《New Life》Chapter 17 - 1 Year Later - Part 3 - Finale


Arc 5 - 1 Year Later - Part 3 - Finale

After a month of searching every book and newspaper I could find to learn more about the person named William Brown, I did not find anything new.

William Brown is supposed to be a British a political figure. He was one of the earliest leaders of the UN. These leaders over the course of years have brought together the world. The world is now interconnected to one another. They share resources and help one another. Every few years a new leader is chosen because they want to bring in new ideas on how to make the world even better. This is what everyone in the world knows.

So, I decided that I should confront him, but he did not spill any beans. I confronted other members of the UN, but they did not say anything either. The search took me months, I was about to give up until I came across an old building in Rome. The building was just like any old ordinary building if you were just a normal human being. But I saw different forms of energies coming out of it. Some of these energies which I have known but some of them were completely different. I tried to understand them but it was much different. So, I decided to enter the building, but before I did that, I made myself invisible and entered.

Once I entered, there were so many people with hoods on top of their heads. They were standing in the circle and were muttering words which I could not understand. I thought it was a different language so I created a translator that allows me to understand every language, but I could not understand this. I moved closer to the circle and saw something like a portal but not at the same time. I think it might have been a mirror to look into another dimension. I moved even closer to see what was on the other side, but I saw a light that was too bright for me and I had to close my eyes. Once I opened them, I found myself surrounded by everyone in here.


“Hi?” I said this while waving a hand awkwardly.

“Oh, it's you,” one of them said.

“You know me?”

“Yes, you are Nazar. The first superhuman.”

“But how? A few people have seen me, but no one has a picture of me.”

“I was there when you were young.”

“Wait, you were part of the experiment too?”

“Yes, I was overlooking it. You killed me, remember?” He said this while removing his hood.

“You! But you died.”

“I am also immortal. Just like the leader of this world.”

“Man, this is confusing.”

“I have been known as many things across time and space, one of them was Merlin.”

“Now, this joke is getting a little annoying,” I said in a frustrated tone. “Okay, so can you tell me anything about William Brown?”

“Yes, of course,” he replied.

Since the 50s when William Brown was elected the leader of UN, he brought the world together. He formed better relationships between the countries. He gave every country a chance to become part of the shared world and how they should hand over there everything to him. Almost all countries accepted the offer. A few didn’t. So, one country was wiped from the face of the planet to make an example. William told everyone that they should hand over their people and their countries to him or else they will die too. They all slaves now without knowing. After taking control of the UN, he used their resources to stop the coming war. Apparently, it occurs in another dimension, which is why the public does not know about it. Only a select few top people of each country knows about this. From each country, they have chosen a few people to ‘represent’ them in the UN. These representatives are nothing but soldiers for William Brown. He trained them in mystical arts. These skills are passed on by these ‘representatives’ to the next in line of becoming a ‘representative’.


In early 90s William created a program that was supposed to research on how to create superhumans. But after many years, it was still a failure. There were two scientists who met and married each other while working there. Their child, who is me, was brought into the facility by them to examine me. Apparently, after being in this world for few days, I could understand what people were saying and were actually pretty smart. After a while they saw me picking up something very heavy for a child, so they started to experiment on me. Tried to understand who I was or what I was. But all their experiments failed. They could not find any information regarding me. While there, I killed this man who claims to be Merlin. His current name is, Noah Grayson. I killed him when I was very young. It happened by an accident. He did not go into the details of how I ‘killed’ him and I cannot seems to remember everything. Even though I got all my memories back, I still cannot unlock all of them.

“That’s all the information you can give me?” I asked him.

“You asked about William Brown and I gave you everything I know about him.”

“So, did he become immortal during the 50s?”

“No, he has been around since as long as I can remember, and I have been living on Earth for a few thousand years now.”

“Are you cursed with immortality too? Like William?”

“We are not cursed or gifted with immortality. We are living like this because we are immortal.”

“So, wouldn’t that make you or him the first superhumans?”

“We are not humans.”

“Okay, so are you an alien?”


“So, tell me who you are then?” I asked in frustration.

“You will know in due time,” he said this while smiling.

“So, who are these people?”

“These are my comrades who will help me save the world.”

“So, why are you telling me all this?”

“I hope we can work together. You and us.”

I just sat there in confusion and left immediately after that. I monitored the building for the next few weeks and there was no one there. So, now I have even more questions. If this is the war between immortal magicians, then I need to prepare for it and stop it if I need to. But for that, I need to train and become more powerful.

In the last few months, I pushed my powers beyond their limits. I can now teleport to Mars. I don’t need to breathe for days now. I pushed my strength by lifting heavier weights than anyone has ever done in past. Not on Superman level yet, but will be someday. I moved faster than anyone has ever done. I travelled the Earth in a few minutes. Not as fast as The Flash and never will be, be honest. I also worked on improving my fighting skills, which took no time at all. Beside all these powers and fighting skills, I also improved my knowledge of many different things, such as war strategies, chemical configurations for energies, chemical configurations of different types of matter, etc.

It's been a year since I left Earth. I have been gathering information and improving myself. Some time ago I met someone who was supposed to be dead. He gave me some information but since then I have been trying to find him, so I can talk to him. All my search was pointless because I could not pinpoint the same energy signature again. However, I received a message a few hours ago from the man who calls himself Noah Grayson now. He said he wanted to talk to me.

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