《New Life》Chapter 25 - Truth - Part 1


Arc 8 - Truth - Part 1

The old man walks away from Nazar and towards the circle of his colleagues. His colleagues formed a circle and in the middle of the circle, the old man sat down. Opposite him, he pointed the seat to Nazar. So, Nazar and Noah sat opposite one another. There was something very shiny in between them. It looked like a screen but it cannot be a screen because technology is nullified in here.

“I want you to not do anything while we are talking. I do not want you to react in any way and don’t interfere when I am speaking.” Noah warned Nazar.

“Okay, but I cannot promise anything,” Nazar said with a smile on his face.

Noah sighed and continued, “My real name is Aarin and I am an Angel of Love.”

Nazar, who was sitting opposite him, did not want to react in any way but he couldn't control himself. He burst into uncontrollable laughter. “*Haha*...” He had trouble finishing his sentence due to his laughter. “You... *haha* want me…*haha* to believe…*haha* that…angels…*haha* are real...?” His uncontrollable laughter brought in a little unease to the circle of people and the old man.

“Yes,” replied the old man as he sighed. As soon as he said that, a radiant light appeared and instead of Noah, a beautiful woman appeared in his place. She was tall, maybe as tall as Nazar. She had blonde hair, that reached her waist. She had blue eyes. Her clothing was a white dress and now she had wings.

As soon as Nazar saw that, he reached his eyes and scratched them over and over again. He opened his eyes and she was still standing in front of him. He then continued to ask, “is this another of your illusion?”

The beautiful woman, Aarin sighed and said, “No. This is my real body. The person you were seeing earlier was an illusion.”

Even as she said that Nazar did not believe her. What would you do if an old man appears in front of you and in the next second he reveals that he an angel and then changes into completely someone else.


“Can you stop interrupting me now. I need to tell you a story.” Said Aarin.

“Okay,” Nazar said while not sure whether to laugh or be scared.

“William Brown, whose real name is Zerathos. He is a demon of his own realm. There are many different realms in this universe. There are many hells and many heavens. One of the hells was under his command. He wanted to increase his control and he challenged an angel to a battle. If he defeats the angel, his power will increase significantly but if he loses, Angel’s powers will increase significantly. The foolish angel accepted his challenge. That angel was me, Aarin the Angel of Love.” As she is explaining her story to Nazar, he just sits there in disbelief. He bought her claims about being immortal and also about her being the Merlin, but this is too much.

Aarin continued, “My power was the source of this emotion and it was considered the strongest emotion in the universe. I was extremely powerful but there were more powerful angels than me and I wanted more power. I accepted his challenge and went to Earth with him. We battled for days, but no one was winning. After a few days, he cheated and defeated me. I went back to my people and told them what happened. They banished me and a few other angels and a few demons went after Zerathos. They removed his power for not following the code of conduct and not staying by his word. An alliance was built between angels and demons on that day, but it was for short time. We were both banished. And we were both powerless. He went across the world doing everything he could to increase his power. I went after him and followed him. I thwarted many of his plans across time. After a thousand years, I thought the ways of my magick to some people. I thought them how to manipulate the energies around them for their own good. While I was doing this, Zerathos thought his followers how to use demonic magick. Demonic magick allows their users to have access to a more powerful form of magick, but it also means that they would lose their souls to him. The more souls he has, the more powerful he gets. And right now he is very close. Unlike me, he never really bothered hiding until recently. When he took over the world with the help of the UN, he thought thousands of people his magick and asked them to spread it.” As she was telling the story, Nazar could see all of this in mirrors like object in front of him and Aarin.


Nazar interrupts her and asks, “now that I think about it, why did you let him take over the world?”

Aarin thought about the answer for a little while and then said, “I don’t really know. I just thought he won’t be able to reach his goal and I found out about his taking over the world thing about 30 years later.”

Nazar changed the subject and asked, “Anyway, what is this thing about war?”

Aarin continued, “He wants to challenge another angel and this time he was sure he was going to win. Even if he fights against me in front of other angel and demons, he should be able to recover some of his powers.”

Nazar asked in confusion, “Was?”

“Yes, he had you on his side,” Aarin replied to his question. “You have the power to make him one of the most powerful demon.”

“How?” Nazar asked.

“He was going to teach you his magick and once you were under his control, he would add your powers to himself. Your powers plus the energies of thousands of humans can easily make him more powerful than any low-class angels and demons. He was going to fight them and get their power and with each person defeated, he was going to become one of the most powerful beings. The reason he started working on producing superhumans in the 90s was that but he always failed. Then you came along and he thought he was winning. Then things turned out differently.” Aarin told Nazar.

“I am still a little confused about how I was going to help him,” said Nazar while scratching his head. I think this understandable. No matter how powerful he is, he is still a human and how can one single human turn a low-class demon into a high-class demon.

“You are the most powerful being on the face of the planet. Once you agreed to his terms, he will control you forever. Once he has you under his control, he will feed on your unlimited energy. Your energy plus the energy he has gathered from thousands of people across time will make him powerful enough to fight an angel. Once he does that, his normal power will return to him too. Once his power is returned, he can turn Earth to his new domain.” She explained.

“So, he wanted to use me to regain his power again. Then why did he try to kill me when I went ‘against’ him?” Nazar asked Aarin.

“Because he thought that if you go against him and join me, he will easily lose. So, he was ready to push this ‘war’ of his a little further until he gains more power.” Aarin answered the question.

“So, what’s your role in the upcoming war?” Nazar asked Aarin.

The place went completely silent and after a little while, Aarin said, “My role is to prevent him from winning. And I can only do that with your help.”

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