《New Life》Chapter 24 - ‘It’s Not Real’ - Part 5 - Finale


Arc 7 - ‘It’s Not Real’ - Part 5 - Finale

As I was thinking about how to get creative, I remembered that these are machines after all. What if I use my technopathy to control them?

I tried doing it, but something was blocking me. Then I noticed something, that the version of me that I was fighting was standing at the back and he was not moving. To use technopathy on this large scale, you need to put all of your energy into this one power. He was not only controlling warsuits, he was controlling many different weapons too.

I moved at the highest speed I could, but the weapons and the warsuits were too many. They were firing non-stop and it did not leave a window open for me. I have to destroy them before I fight the main boss.

I started from one side and pushed my speed to its limits. I was able to dodge their weapons and fight a warsuit at the same time. I destroyed some of them, but more and more of them started to appear.

One good thing about this personality of mine was, that it was very determined. He wanted to be the smarted and the strongest. He wanted to show just how powerful he really is. Another good thing about this person was that it always overestimated his enemies while underestimating himself. So, he would prepare more powerful attacks against his foe.

The more I destroy the more of them appears. I have but only one option. Cease the battle with him and put him aside for now. However, I was surrounded by different kind of weapons around me and this time all of them landed. “ONE OF THEM EVEN SHOT A FREAKING NUCLEAR BOMB AT ME?! WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!” I shouted this as soon as I got back up. In response to that comment, he just smiled. It confirmed that he was not using all of his power in one place.


Fighting an army of machines created by me shouldn’t be hard. I have created them, so I should know their weakness. Think.

As I started to think back about how I created them, the machines did not stop. It started attacking me all at once and now I was on the ground getting a beating to a pulp. I thought harder about their specs and how they were created. They were equipped with the technology I created. They each had a power battery within them that never ran out. So, what if I were to remove the battery from them using either teleportation, matter manipulation and other powers.

I used teleportation to remove the battery of one warsuit, but I teleported it close to me. To my surprise, it blew up. Then I used matter manipulation to change the battery into cheese, but my other self turned it back into a battery. He was fast, smart and powerful.

So, I used my teleportation ability to teleport in front of my opponent and turn him into one side. Why did I not do this earlier? Sure he had some weapons around him but I could still have done some damage to him. So, he is one of the three personalities that I kept aside. He is no longer attacking and the environment around us has changed back to what it was: a circular room.

I thought it was over until I noticed one more personality. This version of mine is arrogant. He thinks himself to be the only person that matters and he is evil. This personality I used for a little while after the incident of the ‘Dead City’. I used it because I was scared I won’t be able to kill anyone so I put up a brave and arrogant face and started killing anyone. By doing this, I removed emotions and memories. I only left the bad of the world in this personality and removed all the good of the world from him.


The thing about this person is that he is arrogant and always underestimates his opponents. Unlike the previous personality I fought, this one does not plan before the attacks. He just attacks without using much of his head. So, he should be easy to take down.

He comes at me at immeasurable speed and as I predicted, he will try to go for the kill first. Meaning, he will try to punch me in the stomach then he would headlock me. So, using my knowledge about how he is fighting, I let him do exactly that.

He moved fast and punched me in the stomach. I used telekinesis plus my normal invulnerability to try and block most of the damage. I pretended that I got hurt and then he went for the headlock. He was about to twist my neck, but I punched him in the face, which threw him away. Then I proceeded with using speed to get to him before he recovers and snaps his neck.

Man, it’s really hard to kill yourself.

After I was done with my evil self, I went to the old and asked him, “Can I merge multiple personalities together?”

“I never tried it, but you probably could.” He said in a confused tone.

“How am I supposed to do it?”

“Why do you want to merge them?”

“I like the personality of my younger self because he sees the good in the world and he wants to help. The version of me that recently got powers, I want to keep him because he understands what he did wrong and he does not want to repeat it. The other version of me because he is determined, powerful, smart, etc.” I told him.

“So, what do you think is wrong with your current personality?” He asked after a little while.

“I don’t know. I just find these ones to be better suited to help people. I want to help but at the same, I don’t want to. But if I merged all four of us together, I will use my power and with your help, I want to remove all the negative aspects and it will make us a better person. I also noticed that if I am to do some good, this personality will only get in my way.”

“I understand what you mean,” he said while standing up and with a smile on his face. “It’s easy to merge together, just go there hug each other.”

“It’s a joke, right?”

“Of course,” he replied. “To merge together, I will combine all of you together. You can do it too but you are probably unaware how to. So, I will show you.”

He then continued to use his psychic powers and collect all of the good things about the other personalities and put it in this personality. He then removed all the bad parts of my personality and with a wave of his hand, they all perished.

With another wave of his hand, I was now on Earth in the same building as I found out that this potato was spying on me. But that’s all in the past. At least that’s how I want everyone to think. I will still need to be on my guard.

“So, how are you feeling?” The old man asked.

“Better?” I did not know how to answer that question.

“Now then, I will tell you about the war and about us.” He said while walking away from me and towards the circle of his people.

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