《New Life》Chapter 27 - Truth - Part 3


Arc 8 - Truth - Part 3

In London at this time of the year, only a few weeks are left until the end of the academic year. If you are in higher year groups, you should be worrying about exams but if you are in lower year groups, you should be having fun. Most younger students go on trips at this time of the year. They go to museums and go to another city or even another country.

Today is Friday and year 1 class of a primary school are on a trip to the British Museum. This museum is highly guarded as it contains artefacts from across time. Today, the students of the primary school are here to look at the artefacts and artworks from across time. Some of them are running wild as they see amazing and rare artefacts. Some of them have questions about them.

While they are having fun and learning, a gunshot can be heard. Everyone starts running wildly towards the door, but the door is locked. No one is going in and no one is going out. The students gather around their teachers in one place but it is not a safe place. The gunmen and women surround the people in the museum. They have taken care of the guards earlier. What are they here for? Maybe to steal or maybe to just ruin someone’s day? Who knows.

If this was a comic book, someone would have said, “I wish a hero would come and save us,” but this is not a comic book world. There are no heroes. However, there is one person who has the power to be a hero, but is he a hero? He has taken care of situations like this before but no one knows because he has removed their memories of the accident. You would think someone lost a lot of his memories would value the memories of other, but he does not care.


On the moon, there used to be a house but it is no longer there. The house is still there somewhere but no one knows where except for Nazar. He has moved the house into the core of the moon. He did this because he thought Aarin and her people found out his location. Maybe it’s true or maybe it’s not.

Inside his house, he just woke up. He went into his computer room and plugged himself in. He has now access to almost every computer across the planet. He knows what’s happening there.

On one of the channels, he sees news about a hostage situation in London. He thinks, should he help or should he see how the situation turns out? He sits there for five more minutes only to find out that the situation has not been fixed. Five minutes seems in such a short amount of time for us, but for him, it feels like an eternity.


He decides that he should help but at the same time, he decides that he should just remove the event from their memories. So, he left his house by teleporting to the surface of the moon and flew towards Earth.


If you are living anywhere in London, you would hear a sonic boom. That is the sound barrier being broken. If you were anywhere near the British Museum, you could hear the sonic boom the loudest. If you looked up, you would have seen something coming down but you are not fast enough to see him while he is moving at Mach 8. By the time you decided that you should look up, he would be in front of you.

The British Museum is surrounded by different types of peacekeeping forces, including the UN peacekeeping force. In front of the Museum, there are many different journalists taking pictures and reporting on what is happening.

A man lands in front of them. He was wearing a black shirt, black jeans and black trainers. As soon as he lands, the ground shakes. Everyone recovers to see Nazar standing in front of them. His back is to them, but they all know it is him. Some are happy and some have questions.

The questions they asked were:

Where has he been?

Why is he here?

Who is he really?


The house Nazar bought for his foster family is located in Zone 2. It’s a massive house with only three people living there. They all sit in front of the TV watching the news. Mary and John are not at work today and as Emma is going to college, she is off every Friday.

They are all sitting down in their living room watching TV to see how the situation is coming along. They are waiting patiently for a miracle to happen. And at that second, something lands in front of the camera. Everyone watching the news would see right now; the return of Nazar.

Emma, John and Mary shed a few tears. They are tears of joy. Even though they are not all blood related, they were still a family. Even if Nazar did not accept them, they accepted him and did everything a family would do for each other.

After a year they finally saw him and they wished that he would come to say 'hi' to them. But would it happen?


Inside the museum, one of the gunmen leaves his post and runs away. He is scared just by hearing the sonic boom. To others, it might be the sound of hope, but to him, it’s his grim reaper.

He runs away and leaves the building from the back. He surrenders immediately and shouts, “PLEASE SAVE ME FROM HIM!”

The police take one of the gunmen into the custody. He is now their prisoner.


The other gunmen tried to act strong but they know doom is the only thing waiting for them.

The gunmen closer to the door shouts, “HE IS COMING!”

All other gunmen leave what they are doing and get ready to shoot him once he enters the building.

A door flies in and hits one of the gunmen. He is seriously injured. They all shoot in random directions. The bullets are about hit the hostages. The teachers try to protect the students with their lives.

A bullet is moving too fast for a normal human, but Nazar is not a normal human. He catches all the bullets in his hand and disarms everyone. With a telepathic energy burst, all the gunmen and women dropped down on the floor.

Once the police and other forces enter he tells them, “Don’t worry, they are not dead. Just unconscious.”

He then looks around him and asks, “Is anyone injured?”

No one replied for a while, but there was someone who got hit by a piece of the door. The piece of the door was glass and it hit her in the leg. Nazar went to her and sat down in front of her. The victim was a primary school student. She was hurt but she was not crying.

He created a small energy bubble in his hand and touched her leg. Her leg was fully healed. Nazar asks her, “are you feeling okay now?”

“Yes,” replied the little girl.

“What’s your name?”

“Jasmine,” replied the little girl.

“Nice name,” as Nazar said that he stood up and looked around. Everyone had a weird expression on their face.

It was an expression that could be described as both happy and scared. It was understandable since the only thing people remember about him is that he has killed many people.

He went outside and the media asked him many questions.

“Where have you been?”

“What are going to do now?”

“Did you really kill those people?”

“Are the gunmen dead now?”

For some reason, they asked more questions about Nazar than they did about the incident in front of them.

Nazar has all the answers but he did not want to answer them.

Instead, he created a massive ball of energy. He has used the same thing before when he removed the very existence of an incident he helped solve. However, this time he plans on using it differently.

This time he will return all the memories he has stolen from other people.

Once the ball of energy was big enough, he held it in one hand and slammed it onto the ground. It exploded and the energy travelled all across the world.

Everyone now remembers everything they had lost.


Back at the home of Nazar’s foster family, they remember how he was different when he first came here and how he changed. Emma remembers how Nazar has cared for her over the years.

In another city, at a university, Emily remembers why she wanted to help Nazar. She now remembers how he helped her at first and how different he was.

People across the world remember many different incidents that he has solved over the course of last year, which he removed from them. Over seven billion people started remembering events that they did not know happened.

He also added a little message in there too. And the message was “Sorry”.


Nazar flew from the scene of the crime as soon as the energy bubble exploded. Everyone turned back to one another and said many things. Some of them were, “why did he do it” or “why now?” There were also things like, “did this really happen” or “he could have easily faked these memories, right?”

Nazar flew across London before going to one destination he did not want to go before. Maybe it was because of the guilt or maybe because it reminded him that not all humans were bad.

He became invisible and moved extremely slowly now that he was close to their home. He suddenly appeared before their home. Nazar was scared that they will get angry at him. If it was the old him, he would not care about these things, but this Nazar has emotions.

He rings the bell at the front door and he waited for 15 seconds before the door was opened. To him, it felt like a day. He thought, is it okay for me to just come here? What if they are angry? What if they do not look at him the same way? He should have treated them the same way they treated him. These thoughts made his wait even longer.

In these 15 seconds, he thought about leaving and never coming back 30 different times. He was worried but all of that was thrown out of the window when Emma opened the door.

Once she saw him, tears started to drop from her eyes. Nazar smiled and then she ran and hugged him.

Nazar did not want to get emotional, even though he was happy to be with his sister again, and he regrets wasting all that time locking himself away. He says, “you just broke a few of my ribs.” He said this jokingly.

He smiled and then Emma looked up at him. Nazar proceeded to wipe her tears.

With a smile, she says, “Welcome home, brother!”

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