《New Life》Chapter 7 - Beautiful Day Part 2


Arc 2 - Beautiful Day - Part 2

After finding out that an entire city has been destroyed because of me, it was hard to take in. I was in shock and could not even think properly. Why in the world would anyone do this? And how did he know my name? I never slowed down for anyone to see me, so how did they know about me?

After sitting there for hours thinking about what happened, I decided to put my fear away and visit the ‘Dead City’ as it has been dubbed by everyone in media. I have never seen a dead body in real life and to see millions of people perish on a live video was even harder to see.

I left my base and flew as fast as I could.


(Rescuer team member’s point of view)

I have been part of the rescue team for a long time. I have seen disasters happen that has killed thousands and have seen people die in front of me, but this? This is something else.

Yesterday in the afternoon a middle-aged man appeared out of nowhere and started broadcasting a message on many different news channels across the world. This man wanted to challenge someone who goes by the name ‘Nazar’. Someone who he thinks is extremely powerful. Whoever he is, I hope he is happy that he is responsible for the death of millions.

After hours of searching for survivors, we finally found a little girl with no legs sitting there crying over the dead bodies of her family. She was saying, “Mommy! Daddy!” over and over again. We went to her and moved her away from there. Before we could do that, there was a sound above us. We all got scared and looked up and started to run away. The sound was so terrifying and loud that it felt like the sky cracked open. As we looked up something was coming our way extremely fast.


Whatever it was, it landed and we thought we were going to die again. As soon as it hit the ground, shockwaves were sent across for miles and people lost balance and fell over. We all fell over on the ground and when the dust settled, there was a man standing over and looking around. He moved extremely fast and touched some people, who were fine after he touched them. He also touched the girl, who was fully healed after he touched her.

After ‘healing’ a few people, he just stood there and within his hands, he created something and hit it as hard as he could on the ground. There was light moving around us for miles.

After a while he left back as fast as he could and there was another massive sonic boom. As soon as he left, some people stood and were able to move.

What on Earth is he? Is this the one the other guy was looking for?


I flew as fast as I could and landed in the middle of the city. There were rescue team members very close to me. I looked around for survivors but there weren’t many. Probably a few thousand at best. I moved around as fast as I could and healing everyone to their fullest. They were able to walk and move properly.

After a while, I found out this method is not as effective as I think it is, so I decided to push my power beyond its limits. I have never healed more than one person at once, so I think it was best that I should test out the limit of this power now. I tried creating a bolt of energy which will be able to heal everyone for hundreds of miles and they will be free from any form of radiation which they might have within them from the blast.


I tried many times to create the bolt but I failed, so I push all of my energies into one power and the energy bolt was big enough for the city and its surrounding areas. Once the energy bolt was created, I placed on the ground as hard as I could and push my energies beyond the limits. This energy that is being spread across the city, will find anyone who is still alive. When the energy reaches them, I can push my powers and heal all of them. The energy will connect everyone with me.

Once I was connected to every, I was able to heal all of them and they were able to move. Physical injuries I can heal for them but there are other forms of injuries that no one can heal, except maybe time.

Once I was over with the healing, I went back to my base and wired myself to the computers in there. I pushed my technopathy beyond its limits and was able to connect to every electrical device in the whole world. However, I found no information about anything that could help me.

Maybe they are doing everything in analogue. This might be very hard to find. While thinking about how to find them, I decided I will follow on their energy trail. Every person has their own form of energy that surrounds them, it is called ‘Aura’. I went back into the Dead City and analysed the entire city for different forms of energy. Most people’s aura is quite similar to one another, but some of them have a very different one. For example, the man who blew himself up must have other forms of energies hidden within him, which can be tracked.

Once I finished analysing the energy signatures and aura around me, I found that there were a few unknown energy signatures which I did not know about and there was nothing to be found about the composition of it on the internet.

So, I decided that might be his energy signatures, and tried to follow it. I traced the energy back to multiples sources but it was very faint. I could not tell which one he came from. Some of them were oil plants, factories, etc. The trail got lost around the Atlantic ocean. And the other trailer got lost somewhere in the Middle East. Other trails went to China, USA, Germany, UK, etc. It was scattered across the world.

So, I decided to go back to my base and analyse my findings to narrow it down. Once I got to my base, wired myself into the computers, I started analysing the data. But I also wanted to keep an eye on the TV to see if anything similar would happen. To my surprise, after midnight another video was being shown by every TV channel I was keeping an eye on and it was also all over the web.

The video started with the landscape of the city is shown and then zooming in on a middle-aged woman. The city they chose this time was London. The video starts with here saying, “Our last test was a failure, you did not show yourself. I want to challenge you and if you don’t show up again, this city will be gone too.”

The rest of the video was just her babbling about how she will kill everyone if I don’t show up.

I had no choice but to confront her and do it fast...

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