《New Life》Chapter 15 - 1 Year Later - Part 1


Arc 5 - 1 Year Later - Part 1


(From Emma’s point of view)

It has been one year since Nazar has left and he never tried to contact us in any way. He was missing for a few weeks after the ‘Dead City’ incident. After he returned, he wanted to know who that woman was who helped him. He knew about her but wanted to know how much we knew about her and how was he adopted. Since his departure, I and Emily went to his base, using the teleporter he gave her (and he still did not give me one), only to find out that it was not there. It looked like it was never there in the first place.

After his ‘attack’ on the UN, as some people have come to call that incident, the UN announced that he has killed thousands of people who were responsible for the ‘Dead City’ incident and some of their weapon manufacturers. They did not give many details but it did make something clear about why he was so different all of a sudden.

Since the day he has become part of our family, even if he never accepted us as his family we considered him part of our family, he was always a loner. He always kept human interactions to the lowest and never showed any form of emotions at all. If you told a joke, he would not laugh. He would not feel sad. He would never get angry. These basic human emotions were not part of him. However, when he got his powers, he told us about how for the very first time, he felt so many different emotions within him and it truly made him happy. That was the reason why he became more friendly with us and it felt like a family for once, even though both I and he are adopted by John and Mary. So, when I saw him again before he went missing, he was the same as before but this time he was much colder.

All these years, I looked up to him and wanted his attention, as any younger siblings would want from their older sibling. I wanted him to play with me. I wanted him to talk to me. Maybe it was selfish of me to want this because I was lonely, but when you are young, everything you do is selfish. But all he ever did was walk forward and never look back, never notice who was running behind them, trying to reach him. Even till now, I want to him to notice that he has a little sister looking up to him, waiting for him to look back at her and smile. Even if he never considered me as his little sister, I always saw him as my older brother.


During all these years he was with us, he always locked himself in the room. He would never eat with us, never celebrate anything with us. So, one day it was my birthday in August and I asked him to celebrate it with us, he replied “That’s such a childish thing to do,” and continued on with what he was doing, which was reading a manga or comic. I think fictional stories were the only thing that made him feel alive. He was not so different in school either, so it was extremely surprised when I saw him talking to a girl, Emily. So, I talked to her.

She was a nice girl who went to the same primary and then the same high school as Nazar. She told me that she basically forced him into friendship, maybe she did not know this, but she changed his life. After years he finally was able to talk to someone under his own free. She said that it took her a long time to make him talk to her, I don’t know what she saw in him, but I am glad she helped him. But now, I don’t think it matters that much, he is gone again.

Nazar only told me a few words over the years and one of them is something that I never understood when I was young but now I do. He told me this when my mom was doing my homework for me and I ran upstairs to play. When he saw me, he stopped and looked at me and said, “We are all humans. We have our own little personal realities. We are happy in those small spaces. We look around us and see people falling over, we skip them because the only thing that matters to us is us. But if we ever fall over, we look around us, we search for an angel to hold our hand and be the light in our darkness. We expect others to help us, but we never want to help others. So, what I am trying to tell you is, do your own things by yourself because, at the end of the day, there won’t be anyone to help you get back up if you fall over. I don’t expect you to understand this now, but one day you will understand and from that day onward, you will understand what kind of species we are.” I think, I finally understand what he meant by that. I wish I could tell him that, but I will never see him again.

So, where on Earth are you, brother?


On Earth, in some places there is darkness and in some places it is light, it is called day and night. If you are on the dark side of the planet, you will be lucky to see something that orbits the Earth. The moon. If you are scared of the darkness, it will provide light for you. If you are alone, it will be your companion. We see the moon as many different things but it is only a natural satellite, that reflects the light from the sun during the night. No matter what you think of it, it will always be what it always was, a place of nothingness.


Before 2018, if you were to walk on the moon, you would never find anything. But now, if you find the right spot, you will see a cave in the middle of nowhere. If you were to walk into the cave, you will be amazed at what the inside of it looks like. The small cave will look like a mansion from the inside. You will see a massive hallway. In the hallway, if you were to look to your right, you will see warsuits and technologically advanced armours. And to your left, you will see weapons you never thought of. If you were to walk further, you will see a swimming pool to your right and to your left you will see a training room, with absolutely no equipment in it. However, if you were to go to the control room, you will find out that this training room can put you in any situation you want and it can allow you to face any opponent you want. Just like something out of X-Men comics. If you walk straight for a few meters, you will see a door to your left and to right. Once you open it, it will look like 5-star hotel bedrooms, each with their own bathrooms. Then if you continued to walk further, at the end of the hallway, you will find a giant door. Once you open the giant door, you will see thousands upon thousands of computer screens. The screens move so fast, a human eye cannot even see anything in it. If you were to look into the middle of it all, you will see a chair. In the chair, a man is sitting. He is wired to these computers. That man is me, Nazar.

I have been living on the Moon for about a year now. Once a moved here, I found out that my house looked like an actual house, and I did not want to risk being seen by the rulers of Earth. They have technology beyond my comprehension. So, I decided to make it look like a cave. No one will suspect a thing.

In the first few months, I would make a visit to Earth to buy comics and manga for myself. I was living the life. Nothing to worry about. People did not want me, so why should I live with them? After a few months of living my life without any worries, I was flying down to Earth when I something in front of me teleported. To my surprise, it was the same person I talked to when I went to the UN assembly.

“Took us a long time to track you.” The man said. When he teleported, I stopped in mid-air but he stopped too. He was floating as well.

“How can you float?” I asked him.

“Oh, this? It's something the boys at R&D (Research & Development) whipped for me.” He said this while smiling. “It’s an armour that allows me to float in midair and also allows me to teleport. Also, it is equipped to with ANT.”

“ANT?” I asked him in a confused tone.

“Anti-Nazar Tech,” he replied without hesitation. “This tech stops you from attack the user in any way. Your telepathy does not work and if you punch me, it will only redirect it back to you. Your technopathy is also no use in here. We still kept the data on you.”

“But I destroyed it all...” I told him.

“Yes you destroyed it but we also recorded the data in old fashioned way too.” He replied with a smirk on his face. I hate him.

“So, what do you want with me?” I asked him. “If I remember correctly, I told you to leave me alone.”

“Ah, yes. You did tell us but it is something we need to discuss.” He replied.

“What is it?”

“We experimented on you because we wanted you on our side in the upcoming battle. But you escaped, so we changed the plan wanted to get rid of you, so you don’t join the enemy. However, you destroyed most of our weapons and the world military won’t be enough. So, I am asking for the sake of humanity’s survival, help us save the world.”

“Who is the enemy?”

“I will tell you if you join us.”

“Then goodbye.”

“Please. We need your help.”

“Who is the enemy?”

After a little hesitation, he said, “It's a war between magicians...”

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