《New Life》Chapter 19 - Magick - Part 2 - Finale


Arc 6 - Magick - Part 2 - Finale

I try to move, but I cannot. I look around me and there are chains that seem to be made out of constructs. Something like the Green Lantern would do, but the colour of this is grey. The chains look as real even though it's just a construct. I move my muscles, but I cannot gather the strength to move or break the constructs. What is happening?

I used other powers of mine, such as telekinesis to try and move but it felt like I no longer had my powers. I don’t think I have my powers at all. Thinking back, I was stupid to run off and think of myself as invincible. No one is invincible, not even Superman.

I set there and there are people around me, but none of them is saying anything. I try to speak, but words won’t come out. I try to move, but nothing will move. I can see that some of them are talking but I cannot hear them. What have they done to me? For some reason, the more I struggle with these damned chains, it gets heavier. I feel like it will crush me under its weight.

While thinking about what they have done to me, the old fool entered the room again and the chain started to loosen a little. I could also hear again.

“Stop struggling with it, you will just make it stronger. After all, it is magic, so you cannot affect it in any way,” he said.

“I kind of noticed.”

“Do you know why I put you in these chains?” He asked.

“Because I will no longer be your friend, so you have already removed me from the equation?”

“Yes, but also because I do not want you to tell anyone about this meeting.”


“Why would I tell anyone?”

“I don't trust you. And I am pretty sure no one around the whole planet does.”

“You are right, why should you trust me?” I asked him a rhetorical question. “But no one trusts you either. Did you really think I trusted you? I have already set up countermeasures for such possibility.” I always equipped myself with state-of-the-art techs, such as teleportation device just in case if I ever lose my power.

“You were ready, but once you enter this building, it disables any form of technology.”

Oh, crap. Could this day get any worse?

“When I said neutralise earlier, I meant it.” He said this in a very confident tone.

“What do you know about me?”

“I have all the data the UN has on you. Even when you did not have your powers, we were able to track you. You know why, because William's daughter, Alice was working with us.” Man, what on Earth did I get myself involved in? I hate my parents. “She told us where you were and the place they found her in, was where we left her. She ended up being a bait but she knew that. So, since then we have been keeping an eye on you and monitoring everything you did. I know which comics and manga you bought and when you bought them. I know which Anime you have seen and how many times you have seen it.”

“Hey, what’s my favourite superhero?”

“Using the data from your social media activities and web browser history, I would say Superman from DC, Sentry from Marvel, and Ninjak from Valiant. How did we come to this conclusion? Well, become you used eBay and Amazon to purchase your comics and other stuff. You also searched for their wallpapers a lot and you searched them on online forums too much.”


“Okay, you are not wrong,” I said this while trying to look somewhere else. “But what is my favourite anime?”

“...” He did not reply.

“What? No answer?”

“No, just wait a second. The information is being transferred to me now.”

“Don’t worry, I am just joking.” What are these people? I thought the William Brown and his gang were bad people. This is getting too much for my small brain. “Anyway, how are you using technology in this building?”

“Who said anything about technology? We communicate telepathically.”

Oh, great. These people all use ‘magick’ to communicate. So, there is no way in hell they will slip any clues to me.

“So, how do you magick work?”

“Why would I tell you this?”

“Because I am going to be a prisoner in here for a long time, so I was planning on learning you guys tell me how magick works and maybe I will learn some and escape...” Why am I saying this to them? What the hell? For some reason, I am telling the truth.

“Surprised? Well, we picked up this technique when you used it on that old fool in the facility.”

Damn it. How do they know everything?

“You are thinking, how I know all of this stuff?” Before I could answer, he continued, “because we are using a spell. This spell will make the everyone in few meters tell the truth and they cannot lie. When we weakened you, we also looked into your mind, it was hard but we achieved it and found out how to carry out something like this. By the way, you were out for more than 24 hours.”


“Now, go back to sleep.” As soon as he said that, my eyes shut itself and my mind went blank.

I wake up in an unfamiliar place. I look around and I ask, “where am I? Or better, who am I?”

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