《New Life》Chapter 3 - Origin Part 3


Arc 1 - Origin - Part 3

As each day passed, my powers grow stronger and new powers started to appear. At first, I thought it was just changed my physiology and mind but I learnt that I had other powers too. After few days of the ‘incident’, as I have come to call it, I talked to my friend and showed her my new form. She was surprised, as expected.

I touched a button on my chest and the hologram started to wear off and my new form started to show itself.

“GASP!” That's the only thing came out of her mouth. For a minute or so, she could not really talk. So, I pressed the button again on my chest to turn on the hologram so no one else can see us in the college corridor.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her after a while.

“Everything!” She replied abruptly. “I have so many questions...” I interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

“I am sure you do,” I told her. “Come to the park and I will tell you everything, okay?”

I left for my class and she left for her class. The classes went as slow as every single day and as boring as every single day. But after 7 dreadful hours, the classes were over. As I left my class, I saw her and I waved at her but she did not notice. So, I shouted her name, “Emily!” She finally noticed and came this way.

“So, you still want to know more?” I asked her.

“Yes!” She replied immediately.

“Okay, but if things do not make sense for you, then it's not my problem,” I warned her.

After a journey on the bus, we reached the park and then we sat on a bench because standing up is tiresome.


“So, how long has it been since the change?” She asked quickly.

“About a week,” I replied.

“And why am I finding this now?” She asked after a little while.

At first, I hesitated to answer but I had to say something. So, I replied with, “I don’t know, it was a lot for me to take in too.” However, I did not want to tell her because I wanted to make sure everything was alright with me and well, at first I did not want to tell her and keep it a secret forever.

“So, how does your hologram works?” She asked while touching the button on my chest which I set up there to turn on or turn off the hologram.

“Well, it's kind of hard to explain but it is not really a typical hologram,” I replied while thinking about how to explain something that I don’t fully understand. “It makes sure that I can feel it when it is touched and responds to what I am thinking. Also, the ‘illusion’ is material, so if someone were to touch it, they could not tell that it is a hologram.”

“No idea what you mean by it but I think I get it.” She said this to me as soon as I finished explaining. “So, what other powers do you have?”

“Well, so far I have ‘super hearing’, can move very fast, telekinesis, telepathy, and a few others,” I replied to her question. “However, I have not practised using any of these powers as of yet.”

We sat there for about an hour talking about my powers and me coming up with many excuses as to why I did not tell her sooner. We parted away and the rest of the day was completely normal for me.



(From Emily’s point of view)

“What the hell?” I muttered these words to myself as soon as I saw the change.

How on Earth can something like this even happen?

I had many lessons which needed me fully focused but for the whole day, I could not think of anything else. The change that has occurred is definitely not natural.

Any time I was free during the day, I researched online about it and the only results I got was about fictional characters. Of course, it was expected because something like this has never occurred before but I was looking for an explanation of what has happened.

The day was finally over and we started the journey to a park close to our home. I started thinking about which kind of questions to ask. But the one thing I could not stop thinking about was why he did not tell me sooner. We have been friends for as long as I can remember and he would not tell me?

After we reached the park, I asked him, “So, how long has it been since the change?” and he replied with “About a week.” Seriously, he did not tell me. I mean he always wanted to keep everything to himself but he changed over the course of last 2 years, so it did not make sense for him to keep it from me.

We talked about what powers he has but I could not think of any other questions to ask him. After a while, we both left for our homes and I could not think of anything else. I have homework to finish but I could not focus.

The night was over and I still had too much in mind. I went to school only to find out that Nazar is not here today. I called him and it said that his phone was out of reach.

What the hell is going on?


It was getting late, so I went to my bed to sleep, but I could not sleep at all because I could hear everything for miles and I could ever ‘hear’ what other people were thinking. It was getting too much, so I wanted to escape and go to a very quiet location.

The voices became unbearable, so I imagined the Sahara Desert as there is nothing for miles and closed my eyes. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was in the freaking Sahara Desert or maybe something similar.

“OH, MY GOD! I CAN TELEPORT!” I shouted these a few times.

I could go back, but it was the perfect opportunity for me to find out what other powers I had.

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