《New Life》Chapter 28 - Truth - Part 4 - Finale


Arc 8 - Truth - Part 4 - Finale



A king sits in his palace. A hidden kingdom. He is a ruler without followers. He is a demon without powers. He is Zerathos. A demon who rules over the planet without anyone knowing. He makes nations go to war without a question. He decides who lives in utopia and who is a dystopia.

In his palace, he sits on a black leather chair in a huge room. The room is covered with computer screens. People are sitting there and they are informing him about everything that is going on.

One of them tells him, “Master, our plan failed.”

He gets angry on the inside but he dare not show it to his followers. He thinks for a second and asks, “why would he help now?”

No one answers because no one knows the answer.

“Change of plans,” Zerathos said as he stood up and left the room with his followers.



Nazar is being hugged by his sister. She tells him, “Welcome home, brother!” but he does not know how to feel. He was scared that they would not feel the same about way about him, but he learned the truth, that they will always love him.

He enters the house. He sees the people who raised and they are happy to see him again. What you would see in their eyes is not just happiness but they are also proud of him. They are proud of him that he came back to the real world again. They are proud of him that he is using his powers for good.

They welcome him with open arms again but he is still a little embarrassed about what he has done.

They all enter the living room and turns off the TV. They sit down and Nazar says, “Sorry!”

“For what?” Mary asks him.

“For being away... and for treating you the way I did... and mostly for removing your memories,” Nazar said to them.

“We forgive you,” Emma said. “It’s not big deal anyway. We remember now, so it’s fine.”

It came to him as a surprise. How can someone be this forgiving?

John changed the subject and asked, “Anyway, where have you been living?”


“The moon,” replied Nazar immediately.

They all looked surprised. Emma asked, “are you serious?”

With a smile on his face, Nazar said, “I will take you there one day.”

For the rest of the day they talked about all the things they have missed and at every opportunity, Nazar got, he would apologise.

The night came early today. They were so busy reuniting with one another when Mary asked him to stay over for dinner. Even though he is a superhuman, he still needs to eat and he has not eaten in days. So, he accepts the offer, not because he is hungry but because he has never really had a family dinner before.

Mary said that they have ordered his favourite food from a restaurant. What could his favourite food be?

The bell rang and the food was here. They put the food on the table and Nazar’s favourite food is chicken wings. Since he has been living on the moon, he has been eating the same thing. He changed this once in a while, but he ate this the most. He also used to eat pretty much the same thing every time he got the chance when he was living with them.

They were about to start eating when Nazar’s guard increased. He noticed a rift being opened in the time-space continuum. He knows only a few people can do that. Emily because she has the teleporter with her, which Nazar gave her last year. Aarin, who can teleport by using magick. Zerathos can use both magick and technology to teleport.

He stood up and was ready for anything when Emma said, “what happened?”

“A rift has been opene...” before he could finish what he was about to say, Emily, walked in.

Nazar let out a sigh of relief that it was not his enemies. But also a little embarrassed about acting a little weird.

After his confrontation with Zerathos some time ago, he developed himself an ability that allows him to sense time-space rifts being opened.

Once she saw him, she was surprised and happy at the same time. She rushed and hugged and she also shed a few tears.

Nazar found himself in a little awkward situation. He has never let himself be consumed by emotions but now he has a hard time dealing with them. He is not sure whether to be happy that he is reunited with his only friend or to be sad about how he treated her.


He looks at and smiles at her. Then he continues to say, “I am sorry and thank you. For everything.”

Their hug went on for about 30 seconds. It was becoming a little awkward for Nazar and everyone else.

Emma interrupts the emotional reunion by saying, “Ahem, can you guys finish already?”

They all sit down and eat. Then Nazar asks Emily, “Why are you here today?”

“Emma told me a few minutes ago that you are here, so I came. Is there anything wrong?” Emily replied to Nazar’s question and then smiled.

“No. Nothing is wrong. Just wondering.” Nazar replied. The way he answers questions of others he knows is a little weird. He seems to be always under pressure when talking to them, but he talked normally with Aarin and Zerathos.

Once they all ate their dinner, John asked, “did you really kill all those men?”

Everyone looked at John and their expressions suggested that they wanted to tell him, to not talk about this now. But Nazar saw it differently. He knew that at one point, he needs to get this off his chest and told them, “Yes.”

“How could you…?” before John could finish his next question, Nazar held his hand high in front of John’s face. This suggested that he could not answer his question now because he just felt another rift being opened.

He stood up and someone entered the room. It was Aarin.

Nazar stood there in relief but also he was a little annoyed and angry.

“How did you know I was here?” Nazar asked Aarin.

“Remember, I can sense you anywhere on the planet,” Aarin replied.

Everyone in the room was confused. Their expressions suggested that they wanted to know who the beautiful woman was.

“That does not matter. We need to talk. I have important information.” Aarin told Nazar.

“Okay, let’s go somewhere else.” As soon as he said that, Aarin noded and both of them vanished.


On the moon, in Nazar’s house, both he and Aarin appeared.

She looked around and was kind of amazed to see this. She has seen this building in his memories but it looked much better in person.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Nazar asked immediately.

“Zerathos was behind today’s attack.” She said with a rather calm tone.

As soon as he heard that, Nazar though, if he was behind this, shouldn’t she be a little worried? What did he want there anyway?


“There was an artefact that was recently discovered. In hands of a normal human it is powerless, but in hands of Zerathos and his followers, it can allow them to go to any other dimension. I do not know the origin of this artefact but it suddenly appeared recently. As soon as it appeared in this dimension, we both felt it but I did not take it seriously. There have been similar cases in the past. I think the dimensional barrier is being broken.”

“How do you know who was behind this? And how do you know what it can do?” It seems that Nazar did not waste a second to think about this himself. He has too many questions. Even though he acts as friendly as possible with Aarin and her magicians, he is very hostile towards them but he does not show it to them.

“I have a spy within their ranks. And I am sure they have within our ranks too. So, my spy told me about what the artefact can do but he doesn't know how Zerathos knew about this and how he was going to use it.”

“So, he wanted to go to another dimension, maybe to meet someone? Or maybe find a suitable battleground?” Nazar asked these questions in confusion while trying to understand what it can all mean.

“It is possible, but he can do that with his magick alone,” Aarin informed Nazar.

“Then why would he need it? And how did it end up on Earth?” Nazar asked these questions but there were no answers.

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