《New Life》Chapter 4 - Origin Part 4


Arc 1 - Origin - Part 4

“OH, MY GOD! I CAN TELEPORT!” I keep repeating this over and over again.

“So, to teleport, I just need to imagine a place in my head?” I asked myself this question. “Well, let's prove this theory right or wrong. Hopefully, it's right.”

To start off, I will imagine a place which I am very familiar with. My home. Imaging the place just like that did not do anything. So, I started imagining the place in different ways. After a few failed tries, I finally managed to teleport. All I had to do was focus on one place and will myself to be there. Easy.

I was back at home, but I did not want to stay here because I am not about throw away the best opportunity for my training. I went back to the desert, not sure if it is the same one though.

Back in the desert, I started testing my other powers. I took off my shirt and ripped in in half (I have super strength too). Place half of the shirt in one place and a half in another, and all I had to do was run in between the distance to see how fast I was.

After one lap, I shouted, “I AM FAST!” After a while, I wanted to time myself, but I did not have a phone with me. I could teleport back and bring my phone with me, but it is out of charge, so it is pointless.

Then I decided to check out some of my other powers, such as telekinesis. To start off, I wanted to leap as high as possible and would use my telekinesis to stop myself from dropping at a fast speed towards the ground. But before I do that, I needed to make sure that I could use the power effectively.

So, I started with moving small rocks from one place to another. Piece of cake, right? After each test, I tried moving bigger rocks close by to see how much I could lift. I managed to pick up a massive rock that was the size of a small desk but could barely keep it up for more than 30 seconds. How do I know this? Well, I counted up to 30 and decided it was 30 seconds.

Before I knew it, it was already morning. I decided that I am not going to college today and I will practice these powers for as long as I can. I started with running across the desert. I could move in a single line easily but was not very agile. It is very hot in the desert but when you are moving as fast as me (no idea how fast that really is), you can feel the wind on your face. The mix of cold wind and hot sun makes the perfect weather. For the rest of the day, I tried to float using my telekinesis.


By midnight, I was able to float just above the ground. So, I went home and got my phone with me this time. I wanted to use it to measure some of my powers, like how fast I was. So, to start the night training, I wanted to leap as high as possible and let myself fall and during the fall, I wanted to make sure to use my telekinesis to make myself float and stop myself from hitting the ground in high-speed fall.

So, I started with my biggest leap and that was like 10 meters high. I let myself fall and tried to make myself afloat in the midair, but failed. I hit the ground thinking I would die or will have broken bones, but to my surprise, there was not even a scratch on me.

After nights of trying to control my telekinesis, I finally managed to make myself afloat in midair when leaping. After a few nights, I felt like I could leap as high as 100 meters.

“HOLY MOLEY!” I shouted. “I AM FLOATIIIINNNNGGG…” I lost concentration in midair and started to fall. I was trying to concentrate to take control of my body using telekinesis, I could not do it in time. I was about to hit the ground upside down, but before I did, I stopped just above the ground.

“Eh? How…?” before I could finish, I fell to the ground. And at that moment I knew, that I could fly. How did I know it was not my telekinesis? Well, if it was telekinesis, then I would feel something around my whole body, like a wall keeping in one place but this was different. As soon as I found that out, I tried to learn how to fly and forget every other power.


(Two months later)

After a month of training to control my flight, I finally managed to make myself afloat in midair while not using telekinesis. But flying was much harder to achieve. I tried to fly once but could not keep balanced.

During these two months, I had to go to school and keep my attendance, as well as finish all the assignment they set for me. Man, I have not even watched or read anything in the last few weeks. But life is starting to get fun without anime, comics and manga.

After the first few weeks of learning I could fly, I learnt to fly for a short distance but I was slower than a turtle while flying and lost control extremely quickly.


After weeks of training, today, 3rd of March 2018 was the first day, when I was able to actually fly and speed up when flying. Flight is possibly the best superpower anyone can have.

To start off my first flight, I started to float just a few meters above the ground. As soon as I started floating, I felt the cold breeze on my face. It felt amazing. Before this, the reason I could not feel it on my face was that I always used my telekinesis to help me with flight and using telekinesis means there is always a wall surrounding you. So, it felt amazing doing this without the help of telekinesis.

Learning flight in real life is so much different than it is in comics or other fictional materials. For example, they learn to fly as soon as they discover their power but it took me months. The way I learned to fly and speed up during the flight was much different than what fictional characters probably did. I started with floating first, as it helped me balance myself in the air and after that, I started to keep myself at a balance while moving in different ways and positions. For example, moving while standing up like you are on the ground is much easier than flying while using lying down position to fly as it is much harder to balance yourself. To start with flight, I would imagine being weightless and the wind would pick me up and over time this imagery helped a lot. I used different positions before learning to speed up while flying. As for speed, I would imagine a jetpack helping me, and usually, for the boost, I would use my telekinesis. But this is my first time flying without any help, such as telekinesis.

Floating in the mid-air, I started to increase the distance between the ground and me. I started going up for a bit and then stopped at once. A looked to different directions and chose the go east. While being mid-air, I started to gain speed but just stood there before letting myself fly off.

Once I was in midair, I got high enough that I could see the whole surrounding area and it looked beautiful. I started to get speed while standing still. Let’s say it's like a car. You can push down simultaneously with the breaks, so it won’t move but its gaining speed. Once you let go of the breaks, you can see that the car is moving extremely fast. I did the exact same thing here but not too fast. As I sped up, different emotions came pouring in.

As long as I can remember, in my life, I shut down my emotions in any way I could as I always saw it nothing but a distraction and it can cloud your judgment. But today, it was different. I let all of my emotions consume me and was finally able to feel what fear, excitement, joy, etc. in real life were.

As I sped up, I saw different landscapes below me and I keep increasing my speed. While flying, I kept shouting “WOOHOO,” over and over again. While shouting that, I had a massive smile on my face. I have never felt this happy before, it was a life-changing event.

During my flight, I was able to move faster than the speed of sound, and hearing the sound barrier break-in point blank is scary but it is also exciting. I flew above many different countries, saw sights in bird view, I never thought I would see. I never wanted for this to end. Going between cold and hot weather, the cold and warm breeze on your face feels like you are in heaven.

I kept flying till dawn and by the time it was dawn, I found myself in Australia. I sat on top of a mountain, which I later found out to be called Mount Coonowrin. Sitting on top of that and looking at the sunrise was the best thing ever. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. I sat there for an hour or so before leaving back for London.

Now flight has been mastered, time to move on to other powers.

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