《New Life》Chapter 13 - Family Reunion - Part 2


Arc 4 - Family Reunion - Part 2

What do I want to be? A hero? Or a villain? I turned these weapons back into humans but they attack me like mindless beasts. They use anything in their way to use against me. Do I really want to save them? Do I put them back into the stasis fields? Or do I kill them all? In the last few weeks, I went through many changes. I wanted to be a hero who saves people because I want to but being imprisoned told me otherwise. So, what do I do to these poor souls?

“STOP!” I shouted but no one stopped. I was expecting this. If I even lift a finger against them, they could die, so putting them in the stasis field is the only way. But what is the point? What is the difference between living and death for them? What is the point of being alive when you have no free will? They are mindless manufactured weapons only to be used against me, so how do I save myself? Do I kill them and let myself feel the guilt about it for the rest of my life? Or do I just put them back in the stasis field for the rest of eternity?

I killed those people back there because they were evil. Not because they created weapons against me, but because they killed people who might stand a chance against them. They tortured then killed the woman who helped me escape. Her name was Alice Brown. Who was she? I don’t know but I know she was a good person. They destroyed a whole city just to get to me. In the reports I read, they suggested that the person detonated because of another factor or someone might have done it, but why did they risk it in the first place? While when I read the mind of some scientists, they thought it was done on purpose while the others thought it was an accident. I do not know what to believe anymore.


Undeniably, there were some good men and women working there, who thought they were saving the world from me, but they were misled. They have been following the world blindly and created weapons just to keep themselves safe. I feel sorry for them, but they had a choice while these weapons do not. They were forced into this experiment against their will, just like me when I was young.

After thinking for a while, I decided that I shall put them back into stasis and go around the world to each facility to collect information. There were some facilities in the ANTF organisation who were not connected to the same network, but I do know their locations, so I will pay them a visit.

With my speed, I put everyone back into their places and will keep them there for a few the time being until I decide what to do with them. As soon as they were back in, I decided that pay a visit to each of the facility. I do not want to kill any more of them, so I decided to just make them unconscious for the time being.

After visiting many different facilities, I found out that even though they are all connected via a network, they don’t share all information with the each other. Beside me and some of their other superhuman projects, this organisation is building other forms of weapons. Weapons of mass destruction, not only to be used against me but against other people too. For example, these weapons are to be used if a country ever steps outside of the line. I don’t know what all of this means yet but I will figure it out.

After visiting all of the facilities and stealing all the information, I found out that one facility stored the memories of all their test subjects, I included. I will return their memories to them once I get back but I need to see mine first. So, I put back the memories inside me and find out more about my five years.


In the first five years, I was tortured because they wanted how invulnerable I was and what caused my powers to manifest. They thought the pain was the cause of my power manifestation. I think I killed the person in charge of the facility when I was just 2 years old. During these five years, my parents barely paid any attention to me unless they wanted to examine me or test me. However, there was one person who cared for me. She would feed me when I couldn’t do it myself. She was kind to me. She would tell me stories of the world. Stories of different things in the world and different people. Stories of how amazing the outside world is and how one day I will be living there. It was all a big fat joke just to get a little boy to dream bigger. The world is not beautiful and it's not kind. It is cruel and dangerous.

Besides finding the lost memories, I found that something that I never thought possible. In the whole world, people think that they vote these presidents and prime ministers who rule over them. They think that these people in charge make decisions. They think the UN is a peacekeeping organisation. But it's all a lie. After WWII (World War II), the UN was formed as a peacekeeping organisation to promote peace and reduce wars around the world. But they got over themselves and wanted control. With each country in the world that joins the UN, they lose their freedom. The UN controls everything. If a country is not part of the UN, they are usually removed from the face of the map and to do that, they were going to use me but I escaped, so they used their new fancy superhuman weapons. If a country does not want to be ruled by the UN, they are taken out of the equation. The few people in the UN rule over the entire world, giving these poor souls a hope of a free world that they will never get. The world is ruled by people who see themselves above others. They sit on top of the world and decided who wins the war and who loses. Decides who starts a war and who finishes the war. Decides which people will suffer and which will live in utopia. This is the world we live in… No, this is the world I live in. Most people don’t even know what's happening. Do I want to save them from this life they are living or do I stay back and watch to see how it ends? Isn’t a false utopia better than a dystopia?

I go to Australia and set on top of a mountain. I look into the sunset and think. It is nearly midnight now. I have been sitting here for hours and thinking about what to do but I finally made a decision. I will confront the people running this world but it is will be in secret.

I wait until it is midday in New York, where the UN headquarters is located and then flew there as fast as I could.

I reach the city and see that people are happy, sad, depressed, angry, etc. They have so many emotions within them. Is it okay for me to crush their false utopia? Is it okay for me to change the world? Is it okay for one person to decide this? But it is too late to turn around. I have already reached my destination.

I reach their assembly and punch the wall. The wall breaks and everyone looks up to. With a confidence look on my face, I tell them, “Members of the UN, hear me out...”

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