid, you’ve got a lot to improve on. You have too much wastage of your Spirit Force and too many unnecessary moves made.” I am Instructor Hell. I am the first teacher assigned to your boot camp training. Starting from 3 am in the morning all the way to midnight. Various other experts and I will be your teachers for the next two years. If you’re deemed unsuccessful after learning our teachings, you might as well dig your head into the ground like an ostrich. Letting your earth be taken over by the demons.


Side Notes: Raizen is the name of the Sovereign Intent.

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