《New Life》Chapter 11 - Home Sweet Home - Part 3 - Finale


Arc 3 - Home Sweet Home - Part 3 - Finale

I used the small device which I created recently to find out what they know about me and frankly, it's not too much. According to the data, I manifested some powers like strength and speed when I was 1 years old and had a hyper state of consciousness from the day I was born. This was the main reason they brought me into the experiment from very young age. They tried to copy my brain waves and find the secret to this form of existence and try to replicate it. After one year they found out that I had abnormal powers. I was the first ever being to possess such powers. They analysed the DNA and copied some of it, so they could replicate it.

However, because I was young, they could not replicate my cells fully as they were not fully developed. They decided that they would use me as a weapon, so they trained me and made me go through different forms of torture to test out if I had any other powers. They inserted nanites into my body to see how my powers are being developed. As my cells were not fully grown, the nanites bonded with it. The nanites were later modified throughout the next few years in the facility. They were modified remotely. Some of the modifications were used to destroy my cells on a molecular level, making me vulnerable to attacks and can then be killed. This information at that time was only available to certain people. The science behind was known to only three people. My parents and another member of the team. I do not know who the other person was but she was the person who freed me from here,

They also experimented on over 100 different people, my parents included. They were supposed to be countermeasures against me if I ever disobeyed them. These ‘weapons’ however, could only survive in the outside world for a two hours only. So, they must be always kept in statistics.


Before she freed me, she removed my memories of this place and modified the nanites. Which is why I found out my name and birthday from someone else. One modification to the nanites was that it would only work when my powers are working. Other major changes in the nanites allowed her to remove my powers but only temporary. She later changed the data in the system, so no one knew about it. She was killed a few days after freeing me from my prison.

For years they sent people around the world to try and find me. They thought because of exceptional abilities, I will become someone famous quickly but they did not know that I was always hiding from everyone.

When my powers manifested, they received a signal from London, where I lived. Since then, they have been following me everywhere. Some members of the organisation tried to have me killed as soon as they found my signal but the majority wanted to capture and make me their weapon again. They also planned on capturing me when I am much more powerful because they wanted me to feel inferior to them and wanted to show me and how they can neutralise me.

This organisation was called NSE (Next Step of Evolution) before I left. Their goal was to create superhumans for the UN. So, they changed their name later on to ANTF (ANTI-NAZAR TASK FORCE). Their new objective is to neutralise me in any way they can, if it is ever needed.

The next day that old fool showed up again. This time with a grin on his face and told me, “I see you are starting to cooperate with us. We have been monitoring you and you have not tried to break out of this place once in the last few days.”


With a smile on my face, I said, “I will leave this pathetic place today and I will kill everyone here.”

“We would like you to try.”

“I know how this prison of mine works,” I told him in confidence. “Now I know that it has limits but I do not. You know why? Because I am the most powerful being on the face of the planet.”

“Good luck with...” before he could finish, I started punching the glass as hard as I could. As he saw me doing that, he started to smile and said, “You are still a kid who thinks he is above everyone. We can stop you and we have done it before.”

I kept punching the glass as hard as I could and they all started looking at me with a smile on their face. After a few minutes of punching, they slowly started to move the other way but stopped when the glass started to crack a little. Everyone looked in shock and went to their stations to try and increase the limits of the glass. But I broke out of my prison before they could do that.

I was now standing in front of them and used my molecular manipulation to create clothing for myself first. I don’t want to fight while naked. Then I used my super speed to kill everyone here and erased the entire digital data of the organisation. ANTF’s computers have a shared network, so removing the data should take no more than five minutes. I also learned the secret of every base and where they are.

In a small distance, a faint voice cracked and asked, “why… did you… let me… live?”

“Oh, because I need my archenemy,” I said to him with a smile on my face. “If I am to be the Superman of this world then I need my Lex Luthor. Plus, I want to see your face when everything starts to crumble down around you.”

I healed this old fool’s injuries and dragged him with me.

“I want you to show me where all your weapons are,” I told him.

“I-I don’t...” before he could finish I interrupted him and told him, “Don’t lie to me.”

After a few minutes of walking around the base, we finally reached where over 100 weapons were and with a confident look on his face, he said: “Meet your family.”

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