《The Endless War》Chapter 20: Set Out


It’s been a month since the incident with Alex transpired. Mostly everyone was intent on wiping it clean from their minds. The Seer captains had let Isaac and his friends off the hook with not even a slap on the wrist. Their heart was in the right place, but sometimes you have to do things that you think are wrong.

Terra being the advanced society that it is with its highly innovated technology required a fairly high power source to run at optimal performance. Nothing within this world has an ability to power their tech and so they needed something with endless amounts of energy.

In the world of science that was impossible, but thanks to magic it was somewhat reasonable to expect something like that existing.

In Xander’s office, he was seen leaning back in his chair, having a word with Jace, a serious expression shown on his face.

“Jace, can I count on you for this? It’s time that we resupply and the only people capable of giving us what we need is Ingrann.”

“Of course you can. I’ll do everything I can to get it done.”

“Good. There haven’t been any problems lately, but I have a bad feeling about this. Please proceed with the utmost caution.”

“I’ll let them know. Even though this mission is simple, I want to play it safe.” Jace responded, releasing a soft sigh.

“Do as you will. You are dismissed, Captain Jace.”

Jace leaves at once. This was a rather simple mission. Xander wanted him to retrieve some geo-spheres from Ingrann. The two regions had a truce and in exchange for resources, they were given geo-spheres.

Since this wasn’t anything too serious, Jace decided a small number of people would be suitable. It’d be wiser to select a few members. It’d also be wrong to try and intimidate Ingrann as no one could truly know what they were thinking.


“All right, let me put some thought into this.”

After a while, Jace had an idea of who he wanted to embark on this mission with. It wasn’t an easy choice, but to produce the most results he thought it would be needed.

He sent them all a message to meet by the gate to prepare for their little outing and he didn’t have to wait long before they were all up and ready by the gate.

“Yo! You said we were all going on an exciting mission, right!? Well, what are we waiting for!?” Yadon shouted.

“I never said that.” Jace corrected.

Yadon looked around, spotting Isaac, Claire, Keianna, and even Noel and pondered. “Where’s everyone else?”

“The mission could be compromised if we all went. Plus with so many people there’s more room for errors. Instead, I decided it’d be best if this group went.”

“I can understand that, but how dare you separate Quin and me. Have you no shame!?”

“Sometimes relations can be a hindrance on the battlefield. Remember that.”

“I disagree, but there’s no point in explaining why to you.”

“I can understand his point, Yadon. Our Captain has our best interest in mind. You should try to learn as much as you can from him.” Claire said matter of factly.

“Shut up… teacher’s pet.” He whispered.


“Nothing Claire, nothing.’

Keianna could be seen chuckling, but other than that she remained quiet.

“It sucks knowing Junji isn’t here, but I’ll give it my all regardless. What’s the mission?” Isaac asked cheerfully.

“Well… it’s simple. We’re going to travel to Ingrann and receive our share of geo-spheres.” Jace instructs.

“You mean those glowing rocks? Why do we need them again?” Yadon asked.


Jace looked at him as if he was a complete moron, but before he could say anything Claire chimed in.

“Geo-spheres are stones filled with mana from that of the very Ancient herself, Chumana. They fuel all of our tech.” Claire says with a smile.

“... What…?” Yadon sounded as if he couldn’t even comprehend what she was saying.

“You didn’t know that Yadon? Surely you weren’t paying attention in History class.” Isaac chuckled lightly.

“If I gave all my focus to studies then I wouldn’t be so strong! The results speak for themselves!” Yadon shouted.

“You guys… anyways. We’ll be traveling for a while. We won’t be in the safety of Terra. We’ll be traveling by car so it’ll cut the time by a lot, but still be cautious.”

“We could have just taken my limo. We could have traveled in luxury.” Noel said.

“Our ride has already been provided for us just outside this gate.” Jace says before going over to talk to the guard.

After a while the gate was forced open, slowly revealing the outside world once again to the Seers. Parked just outside was their ride. A fair sized truck just big enough to hold the six of them. It was coated in a nice black paint and seemed fairly clean.

“All right, let’s get this mission started.” Jace says as he opens the door to the vehicle.

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