《The Lonely Wanderer》Chapter 7: 1,000 Leaves


After receiving Reiyas tips, verbal and physical explanation, Shenzi begins to let his Spirit Force accumulate to its peak. As it reaches the peak like a man play a magic trick back on earth, Shenzi snaps his fingers, and one flaming sword appears. Following in sequence Shenzi begins his grind on writing the alphabet A to Z multiple times. After 45 minutes and exhausting his Spirit Force Shenzi finally gives into the puddle of sweat underneath him. If Reiya were here to see the scene of Shenzi immersed in his practicing, Reiya would be shocked. For most people who begin their path of cultivation. It takes them 1 to 3 months to condense their Spirit Intent and another 2 to 4 months for those to write out the full alphabet in 15 sets like Shenzi has done. To his amazement after falling into his puddle of sweat, Tears Of Rose relays it’s notifications to Shenzi. “Host has touched upon the basics of Spirit Force and utilizing Intent It is recommended host increases the challenge and number of materialized Sword QI.” After recuperating for fifteen minutes, Shenzi snaps his fingers again. This time four Sword Qis manifests, with Shenzi’s strong fleshly power Shenzi, forms multiple air pockets In his palm. Clenching his fists the air pockets explode the accumulated Intent bursts out sending 16 leaves floating into the air. With quick control and precision like an expert, Shenzi controls his Sword QI into writing his name on the 16 leaves in 4 seconds. With Shenzi at top condition and spirit in full strength, Shenzi writes his surname correctly on six leaves while the other 12 are burned into ash. Like a robot who has received its programming. Shenzi continues repeating the same sequence in 2 short hours Shenzi was able to increase his Sword Qi up to 10 and pushing his limits perfectly writing his name onto 25 leaves. This progress can be considered both fast and slow. Shenzi is not a genius. But Shenzi is a man who never stops when he reaches his limit. Shenzi continues his grind through all the sweat and the stinging pain of his Spirit as he overdraws it to the maximum. After resting again for 15 minutes, Shenzi has a little self-reflection. Compared to his first time he felt different. The first time doing so Shenzi felt his Spirit Force was spreading out of his body with a mind of its own. The second attempt Shenzi was able to compress his Spirit Force to form a layer over his hands. As he snaps his fingers giving birth to his Sword Qi, moving his hands manually to control the swords with his Spirit Force as the conductor, Shenzi’s speed and efficiency increased three fold. To others, this would be considered a miracle. Since when was it so damn easy for a rookie to use Spirit Force as if they were breathing? Sitting down and reflecting on his usage of his Sword Qi Shenzi’s mind wanders off into his thoughts. Following his thoughts, Shenzi’s Sword Qi begins to form itself into a lotus. As Shenzi’s aura increases, a wind blows through the courtyard. 100 leaves are blown into the air. Shenzi’s Sword Qi upon reaching maximum compression blows up like a small bomb with Shenzi at the middle. All 100 leaves are laced with Shenzi’s sword intent as they’re connected by a thin line of Sword Qi transforming into a phoenix. “Congratulations host has gained initial Enlightenment into formations.“ “Congratulations host has created his first Sword Formation Descending Phoenix.” Awaking from his Enlightenment Shenzi snaps his fingers forming 30 swords with his Intent begins his program. Creating air pockets in his palm to shattering them, Sending 100 leaves into the air. Shenzi’s 15 swords move with each hand in order as each sword imprints Shenzi’s name onto the leaves. As the leaves descend to the ground all 100 leaves are left with 15 sets of “Shenzi" written no scorch marks nothing. The leaves are ordinary except for the Sword Qi left behind. In a sober state this time, Shenzi raises all 100 leaves with his Sword Qi forming his Descending Phoenix formation. As the 100 leaves float around the room equal to 100 sharp swords, Shenzi blows 1.000 leaves into the air this time. Waving his hands in a cycle at each leaf drawing his name 100 times on each leaf, 4 seconds pass that seem like hours to Shenzi. With his utmost out of 1,000 leaves, 250 leaves have 100 sets of "Shenzi" written on while the remaining 750 leaves got up to 15 sets each. Shenzi falls for good this time. Pushing his Spirit Force beyond what it’s capable of over drained Shenzi. Out from the corner of the courtyard, Reiya comes out see Shenzi passed out. With shock, she mutters to herself, “This brat isn’t that special other than his one of a kind Divine Body. But his Spirit Force even if he was Crimson’s direct descendant, his Spirit Force should be nowhere near this level.

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