《New Life》Chapter 26 - Truth - Part 2


Arc 8 - Truth - Part 2

Nazar thinks for a second. A second of us is like a day for him. His mind works faster than any other person. His hyper state of consciousness, his intelligence and his powers boost his mental capabilities beyond any other beings on Earth. His speed might even rival those of angels. He does not know how powerful angels are because Aarin has not explained all the details yet, but he wants to know if he can actually stand against an angel or demon. He thought to himself, should he really help the people who can kill him that easily? But at the same time, he needs to keep the Earth safe.

You see, when Nazar was living on the moon, he prevented many different disasters without anyone knowing. And if anyone ever saw him, he would erase their memories. After saving people, he would go home and convince himself that he did to test out his new power or the new piece technology he invented. When he did not have any reasons, he would convince himself that he was just bored.

He looks up at Aarin and asks her, “So, what powers do angels have?”

“Each angel has different powers but we all possess a few abilities such as flight using our wings, speed, strength, immortality, teleportation, reality warping and omnipresence but not on the scale you think and we use magick too,” Aarin explained while smiling.

“So, do you have any abilities now beside magick?” Nazar asked.

“Yes, I have strength, immortality, speed and flight due to my physiology, but it is not as powerful as they used to be. And I use magick for almost everything. Also as for being the angel of love, with just a kiss I can control anyone and make them my puppets. I also have empathy. So, another way of neutralising involved me kissing you then taking control of you.”


“So, what powers did you have?”

“As the angel of love, I could manipulate the emotions of others and could see their emotions. I could control anyone with just a kiss, but I never really controlled anyone. I could fly. I could move faster than the speed of sound, but now it's just about 200 MPH. I could manipulate reality on a universal scale. I had omnipresence but not as powerful as some angels, who could use this power on a multiversal scale. Mine was just on a universal scale. I could teleport to anywhere in the multiverse.” While Aarin was explaining how powerful she was, Nazar just sat there in awe and said nothing. His mouth was open and he seemed super excited.

“So, were you a high-class angel?” Nazar asked.

With a little hesitation Aarin smiled and said, “No, I was a middle-class angel. Low-class angel were planetary level angels, the middle class were universal level and high class were multiversal level.”

“But you said that Zerathos was a low-class demon, so how was he able to fight against you and still not lose in 5 seconds?”

“The ranking of demons and angels is different.” Said Aarin.

Nazar just sat there in disbelief. He was extremely powerful himself, but to think that there were other beings out there who could destroy an entire universe just by snapping their fingers. He was a little scared. All this time, he hid in a home thinking he was the ultimate being but now he knows that he is nothing compared to angels and demons. Even the weakest angel is probably more powerful than him.

“So, what was Zerathos’ powers?” Nazar asked Aarin.

Aarin replied, “I am not sure but he could manipulate life and death, manipulate reality, strength, speed, immortality, energy manipulation, flight using demonic wings, hellfire manipulation, access to demonic magick and a few other powers that I do not know about and I also do not know how powerful each power of his was.”


Nazar sat there in shock but he tried to stay as normal as possible and said, “So, what powers does he have now?”

“Definitely strength, speed, immortality, flight, life and death manipulation but not as powerful as it used to be and access to demonic magick.” Aarin looked carefully at Nazar and found out that he was a little scared and he was in shock. So, she said to Nazar, “I know it’s too much to take in but why don’t you go home now and think this over. Then, I want you to also go to your family and think about how this will affect them. In a few days, I want your answer if you want to help us or not.”

As soon as Aarin said that, Nazar left. He left for Earth’s orbit at Mach 7. Once he left the planet, he was high above the clouds. Where he was at that moment was a night time, so he stood above the clouds and looked at the grey world beneath him. Instead of going to the moon, he went below the clouds and looked at the city beneath only to find out that this mystery ‘house’ of Aarin has was currently in London. He looked over the city where his family is and thought about what he should do.

He went back to his house on the moon and changed the location of his home. He went inside and after entering a few commands on his computer, the house disappeared from the surface of the moon.

He transported the house to the core of the moon. Now, the core of the moon was his house.

He entered his house and went to his bed. He laid down on his bed and thought about what he should do. He wanted to help but what if he cannot? What if his opponents are just too powerful for him? What if he cannot help Aarin at all?

Even though Zerathos without Nazar is not that powerful, he still has enough power to defeat a low-class angel. Once he does that, he can steal their power and then he will be able to go after higher ranked angels.

“What should I do?” Nazar said this over and over again for the rest of the night with no answers.

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