《The Endless War》Side Chapter 003: Keianna


The day was nearly over it seems, judging by the way the sun hovered over the edge of the earth. Pretty soon the moon would emerge and bless the world with its vibrant light.

People were starting to get off from work and so the roads were packed with heavy traffic. Traffic always caused people to become frustrated with one another because they each had things they needed to do.

Human nature was just naturally selfish most of the time. That couldn’t be helped. As long as they were to learn from their mistakes could the world become a better place. But, for some that was just impossible.

Keianna walked a lonely path home, her muscles still sore from spending all of that time out in the woods. She was also stained with sweat which wasn’t a good look on her. The only thing she wanted to do when she got home was take a nice long shower and then head off to bed.

Unlike some of the others, Keianna didn’t live in the safe parts of Terra where all the medium income family dwelled in. She lived in what was known as the ghettos for Terra. People who were on their way to the ground.

Terra didn’t enjoy the spread of homeless people and drug dealers, so they most often kept very silent about the existence of these kinds of people from the public eye. If it got too bad then it wasn’t a surprise if some of the homeless people were abducted for the sake of science.

The science that involved the abduction of homeless people was anything but pleasant. It was often done by scientists who were on the verge of going rogue or who let their curiosity get the better of them. Anything this humane would be shut down if word ever got out.

Sometimes, however, this was allowed as resources were finite. Terra had enough energy to last them for the next twenty-five years, but that wasn’t enough. Everyone wanted to make sure that their lives could go on for as long as possible which is why they needed to befriend the Region of Ingrann.

The change of territories was very easy to see. Instead of single family homes and townhouses, the remaining properties were apartments grouped up together. These apartments looked old and showed signs of rotting from the inside.


Sometimes the homes were infested with mold and other foul substances so individuals thought it’d be better to hang outside more and just their homes to sleep. The people standing about looked rough and as if they haven’t showered in a few days.

“Keianna, you’ve been gone for a long time. Where you been?” A man with a hoarse throat spoke out. A lit cigarette was seen in his hand which probably didn’t make his voice any better.

“I was stuck in the woods for a few days. Took a lot out of time trying to figure out the way home.”

“Hehehe… all this was for your test, huh?” The man began to cough a few times before he spat some thick, yellow mucus from his mouth.

“Uh-huh.” Her nose scrunched up after witnessing what the man shot out of his body. Some people were just letting themselves go and they didn’t have to be a stereotype.

“Keep up the good work. Maybe now you’ll make a difference around here.” He coughed a few times and didn’t cover his mouth as spit flew out from his mouth which further disgusted Keianna. “By the way… somebody came here looking for you. It was one of the Seer folks.”

“Oh, I wonder who it could be.” She said in a sarcastic tone, she already had a feeling of who it would be. “I better get going, I wouldn’t want to keep him waiting.”

“Be careful.”

“I always am.”

She continued off the trail after her unpleasant talk with the man. He wasn’t a bad guy, but he was just gross.

After 15 minutes of walking, she arrived at her apartment complex and took her time getting to her old door which showed signs of rust along with the paint starting to come off. As she entered the person the man mentioned earlier was inside waiting.

“Keianna, glad to see that you made it here in one piece.”

Oh, it was none other than Jace. She thought as much.

“You would have startled me if it wasn’t for someone mentioning you were here.”

“I just wanted to let you know what was decided. Your request was reasonable and you did keep your promise of becoming a Seer, so it was agreed that you can move out of this area.”


“That’s what I’m talking about. If I’m going to risk my life I might as well live a comfortable life, don’t you think? I don’t see it as too much to ask for.”

“As for where you’ll be living it isn’t decided yet. You’ll get that information very soon, I promise you. Just stay out of trouble.”

Keianna rolled her eyes before walking deeper into her home, choosing to stand beside the table that wobbled slightly when she pressed her hands against it. “Hey, can’t you see that I haven’t gotten into any fights since I was in the academy? I think that’s proof that I know my situation.”

Jace shrugged, he was leaning against the edge of the table, his head shifting to face Keianna before he decided to remind her of something she should already know. “Remember bright and early tomorrow. Show up sober, or don’t show up at all.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. If you’re just going to lecture me, you can leave.”

He nodded before pushing himself up from the table. “You’re talented I’d really hate to see that go to waste.” Jace added before walking out. That came as a surprise to hear him say that, even though she already knew it, duh.

Now that he was gone she could finally take a shower. She quickly undressed, allowing her clothes to pile up on the ground while baring her sweaty body to the world. From how simple it was to her one could assume that she didn’t mind being in her natural form.

She took her time getting to the bathroom, sliding the blue curtains back so the water could be turned on. The sound of the pipes gushing with water was grimy, but soon clean water came gushing out.

Her violet hair was freed from the confines of the tie and was soon doused with the water as she stepped into the tub. Her eyes closed as she allowed the water to caress her body.

This really feels good. I really needed this after all that.

Soap soon met her creamy skin, her hands doing its best to lather it in to rub away all of that dirt and sweat. She made sure to tend to every inch of her body even the tight little crevices like underneath her full sized breasts.

Water droplets started to form along her violet strands as she rubbed hair soap into it. Scrubbing it gently so she could retain her lovely lavender scent.

Soon there was a knock on her door, a firm one.

Is that Jace? No, he isn't the kind of guy to forget something. It must be him…

The water was cut off as the knocking got louder and she rushed for a towel, wrapping her slender frame inside of it. “Shut up! I hear you!”

The door opened to reveal a familiar face for her. A young man with dirty blonde hair and a shaggy face. “Why are you playing hard to get? Have you not received my calls?”

“Are you too stupid to know when someone is ignoring you?”

“Damn, you still mad about that one girl? I told her to start kicking it alone from now on, I swear.”

“Yeah, ok, sure.” Keianna rolled her eyes before going to shut the door but he stopped it by holding onto it.

“Give me another chance and I’ll make it up to you. I promise. Anything you want it’s free. Because you’re my gal.”

“Leave, Steve. I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m trying to stay sober from now on.”

“Come on, Kei. You used to be so much fun. What happened to you?” As he said this he started to walk away.

“It’s called changing, you should try it sometime! The whole wannabe scumbag thing isn’t working for ya!” She shouted before closing the door.

Can’t believe I used to date that loser. Back in the day, he did have his uses, but now I’m better off on my own.

A click sound was heard as the door was locked before she pressed her back against the door.

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