《New Life》Chapter 9 - Home Sweet Home - Part 1


Arc 3 - Home Sweet Home - Part 1

I remember seeing my biological mother explode in front of me and after that, I don’t remember what happened. Since then, it has been nothing but darkness and my dreams or nightmares. I woke up only to find out that I am in with water in it. I have an oxygen mask to my face, which I am pretty sure I do not need. As I open my eyes fully, I cannot really see where I am. The liquid is too thick and the colours did not match that of water. So, I decided that I should analyse the liquid that is surrounding me. I found out that the liquid is made out of hundreds of different chemicals, that can kill a human in mere seconds but I am not a mere human, am I?

As started to move around, I found out that I am in a massive cylinder like a lab rat. I decided that I shall use a power I call X-Ray vision to see what's out there. To my surprise, I could not see anything, so I looked at my hand to see if this power of mine was still working. I moved around a little bit and the liquid chemicals started to reduce in the cylinder. As the liquid started to lower down, it stopped just right below my neck. I could not see what was outside. I saw many people wearing lab coats but one person was wearing a suit.

The old man wearing the suit came closing in and said, “Ah, you are finally awake!”

“Who are you?” But I don’t think he heard me.

“Oh yeah, that’s right, we cannot hear you.” He continued to look behind him and ask another member of the lab, “Turn on the microphone for our guest, please!”


“Who are you?” I asked immediately.

“My name is… I shall keep that a secret.” He smiled and continued, “We are ANTF. That stands for ‘ANTI-NAZAR TASK FORCE’. We are the only people on this planet who can dispose of you.”

“So, I will cut to the chase, what do you want with me?” I asked him.

“You see, you were the first human being to be ever born with superpowers. So, your parents, a fellow scientists decided that you would be well suited for improving the science of this era.” He continued to tell my tale. Some of which I know from the memories I stole from my biological mother but I want to learn some more and it will also be good to not tell them about some of my powers. “They brought you in here and started examining you. You were not an alien or anything but just a mere human who is the next step of our evolution. We decided to experiment on you and train you, so you could become a weapon for the UN. Sure, the UN looks like a peacekeeping organisation on the outside, but they do require weapons sometime too. Let’s just say, if North Korea were to go rogue, you were our weapon. After doing some experiments, we placed different forms of nanites into your system as form of countermeasure and using your DNA, we also created other forms of superhumans, like your parents to fight you if it was needed. After five years, a member of our team removed your memories and took you with her. She took you England to live with someone she knew but she never told anyone about you or the experiment. Before she escaped with you, she disabled your powers too, so we won’t be able to track you. No matter how much we tortured her, she never told us anything. We used the data collected while you were here and created a few hundred superhumans like your parents. We put them in stasis and kept waiting for you to manifest your powers.”


So, they tracked me because of the nanites, not because of my energy signature? Good to know.

“My powers manifested in January, why did you not attack when you had the chance?” I asked him. “You could have easily killed me when I did not know about my powers.”

“We had a little shakeup in the management at the UN. They did not want you to be used as a weapon or to eliminate you. But we took care of them.” He replied.

“Why did you attack the cities instead of attacking me, when you knew exactly where I was?” I asked him.

“We wanted to show the world that there is something that is even more powerful than you.” He replied. “However, they were just supposed to protect people not kill them, so the whole ‘killing the city’ thing was a bluff. Something went wrong with your father but we are investigating it.”

“So, what do the nanites do?” I asked him, but he ignored me at first, so I continued asking until he answered.

“They are used to track you and your power levels.” He finally replied. “They also sent us a data about what kind of powers you have. These nanites are specifically created for your powers, so when you were away, we could not track you because you didn’t have your powers. These nanites can also be used to destroy your inner organs, like your brain if we want it to.”

“You are giving me more information than you should,” I told him. “So, what kind of powers do you think I have?”

“I am giving you this information because you are never leaving this place."He said. "So far, we know of these powers: telepathy, telekinesis, healing factor, healing others, matter manipulation, energy manipulation, speed, strength, technopathy, flight and teleportation.”

“Spot on the list,” I told him. “But do you really think that these chemicals and this glass cylinder will hold me?”

He smiled and said, “These chemicals are keeping your healing factor busy.” I already knew that. “This glass cylinder is another of our biggest weapon against you. This glass cylinder can withstand any power your throw at it. Try punching it.” I did and it did not break. What is it made off? He continued “It can allow you to use your powers within the cylinder but it will never reach the outside world. It can only be broken from outside and no one is going to help you, because they are all also equipped with nanites and if they try to release you, they will die instantly. So, you cannot help yourself because this glass can hold anything you throw at it and if you use a power like telepathy, it will not reach anyone here. Goodbye and welcome to your home.” As he said that, he left the room and the water started to move up again. I could no longer see anything again.

Well, I guess this is my home now...

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